HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-12-27Flanni.r,g Loard Meeting Lece-b,i r 27, 1932 ri ^7eeting of the F1 n ,"r�, Bo:.rd w, -,C held In the Gonference Boor, of the 'To'ir--n Cffice 3uildling, "uesday, L'ecerbe_- 27, 193`-'. at V:OC F. i . lr'essrs. 'n , 1,? ff y' 1C: Lchelbe '"er'e present. i:r. Ross, 'Ir GOSgrOVe and the secreta -l- t 7a lsa ilr9sent. Foss, `yup-r_nter_dent of tre ,later & Se'r-er Le paxtment, came be- fore f -17e, 01_rd to C;i'CL:.ss the .'~.atter of S--l'6r rentals and presented a list sh,or;ate':h t ct?er to -r.:, r;.redot-.,, in regard to this. Lexington has a seater rental of 25' of ureter rl-. es ar_d new 9�-Per entrance fee. VaItham is the oray ca_ty arcm;nd that has an entrance fee. e?rrer rentals go into the .everrae Account. For 1931 se��er rentals amounted to X3,343.14 on 640 services and of that ar-ount only ,-1268.00 has been collected. There is no ]en on se,,,!er rf>ntals and ^:e peon'--- do not nc.y them. Pair. Foss stated that ' he recor^r^ends th,rt the se-.rer• rent, 1 charge be done affray with. '.';nether• the n? .-r is used or lawns or for ne .reraCe you have to pa- 25 / of it as a sevrer rental chane. Fsople v;ho have paid set^,ler rental bills In such cases did ao under- pretest and tsere are lots of people who do not pay any rental. T for of a, a, ',ith the s t r rental charge is 1hi`� :i?hi ilii ?rial. rf'a3O'i r �? ,. r -,J t:r�.. ?, E+, este •,n e because it cantct '^e collectod. If 9.t is put on the original- assess!rent, It will beco^e a lien >ld ca__i l;e co] lected. re i s a" =rems a? rropl_,ti_. n to ta'.,e care of sewer maintenance but r -OCs - tc t1— Gen-r,+l },evemae rc coni t. In 1931 the maln tenance of ti--- re,,r,r syste- v -els X8555.91 and the rental charge does not 1�alf Tw, j for the maintenance. Besides tris maintenance cost,the etropolita.n Tax itJas N , C. 75 *^•'j,_ .O'r! is nal r7 to the t`a the time the ser-er rentals !'rere, StaTte�� t�,e bettermerii WC only , w.50 iron'- foot for f s- s^ ,srent and nm -it is twee times as larfTe L.-X1nrtca has no entranco f e, tl.e recpl nay for the entire cost of i.n- s.ta:lli-ne the servi"ce r=;ic': is an estimate and paid in advance. E s•_s'tie '_f the oar 3 d of }Ier:lth could not force an entrance to the s� er, �r. i:ocs t ted that t er could only do so in the c -se of a rubliciuisance, "Xin;,-ton is one of four to;'!ns who have sewer rentals an,, f<,eading is .,corse off than Lexir (,ton in collecting then-:, ;r. Ross state:' t1,9,t ':e had talked with "r. Povrers, former Supt. of Sewer Lepart :ent '.n "altham, Tho told hirr that he had tal'red with i+r. &.ddell of the stat' an'. there r•,as no v;ay of collecting set^,er rental c-car~es. ,,,ir. Er-ery said 'rle felt tY_<_t exirgton should not do avray th Sc ­ s re -awls if there an^ possible ;.ate,* of collecting then_:, ,In,'. thought it part of the Tot,an Jounsel's �r-or'- to find a � ay to do so. r, L, stat,e<'. that he t',�ought it �.Prould be good policy to develop r-altenar_ce c _artre for every 7rind of service, and thinks there should be some ^.a r to 'za?le t:r,e matter of se-,-T-.r rental- 111 ,e cemeteries. !"Then a a rson a lot, an ar.ount -acle up of x .50 per squ, re foot is placed In a fund for th.e rnetual ::are of the lot. 'ie also suggested that the 3oard stud-; the records of certain_ toliins end see if something can be worked out, for a flat rate or. services. Foss sta!;ed that the raintenance charge as high the last year or t1.1ro due to the extra vrork that has been done on the trunk line sewer. It rras u.,anir^,c7asly Jrotec to have i�,r. Ross confer �,rith the Town Jou~sr'l_ ,,kith res-ect to the possi y of passing a law or other,°rise cov- erin l !,he se.,!:'er Th,� °a have neer a' cnt tv.,els ­ _-i-: inst2llations this year. The entr,,rce 1; ss inqui.rc fee does not tare care of future --ears of use. The To,,,.,nEngineer stated ' that he tal'<-ed ,,2th the Torn ;ounsel who slid cannot build up a fund cost is r service