HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-02-07jr2ITIiv x OF 'PLANNING BOARD
February 7, I9Z4
A meetinc, of the Lexington Planning, Boaj-d was held at the
Town Office Buildin£; on 7ednesday evening, February 7, I934, the
followin6 bein& present: 1essrs. Duffy, Glynn, Scheib, :rimball,
and hobinson, also bdr.Cos6rove, Town EnL ineer.
, ,
TO.>rd �U R
N (To�.)oUra„Map)
A discussion of the )ro6rFes of the Town Jap brought out
that a la.re;e amount of material and notes have been assembled
during the last few weeke,rauch of it under C.7.A. appropriation.
Mr.Cosgrove stated that if, as announced, the C.7.A. should be
terminated on February I5, the work would necessarily be pract-
ically at a standstill; but it is hoped thatadditional funds
may be available, and if so, a,,),,roximately7_1rJI5OO,00 of the total
P-iloted to the Town would be. assigned to further engineering
services and thus mace it possible to continue one crew of four
men, including a draftsman, on the Topographical survey until
about May first. Meartime, three men from the regular force
could work part time on the map; and also much data collected
by Metcalf & Tlddy in connection with their drainage studies
would be available, and could be used toward the development
of the map.
�gen ��• Duffy asked of Mr. Cosgrove an estimate of the number
the if
oi' that could be effec4ively in the work on map, suffic-
ient money were obtained fro.:, any source. He replied that two
crews, each consisting of an engineer, two field -men, and a
draftsman, could work to advantage; and estimated that each crew
in a year could complete about 25% of the map. On this basis, .
under the rates of wages paid to C.T.A. workers, the whole map
would cost about 'x£000.00, an amount which Mr. Cosgrove thought
would be difficult to obta.in'from the Town at the present time.
Mr. Duffy s,4;gested that Mr. Cosgrove prepare a detailed outline
of the amount of work still needed for the completion of the
Town idA,p, in such form as might be presented to the e�;ional
in an a.ttevi2t to obtain aid from the Federal Goverment.
It was then VOTEM: That Mr. Duffy and Mr. Cosgrove be
reauested to conf6r with the Regional Advisor and make any suit-
able arrangements which may provide means of completing'the map,
possibly by an additional alottment of C.^`.A. funds for hiring
the sug6esjaed two engineering crews for the necessary time.
P1.1ASANT ST?il= D_' VEL)i'a.�'NT.
Mr. Cosgrove reminded the Board that a hearing on the mat-
ter will be held by the County Commissioners, at East Cambridge,
on February 20; and urged that as man; of the Planning Board as
possible attend the hearing.
Mr. Cosgrove informed the Board that he is prei)aring a sche
dule of frontp. es of all the existinE; business areas in the Town,
which will be available nresently for use by the Board and the
Building; Inspector.
dr. Cosgrove asked the Board to look over a sugbested dev-
elo_ment of the areas on Bedford Street extendinE, from. the Lex-
ington Lumber Company to the worth Lexington station, and east-
ward to the railroad,-Pxticula.riy as it affects the Taylor
proyderty which is likely to be sub -divided in the near future.
Adoption of a. suitable layou., now may forestall a development
which might be undesirable.
BUD -sT FOR I934
It was decided that an apropration of $250.00 would be
asked of the Town for the year I934; made up as follows:
rr.inti% , postage end Advertising.... -•70.00
Mass. Federation of Planning; Boards.. I5.00
Clerical Services ................... 40.00
Professional Services............... I25.00
i>25�s 0.00—
Unpaid I933 Bills: A.A.Shurcliff.....$117.80
Mass. F. D1. Bds.. I5.00
70POS.M AY?';ITD',1'r^1TTS To BY -LAST
As a matter of formal record, the adoption of the follow-
ing amendments was VOT.TM:
To substitute a new SECTION I0; NON -CONFORMING T?SES.
The followin6 draft prepared by Mr. Glygm was a.d.opted.
Any use or building, non -conforming on May 21 I924, at
tae time of adoption of the original Lexington Zoning By -Law,
may be continued for the same purpose or for purposesnot sub-
stantially diferent;any such building may be repaired orstruc-
tually altered but shall not be rebuilt if destroyed tothe
extent of 90f of its insurable value; no such use or building
shall be extended or enlarged nor, if discontinued for a sub-
stantial period of time, shall such use be resumed except sub-
,;ect to the provisions of Section 9."
That Section 3, C.I Districts, Articles 17 and IL�, be
amended by striking them out, and substituting therefor the
to 17. 79on the ijortherly side if Massachusetts Avenue begining
at Vine Brook and extending; westerly to the easterly line of
Meriam Street, throughout its length extending northerly to the
Railroad property.
"I8. Upon the southerly side of Massachusetts Avenue beginning
at the westerl line of anis Court and extending westerly to
a point opposite the easterly line of Meriam Street, and of a
de dth of IO0 feet from the southerly line of 1Sassa.chusetts Ave-
nue, throughout."
^^CTI,) 16; BOA PM OF K`177AJIS.
