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Sarah A. Cutler
November 19, 1936
Plannin;T 3oard hearing was held in the Selectmen's
boom of the Town Office Building, Lexington, Thursday, November
19, 7.936, at 7:30 P. P:I. upon the petition of pairs. Sarah A.
Cutler. Lessrs. Borden, I'imball, Ferguson, and Ellis were
present. '_'he petition was to amend the Zoning ByHLaw and Yap
bar changing from an I=-.1 TD!stri_ct to a C.1 District the area
bounded and described as follows: -
"On the easi;erl7 side of I'leasant Street be-
ginning at a point 100 feet north of the Concord
Turnpilo:e and extending northerly along Pleasant
Street for a distance of 150 feet, from there run-
ning easterly for about 400 feet to a point on the
Concord Turnpike 100 feet east of where Clematis
Brook goes under the Concord 'Turnpike, and bounded
on the south b7 the Concord Turnpike and Clematis
prir. Borden declared the hearing open and Lir. Kimball
read the notice of hearing which had been published in the
iovember 4th issue of the Lexington Idinuteman and sent to
property o•:•rners affected by the petition.
i,:"ro. Cutler stated that she had nothing; to say except
that she had changed the area in the petition and that she
did not have her lariyer representing her this time. She
did not think he ad been treated fairly at the last Town
Leeting •-� s it was ten minutes of twelve when her article
in' the !'Iarrant ,vas brought up, and man,= of the Town p,ieeting
iaembers had gone home. She felt that the small tract of land
named in the -oetition is undesirable for house lots and is
only asiring for vlri�.at she thinks is fair as she owns nine
acres a_lon7 t':�e ne;°r roar. i,:rs. t utler also stated that: slie
ould not afrree to a building that ,°rould be detrimental to
the 'Town and feels that, she is taking the attitude Irir. Cutler
!^✓ould have ta'ren. She felt t'l at a asoline station was needed
es several; people i ave cone to her house for gasoline. She
could not understand vrhv the Planning Board was so opposed
but thoi. 'Frht tl-cre was a limit, and felt that she was justified
in asking the Toren to grant this change.
i.r. ��ord.en asked if there were others who wished to
sneak either in favor or in opposition and there were none.
Te then asked I;:.rs. Cutler if she would be willing to have
her petition changed from a C.l to a T.1 District. This,
he exola_ned, i.,:ould m�:an that the land would be restricted
to the sale of sasollne, oil and automobile accessories.
h!rs. cutler replied that she would be willing to change
to a T.1 Listrict as she was petitioning for the sale of
gasoline ohhr. ane also asked if a T.1 District could be
changed baclr to an 11.1 District and Lr. Borden answered that
it could.
C -tler 11earing -2- November 19,1936
i -r. Kimball stated that Lir. ';irightington advised that
it Would be better to let the petitions stand as C.1 Districts,
rather than mace the change on the Town Meeting floor, because
if the To,,en does accept it, it does not become a law for quite
son -I t i re and_ then the change would be made.
i.r. jorden asked I;irs. Cutler if sbe would be willing to
make this chane from a G.1 to a T.1 District, at a later
date, if her petition was granted, and Mrs. Cutler replied
that sl^.e would.
As there were no others who wished to speak, Lir. Borden
declared the hearing closed at 7:50 F. M. and advised the
petitioner that the matter would be taken under advisement.
Respectfully submitted,
^rne st DeVincent
November 19,1936
A Planning Board hearing !^ras held in the Selectmen's
Room of the Town Office Building, Lexington, Thursday, November
19, 19361 at 8:15 P. _J. upon the petition of Ernest DeVincent.
I`essrs. Borden, Kinball, Perguson, and E113_s were present.
The petition was to amend. the ;Toning By-1,aw and h:ap by chang-
ing from an R.1 c%istrlct to a C.1 District the area bounded
and. described as follows:-
"Be.inninr; at a point at the southwesterly inter-
section of "rleasant Street and the Cambridge -Concord
I pi'Te and rizn ting alonr? said turnpike and in a
general vresterly direction 320 feet, thence turning
and running due south 140 feet, thence turning and
running*, eastern; on a line parallel to the Cambridge-
concord '-L'urnpi -ce 130 feet to Pleasant Dtreet, thence
turning and running in a northeasterl',T direction along
Pleasant Stre-t 210 feet to the point of beginning."
Yr. Borden declared the hearing open and Idr. Kimball
read the notice of hearing Ihich had been published in the
'dover�ber 4th issue of the Lexington Iainuteman and sent to
nropert,r owners affected bz. the petition.
Judie Pierre ITorthrup, representing Mr. DeVincent, stated
that i:r. DeVincent bought the land in question twenty years
a,;o for farming bi_r-ooses, but now he could not use it for farm-
Ino; because the ner:, road cuts through leaving two triangles.
