HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-01-05u 1934 PLANNING BOARD J. Henry Duffy C. Edward Glynn Edgar F. Scheibe Edward W. Kimball Sheldon A. Robinson Roland B. Greeley Lester F. Ellis * Resigned # Appointed L I iJ PLANNING BOARD MEETING January 5, 1934 A meting of the Planning Board was held at the Town Office Building on Friday evening, January 5, 1934, the following members being present:- Yessrs. Duffy, Glynn, Kimball, and Robinson. The minutes of the preceding meeting of December 15, 1933, were read and approved. Regret was expressed at the absence of Mr. Milne, whose business affiliations require him to be in New York constantly, an arrangement which unfortunately appears to be permanent. Mr. Kimball presented a letter from Mr. vfrightington, Town Counsel, with reference to various amendments to the Zoning By -Law; but particularly with respect to Articles 16 and 17. A new Article 17 was proposed, reading as follows: - "Section 17. ANUI;,'NDM NTS. Amendments to this By -Law may be proposed by the Planning Board, by vote of the Meeting, or by a petition signed by owners of 50% in valuation of the property designated or accepted by the Planning Board as affected by the proposed amendment; except that no proposed amendment which has been rejected by vote of the Town Meeting shall be pro- posed again within one year of such rejection. The Planning Board shall hold a public hearing for consideration of each amend- ment so proposed, notice of which shall be published in a news- paper published in the Town and mailed to such interested parties as the Board shall designate, fourteen days at least before the date fixed for such hearing. No amendment shall be voted upon by the Town until after the Planning Board has submitted a final report thereon with recommendations to the Town Meeting." After discussion, it was duly VOTED: To adopt the proposed new Section 17 as an amendment to the Zo`Hng By -Law, subject to the revision of the word "rejected"; this word, in the opinion of the Board, not conveying the exact sense desired. A new Section 16, drawn up by Mr. Trightington, was also read and discussed; but its adoption was postponed pending a con- ference with Mr. v addison of the Board of Appeals, and further conference with 14r. ?7rightington. It was then VOTED: To invite Mr. Maddison, Chairman of the Board of Appeals, and Mr. Longbottom, Building Inspector, to meet with the Planning Board at its next meting, for the purpose of conferring relative to any difficulties they may have encountered in their administration of the Zoning By -Law. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. O'Connell informing the ' Board that he intends to present another petition for changing from an K-1 to a C-1 district of the triangular plot of land at the intersection of Woburn Street and Fletcher Avenue; also a letter from Ielrs. Anstiss Hunt stating objections to the proposed change of the land from ?�rinthrop Road to Wallis Court, on t1ass. Avenue , from a C-1 to an R-1 Zone. Proposed Amendments D. J. 016onne11 January 5, 1934 Meeting -2- 2n order to complete the Board's records with reference I to the attitude of all property owners in the above area, the Clerk was requested to write to Iir. E. J. Thivierge and obtain a statement of his views in the matter. The Clerk was also instructed to write to Mr. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, asking him to meet with the Board on February 2 Pleasant and bring plans of the proposed Pleasant Street reconstruction; a project that the Board considers highly important at this time. After a discussion of various matters which will be de- manding the attention of the Board in the immediate future, the meeting was adjourned at eleven o'clock, until January 12. Respectfully submitted, Clerk