SIMONDS FARM - May 4, 1942
At 7;31 P. M. hearing was declared open upon petition of
Giles Smith, representing the Trustees of the Simonds Farm, for
approval of the Board of Survey of proposed new roads and lots on
the Homestead Property, located on Grove Street, Lexington,
Mr. Giles Smith, Mr, W.S. Caouette, Mr, Paxton, Mr. Edward W.
Kimball, Mr. E. B. Worthen, Jr., Mr. Fred Newhall, Mr. W. Roger
Greeley, Mr. Donald Nickerson, and Mr. and Mrs. Royal D. Chandler
of 101 Grove Street were present at the hearing.
The notice of the hearing was read by Chairman Giroux.
Mr. Smith said that after they began work, their attention was
called by the Planning Board to the importance of finding out where
Route 128 would go. They asked the State for the location, and had to
wait several days, as the engineers were making surveys of the site.
Mr.. Smith was told that the State officials did not want to be com-
mitted too definitely, and that it might be a matter offlVe to ten
years before'the road went through. The question of straightening out
Grove Street arose, and he asked the Planning Board what it had in
mind. After talking with thenj he had a new plan made in which the
changes were incorporated. This plan was presented to the Board. It
showed Route 128 with a width. of 2001. He said the Trustees wanted
to keep the pond, and they planned the layout with the contour of the
ground in mind. They planed on about twenty houses at the present time.
' The Chairman asked if Route 128 would go through the Simonds
Estate, and Mr. Smith replied in the affirmative. The Chairman said
that if the plan was approved, it would be subject to changes made
necessary on account of the layout of, Route 128,
Mr. Greeley said that the Planning Board went over the subdivision
of twenty odd lots with Mr. Smith and approved it, but since then the
location of Route 128 has been made more definite. He said that the
Planning Board as a Board had not approved of the area where the high-
way is now proposed.
The Chairman said that the Selectmen told Mr. Cosgrove that he
would be held responsible for all rules and regulations of the Sub-
division Regulations being complied with. He asked if that had been
done in this case.
Mr. Paxton said that his talk with Mr. Cosgrove had been general,
because the plan was very vague. He thought that the Board should be
very.careful in accepting any Board of Survey layout in this location
in view of the proposed location of Route 128. This is the first start
in this area, and Mr. Paxton thought that the Engineers should have
the opportunity of studying the entire section. He said that there were
two roads coming in with a dul-de-sac, and he thought the topo plans
should be studied to see how these roads should be continued in the
Mr. Rowse asked if the Trustees planned the immediate development
of this section, and Mr. Caouette said that the Trustees wanted to
start the development right away. They want to have houses for sale as
' soon as possible. They intend to build the $6,000. defense houses.
Mr. Smith explained the type houses they intend to build, He
said that the limit was $6,000. including the land, but the houses '
can be built without garages and porches, etc., and these can be paid
for afterward as extras. He said that Temple & Crane, Inc. of Boston
were very much interested in the project.
Mr. Greeley consulted with the members of the Planning Board,
and stated that the Planning Board was ready to recommend the approval
of the subdivision from Grove Street northerly to the brook leading
out of the pond, and the pond, and easterly to the property line of
the Simonds Estate. Mr. Greeley said that he understood.that Mr.
Smith wanted a general approval of the layout so that he could go
ahead and have the proper plans made up which will meet the Subdivision
Regulation requirements,
Mb. Smith said that the Trustees would like to have the Town 'take
over the pond, and Mr. Rowse said that they would have to offer the
pond to the Town, and it would have to go before a Town Meeting.
Mr. Paxton said that the Federal Government would not allow the
Town to make water extensions for a distance of over 2001, including
the service.
Mr. Smith said that he thought they could get a Priority Rating
because the development is in the Defense Area.
The Chairman asked the Chandlers if they had any objection•to
the layout, and Mr. Chandler said the only thought he had wae'in re-
gard to an overpass for Grove Street and Route 128, The Chairman
said that would be up to the State of Massachusetts. Mr.. Rowse said
he believed they would not put up an overpass with the present amount
of traffic on Grove Street. Mr. Chandler said he had no real ob-
jection to the layout.
No other persons desired to be heard, and the hearing was
declared closed at 8:10 P. M.
Mr. Smith and Mr. Caouette returned to the meeting at 8:15 P.M.
and there was a general discussion on the subject.
The Chairman told Mr. Smith that the Board of Survey would like
to have a final plan submitted. He said that one thing which dis-
turbed the Board was the question of the streets coming out on the
adjoining property. He said that the Board was asking the Planning
Board to consider the two streets in relation to the development of
the adjoining property and outlets.
Messrs. Smith and Caouette retired at 8:30 P:M.
May 4, 1942
A regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in the
Town Office Building, Monday, May 4th at 7:30 P. M. Messrs.
Greeley, Kimball, Nickerson, Worthen and Newhall were present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented.
The Board was present at the hearing conducted by the
Board of Survey in connection with the petition of Giles Smith
for approval of a plan showing subdivision of a portion of the Simonds
Simonds Estate on Grove Street. The Board indicated its ap- Estate
proval of the lay -out of approximately twenty lots as presented
by Mr. Smith. A copy of the minutes of the hearing is hereby
attached. Later Chairman Giroux requested the Board to consider
the lay -out with reference to future development in surrounding
territory. After some discussion, the clerk was instructed to
write the Board of Survey to the effect that it had checked with
the general subdivision of that portion of the town and believes
it is laid out properly with respect to future developments.
A letter was read from Mr. Lester Ellis, in which he ex-
pressed his desire to resign as a member of the Planning Board,
due to business pressure. It was voted that the clerk write to
Mr. Ellis expressing regret at his decision and the hope that
he will not send his resignation to the proper authority (the
Town Clerk), but will continue as a member until such time as
he may feel that he can become more active.
A reply was read from Lexington Homes, Inc., relative to Bowman
our request that they confer with us on the question ofsome Park
of the owners dumping fill in the pond. Mr. Foss of the Lex- Develop-
ington Homes, Inc., expressed willingness to cooperate and ment
the Board authorized Mr. Greeley to confer with him and report
to the next meeting.
A letter from Chairman Giroux was read in reply to our
suggestion on how the Town might spend some of the money
made available by the State for traffic study. Mr. Giroux Traffic
said the matter had been referred to Supt. Paxton, who will
bring it to the attention of the proper State authorities.
Mr. Worthen mentioned the large number of tent cater-
pillars to be seen bordering the Great Meadows and wondered Great
if the Board could make any suggestions as to their extermina- Meadows
tion. Mr. Worthen was asked to confer with Supt. of Parks
Garrity in this connection.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P. M. The next meeting
' will be held on Monday, May 25th, at 7:30 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,