HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-10-071 r 3a : _ . I S 1 1,lrl'12 G October 7, 1935. 11i regular meeting of the Hoard of Selectmen was held in the selectmen's iLoo!n, Towyn Office Building, at 7:30 P. 1d1. l.essrs. ermu-son, Gilcreast, L,;ons and. Potter were present. The Clem: =•Pas also present. At 7:30 P . i.. a ioint l.Z )aring with the Planning Board and the Board of i'. -.)peals -!as called to order. I.Ir. J. ienrr Duff -r, Chairman of the Planning Board, stated gnat his Board- felt that it ^rould be helpful if a meeting of the three Boards were held to talk over the following matters: (1). Shall the Town sinvle out the Concord Turnpike, the proposed nev, Lowell F:oad and the proposed circumferential hight_Fa}r and 11 -mit these three roads to a certain setback, say of fift, feet? (2) Shall the Tonin attempt to keep all business off these roads and o--onose all requests fnr changes from F1.1 to C.l Districts? (3) Does the Town wish to select one area on these roads to be zoned for business and to keep the business within that area? I,1r. Duffy stated that the Planning Board has received petitions from. the following persons for changes from a residential to a business area: TC.rs. [utchinson (of icrlington) owning; land at the Arlington- i?e lnont; line; rs. amu.+.,ler,o mint land near Pleasant Street; 1,--r.L;eVincent, o^ninr� land on Pleasant Street; Hutchinson 3rothers (of Lexington) ownin�,land on Blossom Street; h!r. Peterson, 01.1,11A _1 land on '.`{altham Street. Lr. Luffy stated that; the 'bill before the Legislature or:i.ginall�r provic,ed for a set-baclr of 100 feet on the new Concord Turnpike, but that this was finally modified to a 50 foot setbac'_.. The 'lanninp :3oard felt that this was insufficient. is r. ler,(ruson stated that the feeling of the Board of Selectmen was that ttlere should be special restrictions on the three ne•r roads and that the set -back should be 100 feet for business areas and 50 feet for residenti.al areas. r. _Edward . Kimball stated t'rat Ex. A. N. 7vaddison was favorable towerd a 100 feet set -back for business zones in order to keep out as many stands as possible. C. '�d•ran' Glynn stated that the Board of Appeals had not discussed the matter as a Board at all, but that a petition for a roadside stand had been denied by that Board 2;:r. Gl, nn stated t'o.at lie viould like to be advised what the ar;rurreiits sere for a 50 foot set -back. I,'`r. Ferguson stated that he thought a 100 feot set - bac" for residential areas was too much and that a 50 foot set -back would keep the houses far enough back to give a decent anpearance and that the drivewa?rs would ao back far enol-zph so as not to interfere with the view of traffic on the nen, road. Highway Zoning (Also Concord & circum- ferential Highways L�elect;-enls i'eeting -2- October 7, 1935 ._r. Kirball­.,anted to know if the i oard of Uelectmen vould be in s-,Mpathy gait},. a 100 foot set -back for the entire road. r. 1.7ons st atec_ that 'he thought that; the Town should ta'_te ani; s' -and that it could to keep roadside stands and the like off the new road., and the sooner the better. 1 - Gl rn>. st d thst 1.e felt that there should be at least one 7s 3ol1.nc station on eitrh,r, s' -Ce of the new roads in Iexi.n -ton so as to rr0771.d- for safet 7, and_ i.f this were done, t=eat tae 1ol,,Irn be doing ever -thi_ng that it needed to do. :ie thouc,at a t tr:t�-ht be a �oocl _Plan for the 7? o1Fm to Provide a bu.s'ness zone on ei_t: -r side of the road as nearly opposite *s ?)ossible , if tree Planning ,3oard should go ahead and tr7 to t Oc de ot, a loc .ti_on for such business areas and then brine,, "iP rate r -)efore Town. _ie thought that the rat ter could not be bro,z 'it before the Tom7m until such areas Pad been decided Or r. stated t? -i -t 'ale t'gouf-ht that tt,.e Planning _)oarC. s''lou_.` ')'_C'•' Out; SUCti1 areas a'1C'': 1;1len hold a 1­arin7,_ and r-1-a�T�J all 7)eolJl_e °. G117 -in in-i,uired if t -sere -lere, ar,,- means known to the >oard of could be purchased or con- t_roll br t'ne _;o;:n In sl7ch a .