HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-12-27PLAVaNG BOARD i WrM ' Monday, December 27,195. Present: Adams, Hathaway, Irwin, Jaquith, Ripley - Show, Stevens, Burns. Meeting opened at 7:50 o'clock. Bills Bills presented as follows- George Ndth, artist-suppliea, $13.19. Samuel P. "Snow, postage and miscellaneous, $4.79. Unanimously voted the bills be paid. Short Dr. Leonard Short appeared f6r inforMl discussion res proposed change of zone of lard on Waltham Street abutting -bueiness zone in Waltham. Wishecl to rezone from R-1 to C-1. The proper procedure for him to follow was out- lined. Spinelli Mr. Spinelli appeared res his plan of -Cary Estate.. Since the plan was not clear to the Board,'he was told to discuss the matter with Mr: Burns and to bring back a sketch showing further study for sewer connection. ' Sun Valley - Mr. George DeVries'appeared with Form C ant -all necessary require meats for definitive approval of Sun Valley, Section III, dated'Dec: 21,-195,4 Kenneth B. Oates, C.E. Name of new street to be -Fiske-Street". There are no abuttors to this development'other than DeVries-Construction Co. Moved by Mr. Hathaway, seconded by Mr. Irwin and unanimously VOTED: Date for public hearing on Sun"Valloy, Section III, be set for Monday, January 10, at 8 p.m. Discussion followed on suggested studies for Master Plan. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 o'clock. Wilbur M. Jagvit , Clerk I lmb ' PLANNING BOARD REPORT 1954 December 31,1954 To the Honorable Board of Selectmen, Lexington, Massachusetts Gentlemen: - As has been customary in the past, the Board's report for this year again begins with a statistical record. Regular and Special Meetings 47 Conference re: Manges in Zoning 11 With citizens 19 TM consultants 10 developers 52 '.� other Boards 12 Determinations of Planning Board juris- diction (under Subdivision.Control Law) No. of Applications Processed. 79 Public Hearings - Subdivisions 9 Zoning 2 A comparison of these figures with those of last year perhaps may give the impression that 1954 has seen a slackening in Planning Board ac- tivities. Just the opposite is true, however. The actual total time neces- sary in meetings to complete administrative work increased a little over 16 percent from that of the previous year. Some of this time can be attributed to the additional burden thrust upon the Board this past year by the Middlesex Registry of Deeds which re- quires that all recorded plans of land not constituting a subdivision must have the endorsement of a planning board below the statement, "Approval not required under Subdivision Control Law." Before writing such an endorse- ment, the Board makes an examination of each plan which is filed with an application for a determination of planning board jurisdiction and compares the plan with adjacent properties and previously recorded plats. With a few exceptim s most of the applications processed were not subdivisions as de- fined by the State enabling legislation. As the town has continued to grow at a rapid pace, the problems in connection with each proposed new development have also increased, making it necessary for the Board to spend much more time than in the past studying the relationship of these new subdivisions to public utilities and other elements of the town. This work demands considerable more time than the members of the Board and appointed Town Officers are able to devote to these matters without neglecting other duties. The Board was pleased, there- fore, when the Town voted to appropriate funds for the hiring of a staff man on a continuing basis to assist the Board in handling these technical matters and in helping prepare an overall development plan for Lexington. , A staff man has been employed by the Board since the first of Sep- tember and has enabled the Board to keep up-to-date with its increased administrative work load, revise plans for an additional municipal park- ing area, and prepare an outline for the study and preparation of a long- range development plan for the Town. The Board is now examining this outline in detail and is prepared to move forward in 1955 on a broad scale planning program covering all phases of community development. The Board wishes again to express its indebtedness and thanks to the Town Counsel, Mr. Harold Stevens, and the Town Engineer and Superin- tendent of Public Works, Mr. William'Burns, for their continued interest and support of the Board in its work. It is hoped that the citizens of the Town will also maintain such fine co-operation with the Board, sup- porting and assisting in carrying on its program. LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD i Alan G. Arl Chairman Thomas S. a �� s