HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-02-11PLANNING BOARD 11EETING February 11, 1938 ' Present:- Full Board except Mr. Kraetzer'. 1ti1r. Steiner, a student of the M. I. T. Graduate School of City and Town planning, exhibited his thesis`maps of Lexington ,. covering Land Uses, Streets, Water, Soil and Drainage. It was voted to employ bir. Steiner (subject to release by 1V1* I. T.) '0 to prepare a drainage chart suitable for use on the "Town 14eet- ing Display" map. Upon Yr. Steiner's retirement, the Board opened considera- tion of lot areas and frontages. 11r. Greeley reported that Mr. Kraetzer wished to be recorded in favor of one hundred foot frontage rather than seventy-five. Discussion again turned to area size and the merits of a flat increase to 10,000 square feet throughout the Town, with the hope that the "Chapter 211" section be adopted, together with the possibility of later again opening the subject for further increases was considered. It was the general feeling that the aims of the Board would be met satisfactorily by proposing 12,500 and 25,000 square foot areas with a standard 100 foot frontage for both at the coming Town Meeting. After minor changes in phraseology, it was voted to present the following proposed amendment and to make the necessary arrangements for a public hearing to be held March 4th at 8:00 P. M. Proposed Amendment; - To substitute under Area Regulations, Section 6, a new section 6 to read as follows: - Section 6. (a) In,R.l and R.2 Districts no dwelling shall be erected within the areas hereinafter defined, except upon a lot having a street frontage of not less than 100 feet, an area of not less than 12,500 square feet, and having no other dwelling thereon. The first of said areas shall be bounded by the center line or intersection of center lines, of Summer Street commencing at the Arlington Line and continuing to Lowell Street thence in a straight line to the Brown's Brook Culvert under the railroad right of way, thence along the railroad right of way to 'Noburn Street, along Woburn Street to Laconia Street, along Laconia Street to kidge Road, thence in a straight line to the junction of Vine Street and Manley Court extended, thence in a straight line to the intersection of Hayes Lane and Grant Street, thence along Grant Street to Old Colony Road, along Old Colony Road to Woodland Road, along Woodland Road to Adams Street, along Adams Street to Hancock Street, along Hancock Street to Hancock Avenue, along Hancock Avenue to the railroad right of way, along the railroad right of way to Revere Street, along Revere Street to Hancock Street, along Hancock Street to Burlington Street, along Burlington Street to Grove Street, ' along Grove Street to Eaton Road extended, thence along Eaton Road to Bertwell Road, along Bertwell Road to Williams Road, along Williams Road to Bedford Street, along Bedford Street as Engineer- ing Lot Areas Frontages far as the southeast boundary of the school property, thence along this boundary to Valley Road, along Valley Road to the railroad right of way, along the railroad right of way to Center Street, along Center Street to Ward Street, along Ward Street to Garfield Street, along Garfield Street to Locust ' Street, thence in a straight line to the intersection of Cedar Street and Freemont Street, thence along Freemont Street ex- tended to Wood Street, along Wood Street to Massachusetts Avenue, along Massachusetts Avenue to Old County Road, thence in a straight line to the intersection of Roosevelt Road and Wilson Road, along Wilson Road to Marrett Road, along Marrett Road to Lincoln Street, along Lincoln Street to Weston Street, along Vdeston Street to Shade Street, along Shade Street to Spring Street, along Spring Street to Marrett Road, along Marrett Road to Waltham Street, along Waltham Street to Vine Brook Road, along Vine Brook Road to Winthrop Road, along Winthrop Road to Highland Avenue, along Highland Avenue to Pelham Road, along Pelham Road to Massachusetts Avenue, along Massachusetts Avenue to 14arrett Road, along Marrett Road to Follen Road, along Follen Road to Pinewood Street, along Pine- wood Street to Summit Road, along Summit Road to Fern Street, along Fern Street to Pleasant Street, along Pleasant Street to Massachusetts Avenue, along Massachusetts Avenue to Oak Street, along Oak Street to Carville Avenue, along C arville Avenue to Butler Avenue, along Butler Avenue extended to the Arlington, Line, along the Arlington Line in a northeasterly direction to the point of beginning, The second of said areas shall consist of the lots, outside the first area, which front directly upon the said portions of said bounding streets. ' (b) In all other parts of the Town, outside the boundaries of the areas above described, no dwelling shall be erected except upon a lot having a street frontage of not less than 100 feet, an area of not less than 25,000 square feet and having no other dwelling thereon., I (e) On each side of each dwelling or other permitted main structure -there shall be provided a side yard of not less than fifteen feet in width, which shall be kept open from the front line of the main structure to the rear line thereof. (d) Where a corner lot has its corner bounded by a curved line connecting other bounding lines which if extended would intersect, the frontage and area shall be computed as if such bounding lines were so extended. (e) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this sec- tion, if adjacent lots, any of which has less area or frontage than required by this section, are recorded by plan or deed as all in the same ownership at the time this by-law is adopted, and if (1) substantial expenditures have been incurred, prior to that time, toward the improvement of these lots or approved ways giving access thereto, or towards utilities serving sueh lots, which improvements or utilities would be diminished in value in a substantial amount by a literal enforcement of the terms of this section, or if•(2) adjoining areas have been, prior to that time, developed to a substantial extent by the construction of houses on lots generally smaller than is pres- cribed -by this section and the standard of the neighborhood so 1 1 established does not reasonably require a subdivision of the applicant's land into lots as large as is hereby prescribed, then the owner of these lots may apply to the Board of Appeals for relief from the terms of this section as applying to any of these lots, and the Board of Appeals may grant such relief by making special exceptions to the terms of this section, subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this by-law, where desirable relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without substantially derogating from the intent or purpose of this by-law. M And furthermore, notwithstanding the said foregoing provisions, one dwelling may be erected upon a lot containing less than the above required areas or frontages if such lot was duly recorded by plan or deed at the time of the adoption of this by-law, and did not at the time of such adoption adjoin other land of the same owner available for use in connection with such lot. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P. M. Respectfully submitted, C lerk