•,.a•, as to preirent a monopoly of busine ss.. Pi.t nt seer, er7� -ood_ to '�avr' _ s,.l l s - and or t "o peopie : "o e it's l s';a.tEr that if t:,nre -as going to be onl-- on., fi.115_nrr s,;ation I -,,,at that in itself via. s bound to P sa: rl t' -at tt7e i o- P could restrict areas bii teat he 1,11 not see ,-log: `i'o ,n could control owners and su 6o -hon sfoulc., sell i:11e1r r1_ghts• He stated that t'ie (­. estion as 1_et'ner t'_ -ie Hoards vianted to impose special restl:T-2,11,11017-1 o, to st abli.sh t7,o- of district, and that o -v_ s'lould r,.aT1e it; Plain that a neer ainendnent would be i_n {,'-e n��)i_c iYrterest,and not for the benefit of an inY-1C, i:i-a 1 7, i,i"'Tested that the rni_-?ht Create ','.3 Or -7 p (.*.st-ri.^t:s .".nC 1pC'.1-.e t.7-_ri alone ties- b]_--'N,"a'.-i. It Could. ,a' -e most of resin �ritial areas and create, for raarce, 1.1 .1 r; a stilulate a 100 foot set -back. Fi 'le 11 . of'' t le PlOCtr.^,On inquired vl hat the �?o'.7n b -.r egtabli31llrr business districts alori�_ the ­tater, t'�at it '-1ould not stop people from pet't o n; for c`,anrr,U s i.n e zones and the thought it would bet ,Ier not '"O nnOVl e for businessB.rP _s l.n any }dart Of r o a, . f 7 ..,t:jt011 i :`at the Tovm of krlington has opposed. ard_ r ,pct=' an;- got"tions for cmrhres to hu_siness districts; Inn ,-t fe I s ':nere i.s no occasion for business on the e,i road; Co��_cor�l '�-, I s establi. shed a 40 foot set -back but has ict nrovidec? s-ner ,t- areas for business districts; Lincoln a s Y' IT ('-F!ble St2 fd..S 2l Ctir� 1:112 road '"lL1.'h 11CIt Can'lOt -t; 1, tl _ b�Cf.USe ' '�,"': .,.5 no IrOZ%1Slon in the l^'rs for an t i?7 (!-".fferent. stated th-t if e„in:,ton r'c e ,-,a !-.ed certn ;_rp S 'oY `n)siness zones, it ^,7ould set a cminsrl C17C17s exarinl- - r- si-im 1 hat the To= was not unwilling at least:, t0 'laY7.• b17.s'_;1e3s On the 71eV7 road. E>el�,ct-•rents ,- etl.n -3- October 7, j 93 t'nought t1w t if tiie 'town made a 100 foot fnrC.___e_Ss Or residential 4ntj21nac'C an(', .ar'e no r�r,T_i=' it 1%,ru1C, not be i-avli;ir_g business. he stated, ri,ev�r,, t} t tl) .t'O".7n "'ou_lr' llia,TP, to define 'shat strictures cou.l- b erect- ;. Y . l-? ;3.1 stated that if a certain for 1 11 , rtr' S al d :i_f 75"0 Of such. a.reE, `7eiorr7edt!! oin,firrier aY',(7 2--,'f to anot'^.er farmer, it "!ould be ',1'1{:.1: to t`c Pest of the farr`^ rs r . rOI-tel' ino171 rer;. as to 1"":',at, woU_ld han-,Jeri if such. 1 s- e n,r- n Si-nl -tn ' e ormer ._ b� -; s zon _ „�, ,"1 � s' c a"_ld t � o,! 1._r of tile prop - in t;J e zone (ii_d not ':ant business. -e had in :o,,,e or7nCr on t,v)e -1C'.',-r roa.(" :,11o, evr n if his pro'.,lerty. JG.P,( foi"' ?j11Jl_ ASS 'U.?" OS^S, ';:Oilld Linder YO (7-ci c yb.,,J q;r�?:iS• nE�e r�r.'.e tlrl_-r felt thati'"1 l_S Yl �li Yll '1(} )_1r 1 l Ti �j '�./ ,p e ooaii df� rV.C. befor- it :!as 7nf+ � i "-s'._ state[ tY', t Ye tilo,z',bt that a nel'! r.,mJ1C?. Oa'7-- to )- CT t d• .,r. 11 Ti, S1)1 i i"n-21: an _'_.3 district be created - in, i; .. ,ll i+ tr<:� { n nn+^n c +-- `.i .lam _ Yo 2. o r_ s ,ri.c ., �oi_.> e s an t, . l ;✓i.t:, t n �Fc%. ;;cn" n s i;-? _.c' , hicr. ol.zld be fift t feet r -.t ln,,ts .toFtat ,,C, th%.t a v.2 rll.strl.Ct would. be <.S a .1 Usti°7.ct -::1-th the exception of the +-b^c °.ou_1' 10C f et, ba.' it rean t at i C}1 'r fl ''1 r' e 1 �, 1 i'l }`tl <', '. r•_> s,- flU l C7 _ `1',s col' -16 .7C_' _-r cited a.11. aloe ,-, t'Tle new road.. r. l n st' _i ted l' Lat . }: eould- be better to creat an o71). , dlfferer_ce between this and an 1L.1 'lSi:r'7 (' i, '�a i "li i i.r!e 50 foot set-bac)L, q" r1 1 7T1-)' :rpa-re L (' the ''Gard of Appe is retired and_ c i soused_ thy, natter in :private session. 1:,,`;n G'rl9'% rr Fir1rled to tr.e _)electrients I-eeting, the? irf Or..� a tilri08_r�'1at te � 1&('- dP-C1C1P(t0 request , i:r. -T!,to,, to olit in its si Thule st form, an arnendIDent to ro rice for• a 5C root set -bac;: for resiCi­' 1-1 areas nr r ­ori, o'lt So -o sort of a nev! (1,1 --strict ';,"fere the set -back for bu -ass arees ',!olilo- be 100 feet. ':ihen he has accomplished this, r. --n-tor is to send copies of the amendments to the r1.ifferent `ioe.rds. t'lle natter of an ar..e7icirlent t),II?end.ment to nre-T-ni-, o,' 'or sellinl- rnur.poses, - but ".-re re ''':;°? qn-2 "Uesli on as ';o :il et'rier or not. it Could_ lop Soil 'he ­!cr`ec+ 0,11.1 to t le s ..tl.sf ,.(_,ti on of tree citizens. ".P C)-,) ' .: e lr.�e j ,sae �. e o c s r 2c c i_r: i- ma. t r. 1