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,-,arch. 16, 1934
`l r> n >o .r c'_ :'aet:in :, ' eld in tiie �oriference Room
��e "o rn G 1'�c ;zila� :, .'r�cia, .:.arca 16, 1934. :.essrs.
uffT?, lobi?1son, C;l ,Cireeley and ._imball were
n„e sent .
=:oard organized. I -r. (11-rnn nominated :_r. ; uffy as
ira rr;an
an,,- it . as unanirnousl; voted and ::r. Greeley as 8ecre-
tar c it also �as a unanixrous vote . i> vote of than'_ s was
;:qac', y to .:r. ;;obi nson as past ;secretary.
T: warrant for trxe com n, ' o,,-rn .:eetin3 was discussed.
r. Luff;- read the draft of the report to be presented on !,.ass.
xivenuc nc stated t1 --',--IL; t%re total ar,ount of area tirl-ich is now
lair' out for business in frontage is 28,023 feet and the total
estimated. anount ^ctuall-T uses for business is 8,240 feet.
rr. Greet-_-;, stated that according to statistics, Lexington
has "ore t,t:.n its ouota fi,or, t'lese fl --res.
r. L tiiif; st ted t%xat tl,e oard_ had statements approving
the char.';-_ from the Hoard of �.lectmen, Ur. Barnes, and the
3apti_st Church and annroval of r. T,ivierge if the others favored
it. :_r. C'lonnell made statements at Planning Board :11:iearings
and lilo,,°rn eetings t',1at he favored the change but later refused
at the hcarinM, Tho _Iunt eirs and i`:rs. Leary are also o;.rnosed.
_e px-o cosec renc-ents vrere discussed and it was moved
anc' secorcred that t ro 6oard renort indefinite postponement in
respect to itc:,s C., T_ ., and':_'^s. under ,article 38 of the warrant Amendments
for Town-_ctir„ :::arc?. 26, 1934, and it was unanimously voted.
1n regard to `section (h) ap,_earing under r.rtiele 38 on
t�e a 7"znt,;r. iEOI�'i nSOn stated. t �,,t lir. i c3 tT-fan S O??inion l'✓aS
that once a enor ,trx to nresent a netition unless some
came r a.a been na6te in the status of the petition.
in rogard to the mw Concord ,;venue 'ri.igh.^ray, :.r. Glynn
sug sestet, 1 _iat re_:bers oi' Y1! ll1it1 Boards of surrounding, towns,
thio at -h r`.i c'r tni s ,tr—t is to run, be invited to meet to-
g—tiler 1 it31 a ,stat.- enG;i_r_eer and. settle the matter of gasoline
stations, cross roads and business (1istricts, iie also felt
that iter--infrton siioi:_lc_ 'nave somethiag d-efinite in mind that
we ,ant = copted incl :nave it r''aC ;- to oresent, and made the follow-
inm „otion:- "`� ' —t the Planr.in;- -)oar,, favors the holdinv of
such a car, r. at tho rc>nresentatives from various towns
:".'ill be iv:Lte,'! az1, 11 endeavor .o ',"rorl: u'J a program and that
I.z. Greeley underta'_e to brine: before t:ie Board some suggestions
along the 3,e 'lines." it Y.as so voted.
1” e me --tin"; `:ris adjourned. at 10:00 P.
Respectfully submitted,
Oland I3. Greeley (signed)