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Monday, Nov. 9, 1953
Present: Hathaway, Grindle, Irwin, Potter, Ripley - Stevens, Burns.
Meeting opened at 7:45 o'clock. In the absence of Mr. Adams,
Mr. Hathaway was elected chairman.
Bills presented by Rita McNamara, typing agreements, $4.00,
Adams Press, advertising Carrig and Universal hearings, Nov. 4 and 12,
$11.25. Unanimously voted the bills be paid.
Robinson Hill
Mr. Burns presented a copy of the fifteen questions to be an-
swered or items to be completed which had been forwarded to Lexington
Construction Co.
Letter read from Mr. Swift, lawyer for several residents on
Stratham road, questioning right of Lexington Construction Co. to build
proposed Robinson road. This letter turned over to Mr. Stevens, Town
Counsel, for his advice.
' Moved by Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Grindle, that Robinson Hill
plans be rejected on basis of 15 objections presented by Mr. Burns and
that Mr. Newgent be so notified. Unanimously voted.
Pleasant Associates
Mr. DeVries appeared for answer on Pleasant Associates status and
presenting new set of plans showing all lots connected to sewer. He was
advised to retain these plans until an answer was forthcoming on the
original problem, Mr. Stevens having been unable to unravel it up to the
present time.
Mr. William Potter presented plan showing lot plans of Land Case
#15980, Grove street, dated Sept. 24, 1953 in accordance with new statute
which requires Planning Board signature signifying approval not required.
This the Board signed.
New England Tel. & Tel.
Some discussion re: request to Board of Appeals from R.E.Tel. &
Tel. Co. for permission to build on Woodbine property on Waltham at. It
was the feeling of the Board that this would disrupt the business and
parking pians in mind for the future already discussed by the Board, and
' that they should go on record with the Board of Appeals as being opposed
to this action.
It was moved by Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Irwin, that Mr. Burns
be authorized to designate someone to secure options for Eldred St., ex-
penses not to exceed $25 each option. So voted.
Mr. Silva and Mr. John Rodes of Shade street appeared with plans
for proposed subdivision of land on Sunnyknoll Terrace comprised of three
lots, plans of Minute Man Engineering Co. for which he wished tentative
approval. These plans did not fulfill the requirements and he was advised
to furnish another copy of plan and profile to present Tuesday, Nov.17.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 o'clock.
1449..W�� -
Thomas S. Grindle
Notice is hereby. given that a public hear.
Ing will be held by the Lexington Plan.
ning Board on Monday, November. 10,
1953 at 8:00 P.M. in Cary Memorial Hall
to consider the following proposal to
amend the Zoning By -Law.
Alan G. Adams, Chairman
Proposed Amendment to the
Zoning By -Law
A. By striking out paragraphs (a) 1 and
(a) 2 of Section 8 and inserting in
i. place thereof the following paragraphs
(a) 1 and (a) 2:
(a) R 1' and R 2 Districts.
I. Except as hereinafter provided,
in R 1 and R 2 districts there
shall be provided:
a. For each dwelling or other
Permitted principal building
erected after the adoption
Of this amendment to this
'., By -Law in R 1 districts sit_
unted outside of the area
described in Section 8 (a)
1 b., a lot containing an
area of not less than 40,000
c square feet and a frontage
of not less than 150 feet
Upon the frontage street.
