HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-05-1011 I "J 11.1 .gym.,. r1 0-7 7 G 301��Ilj� i,ay 10, 1934 r Present:- Lexin,-.ton I.lanIA-inc --id Greeley. guff,:, -eley. ,.r1in,,ton .'fanning Board -L,;sl;sr '!. Collins, , I'I'll. 1 rrian I .erbert - -1 utc'Cler, __!-. .' Uaroj-Tl- reed aT les .'_ac villin _"elriont _,'�oaff P, s r q c i- a 1Ji 1 i n a n6 roi>in "04 _­n;e.Ineer oodfall 6o-ncorc-1 Board lv.an j-). �ervias, Chairman S­MiT,,. Secretary;* :arold Judl,ins ilenr-,T 1 -Oder 1'eV­ -Iald. i. I L V ;_,ass. Dept. of Public '-i,olfare,, Division of dousing and Town i'laru-iing. Lollows En,�-,�neer, -il nC Y :,_-_tropo1!.tan 'Plan., . , Commission. and A.r. Luff;;: called the mectin,�-, to order,, , explained the pur- pose of ti!_- r2e_etin a -,id the nroblerla to be solved. ir. 'art :an, 1.3-1)0-1 i r, Luff -Is Is su- -pe stion, made a few intro- r"rart's, stat) of -lif-t the hi,°Iiylrav nroblem was such that we ne('­c-Id a coni-olete ne-7 sn_t_U_O the!')-.i)artment of Public :;oris to control th-1 1,7--Lnd border in`,- o71 3tate_ iJ_ghways. He pointed o -;Jt tl-lat `,-liore sl,,ou16 be -1-io clevelo,i)mo.nt frontinfp, on State -.i,rhways, -as UrO con,r-nlent stations at ver-;- infrequent intervals, (5 yrilos or more.) anri such stations minlilt well be located on islaf-ds bot,_.-een t, 7 li� a -d arilTi-sable. dvocated U,.o roaar,ra­s no7,, rlleonl_ clailminz t`�.at houses should front on Concord intorcel-M-1-1,47 struts ­arallelling t1'.1-, _tate stated 'l-, � 0 1 at present, no means floss s t a 1 there e.-,:1 sted, .9 b-- w`ich the �tnt,� coul�i oontrol )ro-,D­rty d-valoprent alonr,-, State LY L- - k � ,� I - 1,ie of centl-ing strips in (3­i)lias�zed the w� Center PlanU -',at ovinorsh2n by Towns of a very C�tate _i_.7.h,,-Ta­s. LIO SU(T'11 _L d --sted i Stri-) of L­_,l,cl o1i 'Joth sides of the State 'J,'Tivlay might hE)I.p Turnpike in brin�in- about tlie desired --,)rotectlon. r. 3ervias -oointeO out that the Board of Surve­ can control t"pie locat-lon of streets. el­,-oresseCl the opinion that ire should atter'-pt to 'olloV'le el-anple S-4- by U Jestchest-r County., as regards -2- F,,ay 10 1,034 ' the proteeti.on of ,. ain tr<_ffic arteries. Shen <:tterti.on :ras tuinod to c<:i.sting conditions of zonings, ray oo!.71te(f_ out " 1_'.t, e-:ce -)t for sone ue neral T -sidence area in De t, ,,,`a:> to -pass erti_rel;T t,arou h sin -le residence zone S, rt;r,arzobserve: hat uaysidc stand, usually allowed in sin -le r ; sl denc!3 Zones !"'ere o ioc t.ionable on a 1'free1rray" of this tT;Tne, r. f" r ;!: <ed t t rianY of' these -:Tayside stalls are nonstrosit- s, a r _ .sec t �i^ nuesti_o_a of :)ossible coor,er,,tive marts. It r"as renorte^. that t'_ie Concord la ming; Hoard :,,as in favor of stic",.in,-_. to the present zoning conditions: 20' fet-back, single falilTrTs, no t'l.11iil_' stations. ('Ihere is now filling statio_ near t:i est 1:1T ter:,nus of the nro;)osed highway; and it raght be advisaole to allot one .ear Lake 7.i a1den. ) 6;t t_Ms point file3e1"on1, c?eleg<_tes as?ed to be excused.. ''hey expressed t"ensel_ves of beim'", in favor of:- the center strip, t: l.rou ,i -lout tie le rigt1p of the proposed _ligh:ra T; a rrour,i_ng of il-siness o--.