HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-04-03Report to Town Meeting April 3, 1933 Actin on the petition of Daniel J. O'Connell to amend the Lexington ?oni:i, :3y -Laws by changiae; the tr.isnbular parcel of lend bounded by Fletcher Avenue, !"oburn Street and the ri6ht- of-v.ay of she Boston and Lowell RailroPd Corp. from an R.l district to a. C.1 district, the ''tannin;; Bo&rd in accordance with the provisions of the .'onin6 By -Law has held a duly advertised hearin6, and - fter consideratio.:, iiow reaorts to the Town. The ''lanninL, Board has twice previously considered requests for substantia.11Y this sane chane, end u.�on its adverse reports the Town has twice refused to approve it. T3pon this its third consideration of the iaatter, the Planning Board hes again unanimously voted to recoiiaaend to the Town that this chenge be not apyiroved at this ti.ae. It does not ap?et r that tree fnn t mental conditions affecting the matter have i_i r.ny :iatcriai degree chpnf ed since it was last considered by the Town. The opposition of the ;'tannin Board to the proj)osed change is, t s formerly, 'o< sed primarildr upon a firm belief that the area e ready L)rovided for business use is a,..,)ie, not only for all present needs but for the needs of wany years to cone, anc: that to eniarge the ..rep. viii necess:.ri y lead to a depreci tion in value of existing, busiiess areas and a progressive deterioration of nearby residential properties. :3eyond this )rimay'consideratio;i, which iuvolv._s a principle of f«r-reachi.,: ir:.)ortance affectiig the future develop- ment of the Town with respect to its business arez,s, the P_Lannirig Board in mope(- by other and more iaLaediate considerations to recouuaend the.t the Town at:,least difer comiiiittin6 itself to a change at this time. Among t.ese are the following; (1) The petitioner has indicated that he has in mind re- questin the withdrawal of certain lands on the southerly side of Gassa.chusetts Avenin e from ...inthrot) Road to the Baptist Churen from the ?3usiness or A.1 district to an:.l or residence district and further th4t ae would fe.vor the withfrawa.i of the lend frow the Town _Buildings to Pletcher Ivenue, from tag C F l dis district to n R.� district. Such cha.n6es, the lanni.ng :hoard feels, deserve the serious consideration of the Town, and should be carefully explored and acted upon before any new Brea immediately adjacent is set apart for business use. (2) The Russell Irouse property involving an important tract of land adjacent to Town property is now in the marxet and its future development is uncertain. Beim important in its influence on general town develo.inent the future of this area should riot be prejudiced at this time by a, cha.n;,e in the status of tree property involved in this petition. The Plannin- .rioard recognizes the improvements that the petitioner ha.s im de in the I)roy)Prty, and the ap,)arent fact that the land cannot be turned to as great profit for the owner through -2- residential use as through business use, but would main point out that the 1.=nd wss acouired by the owner while it was in a residential zone with no indication on the part of the Town that its status ws.s to be chrnLed. 'te5pectinE, th«t specific business use indicated for this area, should. it oe changed to a. business area, the Planning Board is of the opinion that a filin6 station would introduce added complications and dent,ers to ooth hit,hwc y and sidewalri trafzic. Seeint; no _>uolic necessity with respect to t he special use at this location, the Board notes th, gj-°owing; demand in neighboring municipalities to exe.lud:. such uses from ax ea.s in proximity Lo churches, schools, and public buildings. Respectin6 the induce- ments offered in the way of new assessable valul-s, the Board is inclined to discount these considerably in view of the oroader considerations and to conte,nplate the prooability of eventual depreciation of the value of mercantile buildin6s in this area owing to its peculiar location. The Planning Board recognizes the desire of residents of the Fletcher Avenue and "'oburn Street districts for improved street conditions and convenient neighborY;ood stores, but it should be noted that Fletcher Avenue is now an unaccepted street and, that 'a uusiness area suiteole for neighborhood stores, is', already provided on '''oburn Street east of the railxoad.The future extension of Sherman Street to "oburn Street with neneral rearrangements and improvements includin6 the possible discon- tinuance of Fletcher Avenue from the Railroe.d to Masst.chusetts Avenue are seen as developments indicating the desirabiiity of deferring a.ny chr:nl,e in the sV tus of the are¢ involved in the present petition. The Planning Board regards this triengulr°.r area, ,ust off the-)rincipal avenue between two streets and a railroad, and between two Preis in which the Town itself has heavy investments, as being of ;)eculiar strategic importance. Changes such as might be involved in the elimination of the "."oburn Ctreet grade crossing, or the re ayout of 7oourn 2treet as a part of a mF,.or state highway development suggest that Meavy chErges for dama-es might well fall on the Town if this area were to be built upon for business purposes. For these reasons the Town should surely maintain at this point the limitation of the business area as originally contemy)la.ted when the 'oiing 13y -Law was passed. The Planning Board avain ur.;es that the Town :name no change at this time in the status of the particular area covered by the t)etition. ;l