HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-10-01r� PLANNING BOARDMETING Thursday, October 1, 1953 1 Present: Adams, Grindle, Hathaway, Irwin, Potter. Meeting opened at 7:45 o'clock. Plans of Section 3, Minute Mani Highlands, Lawrence Lane, and Lincoln Terrace signed. Hearing - Amendment A public hearing was held at 8 o'clock with regard to Article 14 of Town Warrant which proposes an amendment to the Zoning By-law which proposes an amendment to the Zoning By-law which reads as follows: "To amend paragraph (f) of section 5 of the Zoning By-law dealing with M-1 districts as follows: By striking out in the first part of said para- graph (f) the words "C 1 and C 2" and by inserting after the word OR 1" the word - and; so that said first part of the section will read as fol- lows: "M 1 districts. All buildings and uses that are permitted in R 1 and R 2 districts but subject to any conditions and restrictions set forth therein," and the following: - By inserting a sub -paragraph de- signated "b" under sub -paragraph 2 of said paragraph (f) to read as fol- lows: "b. -All buildings and uses that are permitted in C 1 and C 2 dis- tricts, including those permitted therein by permission from the Board of Appeals, with the exception of liquor stores, which are hereby expressly prohibited." ' There were no persons appearing at the hearing and after due con- sideration the Board voted unanimously to recommend the adoption of this amendment. Bills The following bills were presented: Adams Press, publishing 3 notices of hearings on amendments Sept. 17, 24, $33.75. Louise M. Baker, secretarial service Sept. 14, 21, 30, $15.00. Unanimously voted the bills be paid. Mr. Adams stated he had requested copies of Municipal Planning and Subdivision Control be sent to each member of the Planning Board as well as Air. Stevens and Mr. Burns. It was announced that letters had been mailed to Planning Boards of various neighboring towns requesting copies of their zoning by-laws. Mr. Hathaway volunteered to make a notation of what other towns have done on 40,000 ft. lots. Heim - Amendment A public hearing was held at 8:15 o'clock with regard to Art. 15 on Town Warrant which proposes an amendment.to the 3rd paragraph of Sec. 14 of the Zoning By-law which deals with the Board of Appeals, by insert- ing after the word "thereby" in the next to the last line, the words: - "as they appear on the most recent local tax list" - : so that said third paragraph will read as follows: "The Board of Appeals shall fix a reason- able time for the hearing of any appeal, petition or other matter referred to it and shall give public notice thereof by publishing notice of the C time, place and purpose of the hearing in a local newspaper at least four- ' teen days before said hearing and also mail -a copy of said notice to the petitioner and to the owners of all property deemed by said Board to be affected thereby as they appear on the most recent local tax list at least seven days before said hearing." Two citizens were present and asked questions about the amendment. This amendment is introduced by recommendation of Town Counsel to clarify the procedure of notification of Board of Appeals hearings. After due consideration the Lexington Planning Board recommended adoption of the amendment. Universal Development Co. Mr. Ducharme, Mr. Platine and Mr. Nylander presented plans for tentative approval of Section 2, Adams Estate, extension of Millbrook Rd., plans of Miller & Nylander dated Oct. 1, 1953. The Board felt that be- cause this is a large area in several different ownerships, all or a large part of which may soon be developed, it should be studied as one complete plan and was therefore taken under advisement. Hearing - Amendment A public hearing was held at 8=30 o'clock with regard -to Art. 16 on Town Warrant which proposes an amendment -to Sec. 19 of the Zoning By- 1 law entitled "Amendments" by striking out the second paragraph of said section, which deals with the notice to be given of Planning Board hear- ings on proposed amendments to the By-law, and inserting in place thereof the following second paragraph: Notice stating the time, place and purpose of said hearing shall be given by publication in a local newspaper at least fourteen days before said hearing and, unless in the opinion of the Planning Board the proposed amendment is one of wide application in the Town, by mailing a copy of said notice to the owners of all property deemed by said Board to be affected thereby as they appear on the most recent local tax list at least seven days before said hearing. This amendment is introduced on recommendation of Town Counsel to clarify the procedure of notification of Planning Board hearings. After due consideration the Board recommended the adoption of this amendmnt. Carrig Mr, James Carrig, Mr. Robert Carrig and Mr. Nylander appeared for tentative approval of subdivision at southwest corner of Cambridge -Concord Highway and Watertown street, plans of Miller & Nylander dated Sept. 30, 1953. Plans taken under advisement. Meeting adjourned at 10 o'clock until Tuesday, October 6. Thomas S. Grindle, Clerk