HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-03-06L PLANNING BOARD BEARING March 6, 1935 The Planning Board held a public hearing in the Selectments Room of the Town Office Building, Wednesday, March 6, 1935, on the petition of Mrs. Catherine Kelly. Messrs. Duffy, Robinson, Ellis, Kimball and Greeley were present. The petition was to amend the Zoning By -Law as follows: - "By inserting after Section 3, C.1 Districts, Paragraph 30, a new paragraph which shall read as follows: - 30A. At the junction of East and Lowell Streets, in the southeast corner of the intersection, extending 196 feet along Lowell Street and 250 feet along East Street and of a depth of 100 feet throughout." At 8:10 Mr. Duffy opened the hearing by reading the notice which had been published in the local public paper and sent to the various property owners in the district laid out by the Planning Board. There were three people present, Mr. Kelly, F. J. Spencer and Mr. Andrew Bierenbroodspot. Mr. Greeley stated that due to a typographical error, the article in the Town Warrant called for a depth of 200 feet instead of 100 feet as was asked for in the petition and that it would be necessary for the Planning Board to submit an amend- ment making this correction, according to instructions from the Town Counsel. Mr. Kelly stated that it would be satisfactory to him if this change was made and also added that the notice called attention to the southeast corner and it was the southwest corner that he wanted the change to affect. He remarked that he wanted the property changed from residential to business and although he has no definite plans at the present time is looking ahead into the future. In regard to his work, Mr. Kelly stated that things were uncertain. Mr. Kimball asked Mr. Kelly if he had not acquired the property within a few years knowing it was in a residential zone, and Mr. Kelly replied that at the time he took over the property he did not investigate to see how it was zoned, which time was about one year ago. Mr. Greeley advised Mr. Kelly that at the time he first appeared before the Planning Board, about two months ago, it was understood that it was his intention to have a stand there for farm produce and he had been referred to the Board of Appeals. He also told him that this was the time to present arguments in favor of the change so that the Board could pre- pare a report to present at the Town Meeting on the matter. Mr. Kelly asked what objection the Planning Board could have to the change and felt that as long as no one appeared to oppose the petition they were in favor of it as they had so stated by signing. He also said that he had not been before the Board of Appeals. Mr. Duffy stated that this was not the time for the Planning Board to give its views on the matter but the time for Mr. Kelly to give his reasons for wanting the change. Mr. Kelly advised the Board that things were uncertain where he is employed and he is paying $60.00 a year taxes on the land and is getting nothing out of it. K6117 Hearing Planning Board Hearing -2- March 6, 1936 As there were no others who wished to speak regarding the matter, llir. Duffy declared the hearing closed at 8:30 and advised Mr. Kelly that the Board would take the matter under consideration and report on it at the Town Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Roland B. Greeley (Signed) Clerk LJ 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING 1 Burch 611935 A Planning Board Meeting was hold in the Selectm9n's Room of the Town Office Building on Wednesday, March 6, 1935s, at 8:30, following the hearing on the petition of Mrs. Kelley. Messrs. Duffy, Ellis, Kimball, Robinson, and Greeley were present. After the hearing had been declared closed, and those who had been heard had left, Mr. Kimball brought out that, in view of the fact that there were already two business districts on Lowell Street,one less than one-half mile to the north and the other less than three-quarters of a mile to the south, he felt that these two business areas would be ample for some time to come. He further observed that any further extensions of bus- iness zones in the Town would have only an adverse effect on existing business interests. He, therefore, moved that the Planning Board report to the Town Meeting that it was opposed to the petition of Mrs. Kelley. The motion was passed unanimously. A report was prepared on this subject, which, after some discussion, Mr. Greeley moved be presented to the Town. This motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Kimball stated that he had talked with the Town Counsel in regard to the error in the wording of the proposed amendment as it appeared in the Warrant, and that he had been advised that the article should be amended from the floor of the Town Meeting, Mr. Greeley prepared and read a report which he suggested should preceed the making of the correction amendment, and this was unofficially approved by the Board. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Roland B. Greeley (Signed) Clerk 1 K,e l ley Hearing