b. For each dwelling or other
Permitted principal building
erected in any R 2 districts
and in R 1 districts situated
within the following des-
cribed area, a lot contain-
ing an area of not leas than
16,500 squat•e feet and a
frontage of not less than
125 feet upon the frontage
street. Said area is bounded
and described as follows:
the area within the follow-
ing described lines: begin-
ning at the Aline, thence
ington town line, thence
along the Cambridge -Concord
Highway to Wellington Lane
Avenue, thence along Wel-
lington Lane Avenue to
Meadow Brook A v e n u e,
thence along Meadow Brook
Avenue to Moreland Avenue,
thence along Moreland Ave-
• nue to a point opposite the
southeasterly 'end of Ruck-
man Drive, thence to the
southeasterly end of Bock -
man Drive and along Buck-
man Drive to Locust Ave-
nue, thence along Locust
Avenue to Pullen Road,
thence along Pollen Road to
Marrett Road, thence along
Marrett Road to Stedman
Road, thence along Stedman
Road to Brookside Avenue,
thence along Brookside Ave-
. nue to Waltham Street,
thence along Waltham Street
to Bridge Street, thence
- along Bridge Street to Pay-
SOD Street, thence along Pay-
son Street to Grassland
Street, thence along Grass-
land Street to Winston Road,
thence along Winston Road
to Hudson Road, thence
along Hudson Road to Marl -
born Road, thence along
Marlboro Road to Wcod-
cliffe Road, thence along
Wcodcliffe Road to Spring
Street, thence along Spring
®Fest .to
thence Along -Shade Street "
to Weston Street thence
e n
along Weston Street to Liu-
coln Street, thence along
Lincoln Street to the North-
ern Circumferential High-
way to Grove Street, thence
along Grove Street to Bun
lington Street, thence along
Burlington Street to Han-
cock Street, thence- along
Hancock Street to Coolidge
Avenue, thence along Cool-
idge Avenue to Adams'
Street, thence along Adams
Street to Woodland Road,
thence along Woodland Road'.
to Colony Road, thence along.
Colony Road to Grant Street,
thence along Grant Street
to Hayes Lane, thence along
Hayes Lane to Woburn
Street at the Boston and
Maine Railroad, thence along
the Boston and Maine. Rail-
road to the northwesterly
line of the private way lead-
ing to the East Lexington
Depot, thence in a straight
line to the southwesterly end
of Bartlett Avenue at Mun-
roe Brook,, thence- along
Bartlett Avenue to Lowell
Street, thence. along Lowell
Street to Summer Street,
thence along Summer Street
to the Arlington -Lexington
town line, thence along the
Arlington -Lexington town
line to the point of begin-
C. For each dwelling or other
permitted principal building
and for each accessory build-
ing in R 1 and R 2 districts
there shall be provided:
(1) A front Yard of not less
than 30 feet in depth on
the frontage street and a.
front Yard of not leas
than 20 feet in depth on
each other street on
which the lot abuts.
(2) A side Yard on each side
of not less than 15 feet
in width.
(3) A roar yard of not less
than 15 feet In depth.
2. The foregoing provisions in Sea
tion 8 (a) 1. as to area, front-
age and side yards only shall
not apply to the following:
a. Any lot lawfully laid out and
recorded by plan or deed
prior to March 17, 1924.
b. Any lot lawfully laid out
and recorded by DI= or
deed on or after March 17, _
1924 and prior to March 18,
1929, provided such lot con-
tains an area of not less
than 5,000 square feet and
a frontage upon the front-
rontage- street of not leas than
5o feet.
c. Any lot lawfully laid out and
recorded by plan or deed on
or after March 18, 1929 and
prior to August 8, 1938, Pro-
vided such lot contains an
area of not leas than 7.600
square feet and a frontage
upon the frontage street of
not less than 75 feet,
d. Any lot lawfully laid out
and recorded by plan or deed
on or after August 8, 1938
and prior to December 4,
1950, provided such lot con.
tains an area of not leas
than 12,500 square feet and
a frontage upon the frontage
street of not less than 100
e. Any lot situated outside the
area described in Section 8
(a) 1 b., lawfully laid out
and recorded by plan or deed
on or after December 4, 1950
and prior to the adoption
of this amendment to this
BY -Law, provided such lot
contains an area of not less
than 15,500 square feet and
a frontage upon the frontage
street of not leas than 126
B, If this amendment or any part hereof
shall be held invalid as to one or more
parcels ortracts of land, this shall not
affect its validity as to other land and
the provisions of theZoning By -Law,
in effect immediately prior. to thendop.
tion of this amendment shall apply to
Mob parcels or tracts of Frond, .