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PLr� : IP?G BOAhD i EEYl'IliG
July 2, 1935
The - ^g --cords s of the p_ v' ous meeting were
j11.. r..ao. �. _. - Q the 1^p y: y>a � o
dispensed ivrith.
Tl---- mal;ter of si,ri_pping loam ,was taken up and. proposed
amendments to the Zoning I31, -Law drawn up by Yr. John. Lyons and
Town Counsel were discussed_. 1s1r. Lyons felt that unless the
loam stripping had to do wl.th construction of buildings or farm
uses, it must go to the Board of appeals. The stripping of loam
over large areas, as in the case of the Bean property, is not
a normal farm operation and could not be allowed except with
approval of the Board of Appeals.
Lr. Greeley suggested changing John Lyons? draft to read
'�excent ra,i.en incidental to and in connection with normal farm
1111r. Duffy felt that it would be permissible for a man to
rerade his property or construct a golf course transferring
loam froom one location to another but a person should not be
allo,:ved to buy property for the purpose of stripping the loam
for Sale.
ar. ,r•-.eley stated that the proposed amendment would not
stop sr.all contractors from taking off a feet loads of loam be-
cause that would be incidental to a farm use.
ls. Greele-,- also moved that the necessary steps be taken
to insert in the next issue of the �2ov✓n paper a notice of hear mop
ing to be held in the Town Office Building July 19th, at 7:30 Soil
P. lc . on the follol^rIng amendment to the Lexington Zoning By -
Law proposed b1,r the Planning }3oards-
Voted:- That the Lexington Zoning By-La`v be amended by
adding to Section 40 R.l Districts, Paragraph 6, the
fol lowing; paraor•aph: -
e. Excavation and removal from the premises of any
sod, loam, sand, gravel, clay or quarried or crushed
stone, except when incidental to and in connection
with the construction of a building for which a per-
mit has been issued in accordance with the Building
By-La;r✓s, and except ::hen incidental to and in con-
nection with the normal and lawful development of
the propert-v concerned.
The motion was seconded by 1,r. Ellis and it was unanimous-
ly voted..
At the suggestion of Tv:r. Greeley, the meeting was turned
over to the discussion of the various petitions for business
' areas along the new Concord highway, lie presented informal Concord
petitions from the rutchinson Brothers, Tars. Jutler, Fannie Highway
Hutchinson and formal petitions from Henry S. 1400dy and DeVir_eent.
meeting ofthe Planning Board .vas held in
the Conference
Foos, of
t'- Town G'fice Builr'..ng, Lexin`.ton, on Tuesday, July 2,
19::5, at
7:3G P. 1;!. :essrs. Duffy, Greeley, Ellis,
and. i -_obi nson -.-,ere present. The clerk was
also present.
The - ^g --cords s of the p_ v' ous meeting were
j11.. r..ao. �. _. - Q the 1^p y: y>a � o
dispensed ivrith.
Tl---- mal;ter of si,ri_pping loam ,was taken up and. proposed
amendments to the Zoning I31, -Law drawn up by Yr. John. Lyons and
Town Counsel were discussed_. 1s1r. Lyons felt that unless the
loam stripping had to do wl.th construction of buildings or farm
uses, it must go to the Board of appeals. The stripping of loam
over large areas, as in the case of the Bean property, is not
a normal farm operation and could not be allowed except with
approval of the Board of Appeals.
Lr. Greeley suggested changing John Lyons? draft to read
'�excent ra,i.en incidental to and in connection with normal farm
1111r. Duffy felt that it would be permissible for a man to
rerade his property or construct a golf course transferring
loam froom one location to another but a person should not be
allo,:ved to buy property for the purpose of stripping the loam
for Sale.
ar. ,r•-.eley stated that the proposed amendment would not
stop sr.all contractors from taking off a feet loads of loam be-
cause that would be incidental to a farm use.
ls. Greele-,- also moved that the necessary steps be taken
to insert in the next issue of the �2ov✓n paper a notice of hear mop
ing to be held in the Town Office Building July 19th, at 7:30 Soil
P. lc . on the follol^rIng amendment to the Lexington Zoning By -
Law proposed b1,r the Planning }3oards-
Voted:- That the Lexington Zoning By-La`v be amended by
adding to Section 40 R.l Districts, Paragraph 6, the
fol lowing; paraor•aph: -
e. Excavation and removal from the premises of any
sod, loam, sand, gravel, clay or quarried or crushed
stone, except when incidental to and in connection
with the construction of a building for which a per-
mit has been issued in accordance with the Building
By-La;r✓s, and except ::hen incidental to and in con-
nection with the normal and lawful development of
the propert-v concerned.
The motion was seconded by 1,r. Ellis and it was unanimous-
ly voted..