To substitute a, new rection 16; BOARD OF AP77,ALS as follows,
"Section I6. There shall be a Board of Appeals of five members
who shall be appointed by thr Selectmen for terms of five years
each, the term of one appointee to expilc: ea.ch year.. The terms
of the members of the Board first appointed after the adoption
of this by-law shall expire in such order as the Selectmen shall
designate. The Selectmen shall also appoint a.nnualy two associate
members of tti: Board of Appeals, one or both of whore may be des-
ignated by tie Selectmen from time to time to take the place of
a regular meaoer or me,abers of the Board of Appeals as to cases
arising under this by-law in case of vacancy, ina.bi.L.L to act
or interest.,
( the foliowin note is not a part of this
by-law but is to be printed below this section;)
" Note. Appeals from the rulinc, of the Building Inspector
in ma=tters under this by -low are to be claimed, prosecuted, and
heard in accordance with the statttes and the rules of the Board
of Appeals printed in the ap_)endix of this by-law."
It was also VOTPM:
To include in the ".`arrant for the 11arch, I934 Town Tfeeting
the followinc proposed amendments:
That SI';CTI03 4, C.I DISTRICTS, para,raph 2, be amended by
adding, after the word "stores", the word "salesrooms"; so that
the article will read.; "2. Retail stores, salesrooms, and shops
for custom work or the matin only of articles to be sold at
retri.L on the =-)remises."
.Also, in the same section,to delete article 6(c) and to sub-
stitute therefor the foilowin :
" (C; nuoiic;s.ra.es, a.utomible repair-shoyjs, storage- oatter,r
service -stations, retail gPsoline or oil stations, greasing, sta-
tions, or any of their ap�)urtena.nces or accessory uses, Non of
the forehoind, or any driveway for the entrance or exit of aut-
omobiles in connection therewith, shall except as to the rear
boundry thereof, be located so that any part thereof shall be
less than fifty (50) feet from any residence district, or with-
in three hundred (300) feet of the property used by any public
or;,rprivate school, public library, church, hall of public assem-
bly historical buildinb, monument, or museum, playground, or
institiztior� for the sick, the aced or dependent, or for children
under sixteen years of age. Every fillin6-station structure,
pumlo, or � reasinc;-stand shall hereafter be set bacx not less
than twenty (20) feet from the established stEeet line, and no
fillin6 shall be done exceat to cars standing on the property
of the fillin-6-station."
Also, in the sane Section, to amend Article 6 (e) by adding
after the word "depots" the words "public stables;" so that the
same will read: "(e) Retail dealers in ice, Grain, fuel, lumber
and structural materials, milk depots, public stables, and other
commercial non-manufactoring uses not hereinbefore specified."
k ICT ION 17 . AIS IM7=q'L
That Section I7 be amended b;;r strixin6 it out, and substi-
tutinr thererof the followin7:
"Section I7, .A'I✓? i N:S, fijaendments to this by-law may be prop-
osed by the Planning Board, by vote of the Town Meeting, or by a
petition signed oy owners of 50% in valuatidn—.of the property
designated by the �'lanning Board as affected by the proposed
amendment; except that no proposed amendment which has been
acted u_oon by vote of the Town Meeting shall be proposed again
by petition in substantially the same form within one year of
such action. The PlanninL, Board shall hold a public hearin;, for
consideration of each amendment so proposed, notice of which
shall be published in a newspaper p,z'olished in the town and
mailed to such interested parties as the Board shal designate,
fourteen days at least before the'.date fixed for such hearing.
No amendment shah be voted upon by the Town until after the
I'lannin Board has submitted a final report thereon with recom-
,aendations to the Town Meetin.."
It was further Vf) . That notice of public hearing on these
proposed amendments, except those relating to Section 3, Articles
T7'and R, be published in the Lexington 1Unuteman on 'February
15 and 2I; the hearing to be held at E p.m. on Thursday, March I.
(A public hearin6 on Section �, the proposed change of Zone of
areas on iassachusetts Avenue in the nei,�,horhood of Cary Hall,
was held iTovemoer I7, I933.)
The Board discussed a s% estion made by Mr. Trask that
the sites for proposed public-service buildings shauld be sub-
ject to ajproval by the Plannin6 Board, and also mentioned in
suitable sections of the By-law. Mr, Glynn stated that in his
opinion the Plannin, Board has no authority in such matters;
that the;,, are alwa�,s passed u,)on by the Board if Appeals,
afterpublic hearings at which the Chairman of the Planning
Board should appear and report for':his Board. He said that he
would mane sure that all notices of Board of Appeals hearings
are hereafter sent to the Planning Board Chairman.
A' L I"M T" N iZ AD 177 x'
A letter from 1.1r. 77ri5htine ton relative to the possib-
ility of undertakin6 any considerable development of the Meadow
areas, in view of property rights of certain individuals and
the water rights of the Town of Arlington. A careful examination
of old records pertaininc, to those matters would be required
before he could render an opinion. In view of this, the Board
agreed that the matter should be postponed until later, after
the Town Meetin ; but that meanwhile a careful study of exist-
ing plans should be made.
CTQ, .CT7 TI=I L =Jr7,A7
The Clerk was requested to write to the Metropolitan
Planning Board and to the Massachusetts Department of Public
oras, asking for any information that may 'be available as
to progress of ;glans for this new highwpy, and asking them
to keep the Board informed of developments.
The meeting was adJourned at I0.59 o'clock,