HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-07-25PLANNING BOARD MEETING July 25, 1933 ' A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Town Office Building on Tuesday eVenilg, July 25, 1933, the following being present: Messrs. Duffy, Glynn, Kimball, Milne, Scheibe, and Robinson; also the secretary. WATERTOWN STREET_ RECONSTRUCTION The Town Engineer presented a tentative layout for a new road from Massachusetts Avenue, near Aldermanâ–şs Corner, to the projected new Concord Avenue, which it would join at a point east of the junc- tion of Bowman Street and Watertown Street, The road would follow the low land along Sickle Brook, generally parallel with Pleasant St. It was the opinion of the Board, however, that the junction with the new State Road should be at the present crossing of Watertown Street, ' so as to provide more practical connection with its continuation past Belmont Spring Club toward Waverly and the Newtons. It was also sug- gested that it might be preferable, and less in cost, to undertake in- stead of an entirely new road, a widening and reconstruction of Pleasant Street, and working out an intersection with the new Concord Road some- where in the neighborhood of Hatch's Pond, perhaps abandoning a portion of Watertown Street which is narrow and winding. This would also avoid creating another major intersection with Massachusetts Avenue, the pre- sent corner of Pleasant Street and Mass. Avenue being already adequate as to width and of good alignment. Mr. Cosgrove agreed to investigate this matter and report later. MARY A. WHELAN PETITION ' A letter was received from Doss Mary A. Whelan of 259 Bedford St., asking for a change in the Zoning Law which would bring her property into a 0-1 Zone, so that she can operate a tea-room and overnight house. 7/25/33 .(2) Mr. Glynn said that a tea-room had been in operation there for a year or two under a permit granted by the Board of Appeals; but that the latter had not seen fit to grant a permit again and had advised Miss Whelan to ask for a change in zone if she wished to continue her business in that location. The property is owned by Mr. Reil McIntosh. Mr. Milne suggested that instead of acting on this petition, 'Che Planning Board hold a hearing on its own initiative with respect to re-zon&ng a larger area in that locality, which would include the Smith "Bell Farm" on the opposite side of the street and adjoin the present business area occupied by a golf -range. In view of a further develop- ment of real estate, as now laid out, a business area in that part of the Town might be desirable.. Mr. Glynn, however, opposed the bringing in of a larger area; and Mr. Robinson was of the opinion that it should be presented to the Town at some other time. It was decided that the Board invite to a meeting in the near future, the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen and the Town Counsel, inxx order to discuss with them the whole matter of tea rooms and tourist houses, which show a tendency to invade residential districts in various parts of the Town. VOTED: That the Planning Board acknowledge Miss Whelan's letter, and that she be requested to prepare a petition in proper form, obtaining the signatures of property -owners in the following area: Both sides of Bedford Street, from North Hancock Street to Westview and Winter Streets. Both sides of Valley Road, from Bedford Street to railroad; and both sides of the followingg streets: North Hancock Street from Bedford Street to Bertwell Road; Bertwell Road; Alvin Street; Dexter Road; Gleason Road; Harding Road; Williams Road; Fuller Road; Dee Road; Simonds Road from Bedford Street to Bertwell Road; Berbard Street; Calvin Street; Donald Street; Eldred Street; Faulkner Street; Jerard Street; Humphrey Street; Justin Street; and Ivan Street. 7/25/33 (3)' Upon motion of Mr. Milne, it was VOTED: That the Chairman be appointed to inform the Board of Selectmen and the Town Counsel that the Planning Board is interested in the matter of clubs and tourist accomodations, and to arrange for a discussion of these matters at the earliest favorable opportunity. BUSINESS ZONES ON NEW CONCORD HIGHWAY Mr. Duffy stressed the opinion that the construction of the new Concord Avenue highway will create a demand for business locations and roadside stands, which may become a serious problem for the Board in the not distant future. Mr. Robinson suggested that it may be desirable to establish certain business zohes along this road and thus forestall spotty development; while Mr. Milne proposed that the Town take over certain areas and lease them for filling -stations and other business ' purposes, so that these will be entirely under Town control. This scheme is in force in New York, in the Bronx District and in Westahester County, and appears to aork well. Mr. Milne was requested to obtain more com- plete information relative to this matter. The secretary was also instructed to write to the Massachusetts Department of Public Works, asking if that Department has any regulations affecting the control of business areas, filling -stations, refreshment -stands, or set -back of buildings along State highways. The meeting was adjourned at 11 o'clock. 1 Clerk