HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-06-18PLANNING BOARD HEARING June 18, 1937 A Planning Board Hearing was held in the Selectmen's Room of the Town Office Building on Friday, June 18, 1937, at 8:15 P. M. Messrs. Kimball, Ellis, Ferguson and Nickerson were present. Mr. Kimball acted as Chairman and Mr. Ferguson as Clerk. Mr. Kimball stated that the Planning Board called the hearing on its own initiative acting upon a petition of,10 property owners to amend the Lexington Zoning By -Law and Map as follows:-. Under Section.3, Districts Defined. (b) M.1 Districts; by striking out Paragraph 1, which reads, "Beginning on the easterly line of the Railroad property at the norther- ly side line of Fottler Avenue and extending along the easterly line of the Railroad property for a distance of 21,700 feet, thence easterly inward from said Railroad property a distance of 300 feet, thence southerly parallel with said Railroad property to a point opposite the point of beginning, thence westerly to the point of beginning.", and by changing the hlap in accordance therewith; and by changing the numbering of•Paragraph 2 to become Paragraph 1. ' Mr. Kimball said that•the property owners who had signed the petition wished to have this area put into a Residential District. He said that when the Zoning Law was originally adopted, this area was laid down as a place permitting light manufacturing because there were side tracks there. People have bought property and built there not knowing that manu- facturing was permitted. He said there was no demand for this area as a manufacturing district and then asked for speakers on the matter. Mr. Peter VanGemert stated that he favored this amendment and hoped that the area would remain as residential property for all times. He said he owned property there and would like to see it strictly residential and restricted against all business. Mr. Luigi Forni declared himself in favor of the change. Mr. James VanGemert declared himself in favor of the change. Mr. Synkewich stated that he also wanted to be recorded as being in favor of the change. ' Mr. Kimball stated that he had received a telephone call from the Public Works Department of Arlington to the effect that they had no objection to the change and would send a letter con- firming this statement. He stated that the Town of Arlington owns the site of the old pumping station and land beside the railroad tracks. Miss Peloquin asked Mr. Kimball to locate the property in question. She stated that she was.appearing for her. . mother, Mrs. Emma peloquin, 20 Fairmount Street, Arlingtons and said her mother wished to be recorded as being in favor, of having the property put in a residential zone. Mrs. Mary Bennett stated that when she bought the property at lots -#58 and #59 Brandon Street, she was given to understand that it was strictly residential property. She said she was trying to sell and would like to be recorded as being in favor of putting the area in.question into a strictly residential district. Mrs. Dorothy C. Vadeboncoer, 35 Brandon Street, said she wanted to be recorded as in favor of changing the zoning from manufacturing to residential. She stated that they did not know it was manufacturing and when they heard it were only too glad to sign the petition to have it changed. She said she felt sure that all her neighbors,who Were not present, were in favor, and that her husband wished to put in the records as favoring the amendment. As there were no others who wished to speak, Mr. Kimball declared the hearing closed at 8:33 P. M. 1 1