HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-06-01IMinutes of the Lexington Planning Board June 1, 1919 Present: Messrs. Johnson, Ripley, Potter, Adams and Cromwell Parking Areas The Planning Board met with the Selectmen and recommend- ed the construction of a public way between Edison Way and Depot S -quare in conjunction with the establishment of a unified parking area. The Selectmen were very much in favor of this project and gave it their formal endorsement. It was left that the Planning Board would carry the ball ,from now on including putting it through the Town Meeting. 'It was decided that Mr. Johnson would contact the owners of the property or their representatives to see if they were ready to go ahead with the necessary legal steps. If after his investigation it appears that they are ready the procedure would be to ask the Town Counsel to prepare necessary papers. The Planning Board also asked the Selectmen their opinion of converting the lot on Clarke Street next to the library into a parking lot as per a plan which we submitted to them. The Select- men seemed interested in the idea but said they would prefer to ' withhold any approval until the attitude of the library trustees was determined. The inference was that if the library trustees had no objection the Selectmen would favor the project. The Property on Marrett Road The Town owns property on Marrett Road near the old reservoir which someday may be used for a school or fire station. The Planning Board recommended to the Selectmen that the Town acquire the lot between the end of Outlook Drive and Marrett Road wttb:..,theiide -thkt this might either be converted into an extension of Outlook Drive out to Marrett Road or that it might be used simply as a cutoff from the Town property into the Fair Oaks area. The Selectmen were not wholly enthusiastic over the proposition partly because they believed some of the residents of Outlook Drive and adjoining streets would rather not have such a street constructed. The Selectmen seemed to feel, however, that apart from this project had metit. No official action was taken but it was suggested by the Selectmen that the Planning Board investigate the matter a little further by seeing if the lot in question is offered for sale, and, if so, at what price. It was agreed later on that Mr. Potter would do this for the Planning Board. I Robert Ryder Mr. Ryder brought in a plan covering his land in the Sherburne Road area. He has received tentative approval on the entire plan and definitive approval by the Board of Survey on part of it. He would like to obtain definitive approval on com. pletion of Dana Road from Sherburne as far as the far end of ' lot #99. After Mr. Ryder left the Board decided to advise Mr. Ryder through. Mr. Burns that we would be likely to give definitive approval in respect to the small piece of Dana Road in question. Drainage Mr. Burns.brought up the subject of drainage in connection with new building. He pointed out that this is one of the most difficult problems with which the Town has to cope and that it is something with which the Board of Health should be interested. It was brought out that there is at present no definite procedure under which the Board of Health considers new subdivisions. It was considered desirable to establish some procedure under which the Board of Health would look into the drainage matter before the Building In- spector would issue building permits. It was moved by Mr. Ripley and seconded by Mr. Potter that in the near future the Planning Board invite the Board of Health in for a talk on this subject. This motion was passed. Afterwards it was decided to wait until the Board could be sure that the Town's new Sanitarian would be present. I Zoning ByxLaws Mr. Blackwell submitted the printed descriptions of the various zones to be included in the By -Law. These had been worked out between himself and the Town Engineer and were all in line with our previous discussions except that the apartment zone near the Town Center was extended so as to have some frontage on Waltham Street. The Board approved this change and it is now considered that the draft has now been accomplished. The Board toid Mr. Blackwell that they would not require any further work from him after getting the By -Law into its final form with respect to the original agree- ment between himself and the Planning Board. Richar P. Cromwell Chairman