HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-11-29PLANNING BOARD MEETING Monday, November 29,1954 Present: Adams, Grindle, Hathaway, Irwin, Jaquith, Ripley - Stevens, Barns Meeting opened at 7:45 o'clock. Form A presented by Bettina H. and Max H. Straw, "Plan of land in LexingtOns sates. dated November 20, 195;4, Miller & Nylander. Moved by Mr. Irwins seconded by Mr. Orindle and unanimously voted that the plan be signed bearing the endorsement "Approval of Lexington Planning Board not required under Subdivision Control Law." Bill Bill presented'by Louise M. Bakers secretarial service Nov,l, 8s 15, 23, 29 @ $5.00, $25.00, Unanimously voted the bill be paid. Manhattan Builders Mr, Ernest Giroux and Mr. George Matheson, Jr., 11 Hent Road, re- presenting Manhattan Builders appeared for informal discussion re: build- ing they intended to erect at 45-49 Waltham St*, particularly in relation to the parking space since this is a part of the over-all plan for public parking area. Mr. Matheson intends to erect an arcade type building of two stories with four stares on first floor and professional offices on 2nd floor. Mr. Matheson is willing to cooperate fully with the Board but wants to know plans of Tmm since he expects to start building in early spring. Tech -Built Homes Mr. Win Caouette, Mr, Win Caoaette Jr., Mr. Nyiander and Mr. Al- fred W. Douglass, 107 Beach St,, Manchester, Mass. 'appeared representing Tech -Built Homes for informal discussion on study; plan of land originally of Puritan Homes, Fred Joyce, C.E.s located at Grove and Winter Sts. This was originally planned for 125 ft, lots and has been restudied for present tot Mr* Snow l size would consult* There are �furtherveral �ions of withMr. Nylander� drainage restudy be it was brought back. Cary Estate Mir. Spinelli appeared for discussion re: his plan of Cary Estate, dated June 12, 1953, Mr. Spinelli asked if he might have a number of lots tested by Whitman & Howard and use their report for purpose of building. Mr. Spinelli feels it is unreasonable to request a sewer for the particu- lar area he desires to build upon next. He was informed that it is the general principle of the Board to insist on serer when sever is availatle, ' and the Board feels that in this instance it is available. However, Nr. Spinelli was asked to bring in plans and profiles and if these show that it would be unreasonable to sewer, the Board would duly consider the situ- ation. Mr. Burns later confirmed the fact that the area definitely should be sewered and that Mr. Spinelli had been so told. Budget at: The budget for 1955 was discuSeed and the following figures arrived pees Association dues $50,00 Advertising 200,00 Professim:al services 1000:00 Equipment 500;00 Clerk 400,00 Postage and supplies 125.00 Maps, prints, etc. 200.00 Repainting zoning by-laws 500.00 Preparation of Comprehensive (Master) plan for town 2=400 $3975.0© ccs F. �l • Snow $7000.00 It was also decided to ask for a special article in Annual Town Meeting warrant for $2500.00 for refision of existing $OO'and 400 scale town base maps, including lot lines, maps After discussion, it was mored by Mro arindle, seconded by Mr. Irwin and unanimously VOTEDs That Mr. Spar be authorized to have made two phot©graphia bromide enlargements from v.S.G.S. sheets for 400 and -800 scale topographic base maps for Lexington Master plan. Meeting adjourned at 11:50 otclock. Wilbur �Jaquith Clerk KMZ 17, L 1