At the time this was done, 17.r. DeVincent remarked that the
road being constructed through his land was spoiling his farm
and the State Engineers told him he would have a good site
for business. fie further explained that Irir. DeVincent ' s
petition �ras one of the first to be presented along this
hi�'rtr,a-r and the? did. not rresent it the second time because
t"P'' IanteC! to COO"r?erate ',:'i.tb the i'la.nning board who were
r^a'r_n- a. st,130- of this road&t that time. He said they
a•,_) -eared before the Hoard, explained that Lr. DeVincent Tras
a man fl_nanclall-T su_bstanti_al, pointed out the location where
t'iore no hills or intersections and that the petitioner granted
t'r)e fillin station--! so his two sone could operate it. Iie
a' -so said t_-iat this „ as long before i,ir. Childs had obtained
".is ontion on the '!iatch property. The site asked for before,
on 111,e northeast corner of Pleasant Street, was on the same
side of t'ne road as that of i:':r. Childs. he stated that the
`.n:Ineering Department had advised that this was the proper
si t, for a filling station, and this was also confirmed by
the t'lsenninu i3oard Report. Because hir. Childs' filling
station is to be located on the same side of the road as
r. 1'), -Vi aske ? for previously, they have changed to
the ornosite side at the corner of Pleasant Street. This
»rorosec' filling station ilas no exit on the turnpike and the
autorobiles cor^inF, fror Concord will turn in and the exit
7. -!ill be on 1leasant Street far enough from the traffic lights
so t":ere rill be no friction. The land at this point is low
and it rril.l cost quite a bit of honey to fill it but it is
'rl annin Ana' grin r -2- ovember 19, 1936
quite lour.
Lr. R'o?pert L. hsrder asked how near the Sealer's 1775 house
.gas from, tris site and I,_r. 17orthrup stated that the proposed
filling- station is on the opposite corner and will not conflict
* r ith I r . .;ood-T' s dr.1vevra- as he has his parking space in the
.r. 3orden asked Judge ;orthrup if his petitioner would
be rri llinf? at a later nate, if the T.1 District is established,
to change his nronerty from an h.l Listrict to a T.1 and Judge
Uort:hrup replied that they would be willing to make this agree -
I,.r. r_obert L. '.yder stated that he had been authorized
to speak for i;[r. Loody who is opposed to having a filling
station at t?ie r3easant Street intersection but would not
onnose . it if ',:r . ?;e Vincent would put it at the other end of
bis land .ie also said he could not agree with 1r. Northtup's
statement regarding the traffic on Pleasant Street. He said
foody 1,°lould not oppose it if it was 600 or 700 feet from
t'te intersection but feels that it would depreciate the value
of his investment if it were at the intersection.
Judge 'L':ort'^.ru- s;;ated that he did not think Er. Moody
had a monopoly of the business on the Concord Highway. He
also felt that this proposed filling station would be an
asset to the Iioodv development, as there are going to be no
large si.mns, and no visible numns.
:.r. F.-�der stated that I,:r. T•Ioody had not seen the plan
of the pronosed fil:' ing station and it was possible that he
minht change his mind, but he had authorized him to make the
stater,ent that he had no objection to a filling station at
the other end of the De Vincent's land.. tie felt that P;r. I,,Ioody
had a richt to protect his development.
!:r. 3orden asl-ec if there were others who wished to
spealr, and as there were no others, the hearing was declared
closed at 8:45. The petitioner was advised that the matter
would be taken under advisement.
Respectfully,* submitted,
C lerk
November 19, 1936
Present:- Messrs, Borden, Ellis, Ferguson and Kimball.
A meeting of the Board was held following the hearings
on Cutler, Peterson and DeVincent petitions for changes from
R.1 to C.1 Districts.
Mr. R. L. Ryder met, upon invitation, with the Board
to discuss the layout in connection with the proposed street.
He stated that he had complied with Mr. Raymond's suggestion
to increase the width of the street from 40 to 50 feet and
was waiting approval of the layout shown on the tracing
dated August, 1936, submitted. He said the matter has been
delayed to the point where weather conditions would not
permit actual work before spring and also remarked that he
had a prospective customer for one of the lots on the south
side of this street, who would not'purehase before the lay-
out was made a Board of Survey Street. He agreed that the
blueprint prepared by Barnes & Beal dated June, 1936, did
not take cognizance of the terrain, that it appeared to be
a "drafting board" layout and could not be used as a basis
for consideration of this area. It is recognized that a
satisfactory layout cannot be made before a definite decision
Is reached in the location and treatment of Vine Brook. The
Board will discuss the matter with Mrs Raymond next Tuesday.
Mr. Ryder retired after a general discussion of approach
Mr. Borden presented the draft of a letter addressed
to the Lexington Minuteman discussing the proposed "Through-
way Zone"; which was approved for release in next week's
It was voted to approve Mr. Hartman's bill for con-
sulting services.
The meeting'adjourned at 9:20 P. M. until November
24th at 7:30 P, Me
Respectfully submitted,
C lerk