HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-31PLANNING BOARD MEETIM Monday, January 31, 1955 ' Grindle, Snow, Stevens Present: Adams, Hathaway, Irwin, Jaquith, Ripley - Meeting opened at 7:50 o'clock. The record of the previous meeting was read and approved. Board of Selectmen , Mr. Haskell Reed, reporting for the Board of Selectmen, stated that the Board felt it would be better to hold from the forthcoming Town Meet- ing the articles on the municipal parking area betw®en-Waltham and P.wzey streets, and the new road from Bedford St. to Hastings Park. The Selectmen felt that they needed more time for hearings and in which to properly pre- pare presentation data. Mr. Reed further stated there probably would be a Special Town Meeting scheduled in May at which time the Selectmen.felt the information relative to these articles would be in proper form. Busa A public hearing was held at 8 o'clock relative to an application by Antonio Busa to approve a subdivision plan whereby a lot having an area of about 61,633 sq. ft. is created at a distance approximately 350 ft. from Lowell St. and an easement established from Lowell St. to said lot. The Boston Edison Co. proposes to build a distribution substation on the lot. Mr. Joseph B. Pellegrino,- District Manager of Boston Edison Co, represented the petitioner, and seven other citizens were present. Mr. Pellegrino explained that the Mixes which would provide power to the sub- station would be installed underground to the station from Lowell St, and then out again on poles, using the regular system on Lowell St. Construc- tion would consist of a bank of switches and one or two transformers set on piers on a concrete foundation, this entire installation being enclosed with a 10 ft. wire fence. When asked if all the wires could be run under- ground., Mr. Pellegrino replied that although it could be done it was not desirable to do so from the Edison standpoint. It was pointed out there were already poles along the easement. Mr. Pickering of 9 Summer St. asked what, if any, effect there would be upon television reception and Nr. Pellegrino assured him that there would be no ill effects, that the picture would be clearer if arUthing because there would be a greater and more even flow of power. He stated it was improperly operated motors which created trouble and that no motors were involved here. At a later date project plans will be submitted to the town engineer for approval, including loca- tion of underground installation. It is proposed to add more transformers as the need arises with the growth of population. A letter was read from the M. D. C. stating that they had no objection to the proposed Use pro- vided the substation plan was amended by adding tie-in data locating the M. D. C. sewer easement in the northwest -corner of the proposed company lot. The Edison Company has already complied with this request. Those wishing to be recorded in favor were Daniel and Alfred Busa, Mrs. Vivien Reed and Mr. Haskell W. Reed. There were none opposed. Bills Louise M. Baker, secretarial service Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 0 $5, c $25.00; postage, hearing on Busa, $0.72, total $25.72. Foto-Beam,Inc., ' 1 lettering angle, $1.54. Unanimously voted the bills be paid. Seabury Mr. Mortimer A. Seabury Jr., Mr. John Groden, attorney, and Mr. Eduard Henri Bullerjahn, architect, appeared with petition signed by 103 citizens asking for change in zoning from R-1 to A-1 of Land between Marrett Road, Route 128 and Massachusetts Ave. on which it is proposed to build a roadside hotel. A fee of $30.00 was paid, any additional expense to be billed them. The date for hearing was set for Thursday, February 17, 1955, 8:00 o'clock in Estabrook Hall. Cary Estate Mr. Spinelli appeared for advice as to next procedure on his plan for Cary Estate. Was advised that this plan had been tentatively approved and he should bring in the necessary plans and forms for the next section he wished to develop, for definitive approval. Tee wilt, Inc. Mr. Charles Brown and Mr. Nylander appeared for Techbuilt, Ine.:for informal discussion on plan dated Jana 29, 1955, Milier & Nylander, D.E.s land formerly known as Corrigan property and bounded in part by Robinson Road and Route 128. ' Crosby Road It was the feeling of the Planning Board that it would be desirable for the Town to purchase the two remaining lots on Crosby Road. It was decided to invite both Mr. Paul Palmer and Mr. Robert Hunter to meet with the Board for further discussion at their meeting on Monday,, Feb. 7, at 8:15 o'clock. Form A 55-7 presented by Marion J. Tan by her attorney John E. Ryan, "Plan oLand in Lexington,, Mass.-, " scale 20', Sept. 29, 7951, Miller & Nylan- der, C.E.'s. Form A 55-8 presented by Harriet M. Trenholm, by John E. Trenholm, Legal uZ�ar an, ' ng on, an of Land in Lexiss., scale 1 in. = 40', Jan. 24, 1955, Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor. Form A 55-6 presented by Tower Estates Trust, Tyler & Wolfe, Trustees, "Plan of Land in teoxington, Mass.,"scale If' • , Jun; 30, 1951, Everett M. Brooks, C.E. Form A 554presented by John C. Driscoll "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass., sc e • 01, Nov. 23, 19 er nder, C.E.Is. orm A.9 4.11., presented by First Co tional SocietZ in 12xi ton, Norman T. May.,"Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass., scale " = 4W., Jan. 24, L955.v Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s ' Form A 55-10 presented by Irene B. Graziano, "Plan of Land in Arlington and Lexington, scale 20' • 1", January 31., 1955.4 Kenneth B. Oates, Engineer. t Form A 55-12, presented by DeVries Construction Co. Inc., "Subdivision Plan of Part of Sun Valley, Lexington, Mass., Owned by DeVries Construc- tion Co., Inc.," scale a 10t ,January 21, 1955, Kenneth 13. C.E . On motion of Mr. Ripley, seconded by Mr. Irwin, it was unanimously VOTED: all above plans be signed bearing the endorsement "Lexington Planning Board approval not required under subdivision con- trol law." Action on petition for recreation area in Grove St. area, signed by John E. Ward and others, deferred for further study. 1 lmb 1 Meeting adjourned at 11:10 o'clock. Wilbur M. Jaquith, Clerk