HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-11-12Action on the report of the special committee on the new enabling act - Chapter 211 - was discussed. IV13. Greeley expressed strong disapproval of combining the Board of Survey and Planning Board under a new Planning Board, feel- ing that the strength and usefulness of the Planning Board was in its freedom from engangling elements inherent in administrative work. He feels that it is a challenge to the Planning Board to present recommendations to the Board of Survey which will meet their favorable action through the soundness.of the findings, Mr. Ferguson has been agreeable to the previous majority feeling in favor of consolidation although his present opinion is the same as Mr. Greeleyls. After further discussion, it was decided that the Board would support favorable action toward adopting the pro- visions for strengthening the Board of Survey functions as provided in Sections 81F to 81J of the Act and were not in favor of adopting the other provisions ie: Enabling Act Chapter 211 PLANNING 'BOARD IVIETING November 120 1937 Present:- P+;essrs. Ferguson, Greeley, Kraetzer, Nickerson and Kimball. Engineer Barnes met with the Board and discussed a re- Wellington vised layout of the Wellington Estates. The attached letter Estates to the Board of Survey explains the Planning Boardts position. Mr. Couette, Mr. Lowe and Yr. Lowe, Jr. appeared before the Board to discuss informally the layout of land on Reed Street_ -known as the Vaille Farms. Mr. Lowe presented a plan providing for two dead end streets,at right angles to Reed Street with eight parcels of land. Air. Kraetzer raised,a question regarding the use of land at the back part of lots at the south and Mr. Lowe said that he had considered pur-, chasing that property as well but that it was low, offered sewerage difficulties and was unsuitable for building. In discussing the proposed plan, Mr. Lowe called attention to the filed layout which permitted excessively deep, 75 foot frontage lots, but stated that they did not bind themselves to the type of development he desired to make, namely different type colonial houses which with lots were to sell for around $11,000, 1 Vaille Mr. Greeley explained the airy toward lots with a Farms minimum area of 10,000 square feet and 100 foot frontage ' and indicated changes which might be made to more nearly accomplish this end. After further consideration a plan embodying the suggestion of the Board (rough sketch attached) w9h.presen.ted which met with the Boardts approval. Mr. Lowe will make formal application for a Board of Survey layout and the Planning Board assured him of favorable action when and if the same layout was presented for approval. Action on the report of the special committee on the new enabling act - Chapter 211 - was discussed. IV13. Greeley expressed strong disapproval of combining the Board of Survey and Planning Board under a new Planning Board, feel- ing that the strength and usefulness of the Planning Board was in its freedom from engangling elements inherent in administrative work. He feels that it is a challenge to the Planning Board to present recommendations to the Board of Survey which will meet their favorable action through the soundness.of the findings, Mr. Ferguson has been agreeable to the previous majority feeling in favor of consolidation although his present opinion is the same as Mr. Greeleyls. After further discussion, it was decided that the Board would support favorable action toward adopting the pro- visions for strengthening the Board of Survey functions as provided in Sections 81F to 81J of the Act and were not in favor of adopting the other provisions ie: Enabling Act Chapter 211 1. Combine the Planning Board and Board of Survey. 2. Changing the set-up of the Park Commissioners. ' 3. Adopting an 'Official" map. The Board feels that the "Report" should be placed in - the hands of the Town Meeting Members, jointly, by the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board accompanied by recommenda- tions. The Clerk was directed to obtain the Selectments opinions on this action. A letter and briefs on recent billboard rulings, transmitted b�. the Town Counsel, were read. The contents being quite in- volved, it was suggested that 11r. Wrightington be contacted for elucidation. Billboard The large billboard at the intersection of Ma.rrett Road and I;:ass. -Avenue came up for discussion and the .Clerk was directed to investigate and report on its status. A communication from the Board of Selectmen, transmitting a suggestion that the Park Drive entering from Lincoln Street be relocated so that the westerly line would coincide with the - easterly property line of the "Aldrich lot" and a request that a Planning Board member meet with the Selectmen on Tuesday, November 16th was received. The members present and Mr. Elliswereunanimous and. emphatic in their opinion that public safety and.' welfare would ' be seriously impaired if service ways were permitted direct access to the Parkway. If it is desired to develop the "Aldrich lot", a subdivision with street layouts should be treated under usual standards. It is felt that a dividing strip betiieen the Parkway Playground (present or relocated) and any roadway servicing the adjoining Parkway private properties should be maintained. Note:- Mr. Raymond, Mr. Greeley and Mr. Kimball examined scale plans showing the playgrounds, parkway, location of hard- wood trees, eto. As far as is now known, the presentway through the park from Lincoln Street to Vlaltham Street is -a Town parkway and may be closed to trucking. Ix4 Greeley and Mr.- Kimball appeared before the Board of Selectmen on Tuesday, november 16th and reported as above. The meeting adjourned at 11;05-P. M. until Thursday.. November 18th, at 7:45 P My Respectfully submitted, Clerk ' no IWO lar. Chaslss 16 Ford mo Okauum s�t1r � .off 8rgrhq Door lir• ,fit fto Flaariag Dour& has Mt **VMS& Une s Ito use Barnes, Inglue r in oonesstiaa 'Id" the •IA t of the so *sued WOUI;g#ep Sstato sad is at &'63= prints prepared by Hamar ` Des,116 The F pHoard brid oon s apptretsl of at of streets aAd subdivisions divisions .as�o'+m► itt these portions south sad east of linos desiAOD std HaC* no go" believes it vamiso to approve at this tical the pertion mash of the lice MD and the portico north of 1009. In arriving at those osael kart is ,govorned by Us imam oretftial Rise the after" of the It00atll�ts of �hrlM sad of Wood ttroot. The Hoard does not feel that any parrtiftl hardship trin be iWossd npda the Ross Roali it that area north of the line b r"4m&ln tmplotted at Pr*4 The Board to to attempt of mtJotastory deal t mat beU*"s it tempt a lona rams dovelopment plan of ]sats and strests at this tiros. While the print shows *isl&WW trod 'Wse ions* in 00ruin streets sad sorners, it is the Soetadrs OPLUUM that they are not warranted In this "ar"oular oars and sight iwnalse seams oonsiderole expense in 4 It is mtdwstood that the I" areas aror with a fW esosptioas, sot 9,esa than ten thoosasd rgUWM test with ens hundred foot fsrar tagesg this is of sour" Terr satlM rhe Hoard and sines the plan is to a rather small soslo$ it is reoamaendsd that final lot weds be an the above basis. Very 7 r idmod are ='haul! (63"k)