HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-07-06PLAMMTG BOARD =MG July 6,1948 ' Presents Cromwell, Worthen, Adams, Burns, Richards, Johnson. The records of the previous meeting were read and accepted.. Custom B u -i l t Tinme , rnn - f^ring Street Development. Mr.Charles McLaughlin of Custom Built homes, Inc. with Ialr.W.S.Caouette as spokesman appeared before the Board to ask why the Planning Board had noti- fW him that his bond for completion of the second agreement in the Spring street development would be cashed unless the work was completed before the expiration date. Lir.Cromwell informed him that the meeting tonight was to hear his story and any pertinent information. This hearing itself would show that the Board was willing to reconsider its action. Lir.McLaughlin said he originally planned to construct 99 houses, but in- creasing costs allowed the completion of only a little over 60. To finish houses now to cost less than $1.0,000 would depreciate the value of the present homes in the area. $12,000 has already been spent towards the completion of the second agreement. Over $400,000 of assessed valuation has been added by the construction of the 60 odd homes. h1r.Cromwell asked what if prices con- tinue going higher, and he received the answer that Lr.McLaughlin would com- plete the roads and sell the lots. Mr.Caouette said plans for this year were originally to construct 30 odd additional houses to sell for around $13,000. ' II'.Csouette said costs were so high that it was impossible even to do this. Present homes were sold at the then ceiling prices - present costs would make these same houses price at a minimum of X13,000. Mr.Caouette spoke of numer- our resales of his Follen Hill lots because of extreme rises of building costs. 11r.1.1claughlin if made now to complete his agreement can either sell the land, build a cheaper house, or wait the situation out. Mr.Cromwell stated that everyone is aware of these increases and asked if the cost of building the road goes up, what about the present bond not being enough. Mr. McLaughlin said he had spent about $12,000 already and hoped there was enough left. L7r.Cromwell asked if the work was done later and the cost was higher, would Lr.T"claughlin put up additional money. Mr.I,cLaughlin asked if he pre- sented a signed contract for this work by a recognized contractor would it be all right. Lkr.I:claughlin said he had completed nearly half of his work. Lir. Richards asked how long the job would take and was answered by Lir.McIaughlin that it depended on the amount of ledge - probably six to eight weekslus the time for the ledge. (Time for Town to install water Tape to be added. Lir. Richards asked if it was feasible to rescind this layout and call the whole thing off even with the subgrade work nearly completed. Lir.Caouette pointed out that the Town is very busy now and perhaps could not do the water work. LTr.LicLaughlin thought rescinding the whole layout was an excellent idea. Mr. Richards said layout specifications might be changed on resubmission. Lir. Caouette said Iir.Mc4ughlin had asked for an extension of a year. Mr.Richards wanted to know why a year. Mr.Adams asked if granted a year what was his pro- gram. Mr.McLaughlin said that he would go ahead then regardless. Mr.Cromwell returned to Mr.Richard's question - would he prefer the idea of rescinding. ' i ir.I:IcIaughlin said he would want to know full details of the new subdivision specifications. Lir.Burns stated that the only real difference was to excavate 40 feet and shape the shoulders. Mr.McLaughlin pointed out that the new speci- fications would cost double, but further discussion and examination of the rules and regulations cleared up the matter. 11 -.McLaughlin would be agree- able to specifications as outlined by the printed rules and regulations. , The idea of rescinding the layout would cover all of Woodcliff road, Nor- mandy road, south from Underwood road, Hudson road, from intersection of Tbrmandy road to intersection of Woodcliff. There are no built -on lots on Normandy road from south side of Underwood to Woodcliff, none on Wood- cliff from Normandy back around to Hudson. (Lots 57-61, 78-82, 85 thru 97, 26, 27, 55, 54, 56, 837 84) - also from lot 7 to Woodcliff road on northerly side of Hudson road. Custom Built Homes,Inc. are owners of the above unsold lots and are signers of the bond. Tlr.P'cLaughlin said there would be no difference to him if the bond was extended for one year, or:"if was rescinded. rY.Cromwell asked if future cost was higher would he agree to it. Mr.TlcLaughlin hedged. T1r.Richards asked if there were not four choices, viz: 1. Leave as is. 2. Extend for three or four months. 3. Ex- tend for one year. 4. Rescind. Trr XcLaughlin said that extension will cost $650 anyway. 1:1r.Cromwell asked that hh,.McLaughlin's first choice is not re- scinding and he answered in the affirmative. 11-.Caouette and Mr.1.1claughlin left at. 9.10 p.m. The members of the Board discussed the situation at considerable length. It was decided to submit the following proposition to 1Fr.14claughliO that the layout be rescinded provided 1. That he finish Woodcliff road to east- erly end of lot 83. 2. That he clean up Underwood from Normanby easterly 125 feet and restore original grade. 3. That he clean up Hudson from Nor- mandy easterly 125 feet and restore original grade. It was moved by Mr. Johnson and seconded by Mr.7J'orthen to extend the contract for the time necessary for negotiations by and with the advice of the Town Counsel. It ' was so voted. Mr.Cromwell will talk with the Town Counsel and mrite to MrJ1cLaughli n. Se fri d e Agreement. reemernt . Mr.Burns asked what had been done about TS'ir.Selfridge's agreement. Re- ferring to last week's meeting it was found the matter was in Ur.Lynch's hands. M% Cromwell will write Mr.Sel.fridge a letter. BIacTnellls Work Mr -Cromwell reported on a conversation with John Blackwell whd stated that he believed the work on the outlying portions of the Town is the most pressing. The Board will do the work on the problem of more business area in the center. Mr.Blackwell would like to have a photographic enlargement of -the Lexington Center portion of the aerial survey of Lexington. It was so voted. Lbeting adjourned at 10;10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alan G.Adams, Clerk 1