-,e,si_de stand enteripri.ses into small business zones; t .ice. d YiP r-1 1.vn 7"rl 1`„ 1, I .� -t a no est �' f' e o ._t of r)l n 1'or t.__ d ,r to }rne nt o_ th r.l'o7,osed_ ni -a;-, 'r'!i ,i plan ig;Yit be ta'.ren bacic to the Planning 'oar,'s of r-�c:=1s of t' e r: sneci ive to,ans concerned_. Ocards, am ( )el'`1ont <ele`e:tes denart.) ..r. Servais moTred that "DI or,',er to )rotect the no,;,, State h ghr:a;; , it is the sense of these asseirbled. Boards t'ic_t —_ silall stand tosether on existing 20nin ,of)pose s-oot soninc'. and, .b- influencing Boards of :iurve,;, att.er­=_)t to limit the nuribor of entering roads to prover distan.ces.11 'as sed unanir ou.sly. ' T • that n ,, sev Tal `lan:nl_n- 3oards assembled here each appoint one member• to serve on r_ re71onal. planri.ng board., said board to meet ,uitllin t' -'o 'rev"s to C'i`:.cuss this si tuati.on. lso that !:'.r. Hartnan r_c renresentatives of the ilei ont ilanning �3oard and the Lincoln Board of oelccti-ten serve on that regional planning board. !,he first meeting- of the r6grional planning board shall be called by ? r. Luffy." Passed unaninous11r. It �%as su=b -,sted. t-lat the Secretrr-r communicate with the prorer au1'_norities in _sclr::ont and incoln in regard to this matter. I" int 3r.^.st n, , , __e .s r axed harr.onious meeting was then ad ourned . Respectfully submitted, Roland B. Greeley (Signed) Clerk v JL T 1,-, illa:,I 7'110 J !,,ay 10, 1934 After g;roun >']_an in_ ; o^rd rneeti.ng. I✓resent: - loarca U!, Irnr_, : -,ball, and- ureele r on. i:l_ar.nin<Boor(! Co11in.=, ",;utc_aer, :.rs. Beed, I:.aci illin and Oni.nn r. uollins called time two boares together to discuss the st LexinTton �o"-'S i'.,,Z,a ..On. _' -:mlained that the Lexington JG rJ Boar( of ,Ablie ..oris G c9 n-ro )osed to tide arli_n. ton Board of 'ublie or 1'02' i'" e?': 5-1 01Cle 13roo:,l Outlet near the lower dam of the 'Great :. e. c o��rs, �,+nich outlet grade asrould. be too hi ,h to allow of ceMete dra_i n .nc o tit1­1 r iet.cio.rs at 1<<ter da rnte r;it?hout doing the ,,or•_-, all over t -r. �aoirted out t , U present drainage problem was to ta!:e care of nu-rol local ,._'')ove and to tie southwest of the d ;'r. �'ollir.s-.-mressed the oni_nion, that, in the future, t_e ti; -,ole r-,,aOov s ^.i - a rni. ,i, ec sil z be corp ; letehr drained. .-r. ufF'-' said 1 :.at lie felt that there were manor practically bottor-!I-ss ?pits of -.yell,_ and o .:t in t'ie r-ead.ov;s area. Great It :.s felt t" -.,It the Great rado^rrs *-jroblen. rjas one that must P , rebe settlesbet':,'eet ane rlin.gadOlJB tre l.^ ir_�ton rl«nninrm Hoard mi grit, e; gest to :tear frorn. the •rli =,tori =1 annin,:r -Doar,l in the near fliture . .F e ujecret,:.r,,- of t'ae I-exinr;ton :laimin,- Board was instructed to c'saac: u,? ith o•, -in .ncrinoer Josgrove in r�,g,.rd to the enact level o -f the iar000sed gra(les, and In regard to what had transcribed be- tween the soar, s of Public i oris of Lexi.nrton and i,rlinrgton. ieetinf ;as adjourned .t 10:30 r'. liespectfully submitted, 1toland .3. Greeles.> (aignedj ilerl