At the suggestion of Tv:r. Greeley, the meeting was turned
over to the discussion of the various petitions for business
' areas along the new Concord highway, lie presented informal Concord
petitions from the rutchinson Brothers, Tars. Jutler, Fannie Highway
Hutchinson and formal petitions from Henry S. 1400dy and DeVir_eent.
-'- Duly 2,135
_nson statecti 1, at if tr,e Board eras iSoii to desig-
natealon,, the nes°! Concord f i : i !a r, he rrou d
su ;--est o -Lie a'„ r e 12�te.rsec1,iorl of Pleasant atreet taking in
t",re four cor -i.ls a d anoth43r at the intersection of the Old
.iO!'I.COr�� iy? PnUE3
and t!" joncor 0. I `T'Iay.
1_r. DLffz su.- -s-1 -d that inasmuch as the !.ioody uronerty
Is Y 0t9 no, T -h fro- '. 1 voncOrCi .rl..'r','ia- a separate hearing
should be he7_d, brat; f-lt thatl the otlier petitions shouldbe
elc? i. r_ a_be Tante ,rnt,_l '�_s leisla_ture acts upon the bill_ now
for r.. ,o =c r:, l_ zf set cls
It "Tas roved that tl,.e necesspry steps be t<,',; -_n toy^!ard.
10 7_d n a. 'rr-:+_r ,n;^ in. the 'l`o`,1!n Office Buildin77,, Friday,
'ul-- �`>t':;., at 8:00 F. '_., on the petition of :ienrry S. Boody
to ar.r, nr. ` t ie L , .. t o r! Zor , . g By -Lary! s a nd I,':ap b r changing from
a 2 1 r7ier„ l_ C I,strict to a, business district the area bounded
and r escr°i ner_ as follo"'s:-
Prcr�er ;-- ].ocai;ed at ,:o. 130 Pleasant ;street, East
ha -,,1,11,!7 a fronta.,-:e of about one hun-
°red_ l'ifL.% (150) z"eet or_ Pleasant Street and running
b, -c,,)- a, distance of about two hundred (200) feet, as
shol,-!n on elan aocom-oanying petition.
`rhe- motion las seconded and so voted.
It was moved a*l.d_ seconded, and unanimously voted that
t" -ie area for the Good-,,- oets_tion be set as follows: -
Blossom Street from Allen Street to Concord t,venue,
Concor-J Avenue from !* alnut Street to Belmont Line,
Pleasant Ntreet from '*atertown St. to Concord Ave.,
';"aterto.frn St. .from Pleasant St. to Belmont Line,
S. Moody
Concord=ii�,hway from Blossom St. to Arlington Town Linep
e7l�n<<ton Lane `r.rouVhout,
jarlen :,ll eri e thr0u rnou.t,
�•Ti re-,ard venue t'��?rougr2.out,
Hanson avenue throughout,
Dale Streat 'hroughout,
t;=gado' broo',' tare-Ue tnrOU(TYpUt.
T_ -e secretary was _instru.cted to ,!!rite I�-r. t.00dy to this
._ot_i.on :!as r::a':e and seconded_ that the areas affected by DeVincent
the DeVlncent, Gutler al.c ar_:-I.e TEutchifison petitions be desig- Cutler
nateBd as 1;he sane as that affected b,.; the :_oody pe ti tion, and Hutchinson
1t "8.5 -0 VOt8C1
P',ae area as affected by the Hutchinson Brothers, petition
as C s1 f nc.tec as fo11ow3:-
O_ossol" titre -t t'[lrotl lIout,
L,ot-i. slcies of i llen St. from 31ossom St. to Franklin
ach.00l property,
otr- sides of new Concord !igln�!a�r from llaltham Street Hutchinson
to Pleasant street,
3otA si.d,;s of "7althan street from Stedman Rd. to Concord
five. including all of the business district at the
intersection of '.;altham St . and Concord Lve .
3oth si.des of Concord Ave. from Pleasant 6t, to ;:altham
1. ellim-,ton Lane throughout,
Garden Avenue throughout,
' Vsne card _ivenue throughout,
..1anson :,venue throughout,
bale Street throughout,
leado;°rbroo=. Ave=nue throughout.
i:.r. Gree1.e-.r re: -.d a letter from. the Circumferential High-
, -!a,- Committee as';in,7 for a donation and the reappointment of
the present representative or a new appointment.
L.r. Kimball moved that the Planning; Board contribute Circu4i-1
5.Q0 to the co„m.,ittee and that T;ir. Duffir be reinstated as ferentia:
representative of the Lexington Planning; Board. It was un- Highviay
animously voted.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P. E.
Respectfully submitted,
(s) Roland B. Greeley