HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-14PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 14, 1948Present: Johnson, Burns, Adams, Ripley, Cromwell Richards Worthen. P > > s The records of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Six -Moon Hill A letter was received from Town Counsel Lynch regarding drainage running from Six-IJbon Hill, Mr.Lynch recommended the town to secure drainage easements, and the town assume the responsibility. Mr.Richards moved and Fbr.Johnson seconded a motion to release Six -Moon Hi11,Ine. from their agreement. z "Customary Home Occupations." Mr. Cromwell read excertps on "customary home occupations" and additional phrases from Zoning By-laws of various towns. There was some discussion of the matter. Hearing on Golden Avenue Subdivision The hearing for final approval of the Golden Avenue sub -division owned by the Ridge Construction Co.,Inc., was opened at 8 p.m. Mr.Ford of Everett U. Brooks Co., C.E.,offered to represent the petitioners, and submitted the plans, which conformed to the sub -division regulations. There were no objectors present and Mr.Cromwell declared the hearing closed at 8:15 p.m. 11r.Johnson and L4r.lbrthen seconded a motion that the approval of the layout be given to this subdivision. Voted unanimously. Simeone Development The layout was thoroughly discussed, particularly in relation to adjoining land. It was decided to hold it over for a few weeks and look at the land. Zoning By-law Revision It?.Blackwell presented a rough draft of a zoning map following last week's suggestion. He also submitted a list of residential lot sizes in 39 towns. He then read new definitions which are in preparation and are expected to be ready next week. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ' Alan G.Adams, Clerk Planning Board Annual Report Calendar Year 1948 In March, 1948, the Town Meeting, accepting the provisions of Chapter 340, Acts of 1947, transferred to the Planning Board the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Survey which thereupon went out of existence. Chapter 340 also created new powers of subdivision control and these, as required by the statute, were given to the Planning Board, As a result the nature of the work to be performed by the Planning Board was materially altered and the amount greatly increased. Whereas the Planning Board had formerly been a purely advisory body it now became an administrative body as well with powers to decide, rather than to recommend, on matters affecting subdivisions. One of the first projects of the new Board was to frame and adopt a new set of subdivision regulations. During the year it held 45 regular meetings. At these meetings a wide variety of problems was considered. Among them were problems having to do with the following: parking meters; sale of tax title property; bus routes; veterans housing plans; parking areas; an aerial survey; zoning changes; subdivision regulations; release of bonds on subdivisions; numerous problems on particular subdivisions. The Board held 25 conferences with subdividers, developers or their representatives. It held two public hearings on subdivision matters and one on zoning. The Board conferred with the Recreation Committee on possible location of playgrounds. Representatives of the Board conferred with the Arlington Planning Board in regard to a proposed subdivision in Arlington on the Concord Turnpike and in some measure was influential in preventing the establishment of a business area that would have created traffic hazards. The Board met with the Selectmen and the Cemetery Commissioners in regard to a proposed conversion of the Minuteman Golf Club property into a cemetery. It also was represented at the legislative hearing on the matter in the State House. The cemetery project was finally discarded. The Board had an aerial survey made of the Town. The resultant stereoscopic photos have been of considerable help in subdivision matters and have been used by other departments of the Town. The population map, showing the location of all dwellings,was brought up to date and has proved very useful on various occasions both to the Board itself and other departments of the Town. In conjunction with the Lexington Arts & Crafts Society the Board drafted a new provision for the Zoning Bylaw covering "customary home occupations." Planning Board Annual Report - 2 The Town Meeting in March, 19118, authorized the Board to spend certain sums on the preparation of a revision of the Zoning Bylaw and Map. To this end the Board employed Mr. John T. Blackwell as consultant. A great deal of time and effort went into this project. The Board believed that the existing Bylaw needed to be improved and changed in various important respects to keep it up to date with practice elsewhere and to reflect the current and prospective growth of the Town. Among the subjects involved were types of zones, lot sizes, off-street parking, setbacks, the combining of small lots into larger ones and others. The revised Bylaw was nearing completion at the year end. The Board especially wishes to acknowledge the help and guidance of Mr. William M. Burns, the Town Engineer, who attended all of its meetings after the Board assumed its new duties in March. Mr. Thayer Rudd resigned from the Board in April and the Selectmen in conjunction with the Planning Board appointed, in his place, Mr. F. K. Johnson. In November Mr. Elmer C. aoudlette resigned and was replaced by Mr. Aiden L. Ripley. The Board is grateful for the cooperation of the Selectmen, of Mr. Daniel A. Lynch, the Town Counsel,and of other departments and officials of the Town during the year. rc'4!�C' ma F. son Gordon D. Richards Aiden Le Ripley Edwin orthen.,Jr* V Richard P. Cromwell, Chairman