for ^aintcr_ance you in )ntl ,ation of future expendi':ures. a flat rate E s•_s'tie '_f the oar 3 d of }Ier:lth could not force an entrance to the s� er, �r. i:ocs t ted that t er could only do so in the c -se of a rubliciuisance, "Xin;,-ton is one of four to;'!ns who have sewer rentals an,, f<,eading is .,corse off than Lexir (,ton in collecting then-:, ;r. Ross state:' t1,9,t ':e had talked with "r. Povrers, former Supt. of Sewer Lepart :ent '.n "altham, Tho told hirr that he had tal'red with i+r. &.ddell of the stat' an'. there r•,as no v;ay of collecting set^,er rental c-car~es. ,,,ir. Er-ery said 'rle felt tY_<_t exirgton should not do avray th Sc ­ s re -awls if there an^ possible ;.ate,* of collecting then_:, ,In,'. thought it part of the Tot,an Jounsel's �r-or'- to find a � ay to do so. r, L, stat,e<'. that he t',�ought it �.Prould be good policy to develop r-altenar_ce c _artre for every 7rind of service, and thinks there should be some ^.a r to 'za?le t:r,e matter of se-,-T-.r rental- 111 ,e cemeteries. !"Then a a rson a lot, an ar.ount -acle up of x .50 per squ, re foot is placed In a fund for th.e rnetual ::are of the lot. 'ie also suggested that the 3oard stud-; the records of certain_ toliins end see if something can be worked out, for a flat rate or. services. Foss sta!;ed that the raintenance charge as high the last year or t1.1ro due to the extra vrork that has been done on the trunk line sewer. It rras u.,anir^,c7asly Jrotec to have i�,r. Ross confer �,rith the Town Jou~sr'l_ ,,kith res-ect to the possi y of passing a law or other,°rise cov- erin l !,he se.,!:'er it^C vot�ra 1; ss inqui.rc of Vewton and other ' sir -.filar to.rrs •-lat ';heir- a,Te nive cost is r service for ^aintcr_ance an,1 s_r_' --*,P �-x, n7tcn ca.nnc + _^<av, a flat rate ' nstea�i of the 25p of the a+ter rate s . r T111. nenti,n c- S a iournsd at 1C:10 Lespectfull,r* t_t sn pitted, I REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD FOR THE YEAR 1932 Early in the year the Board was called upon once more to consider the extension of Sherman Street throughto Oakland Street and again the , B Board felt constrained to affirm its earlier recommendation that this extension be not endorsed until it could also be extended in the opposite direction to a proper junction with Woburn Street and in any event, the cost would be so great that neither extension could be made until the demand was more imperative, and until the town could better afford to do the work. Considerable time was also devoted to the matter of development in the region of the East Lexington meadows in conjunction with the work in the same district of the Town of Arlington. Further recommenda- tions will be made a a future date in the same connection. Petition for approval of layout for development.upon the petition 44 of Frank W. Perkins in East Lexington and petition of Harry E. Johnson for development of the so-called "Brick Village" near the Arlington line were heard and both reported upon adversely. Much time was devoted to the consideration of the adaptability of the O'Connell land at the junction of Woburn Street and Mass. Avenue for a fire station, and while the Chief of the Fire Department desired a larger plot and the Selectmen found it did not contain sufficient land for recreational purposes, the Planning Board is still of the belief that the site is well suited for the purpose and will easily carry a station that would be as large as the Town could afford to build, and leave room for any necessary recreational facilities needed. It is felt that Lexington cannot afford to be too ambitious in this direction at this time. The Board is actively considering the development likely to take place In and about this area. -2- The work of the Planning Board during the past year has been quite E , varied with many lines of activity acted upon at the various meetings. The question of planting a Town Forest of approximately twenty acres was considered very fully early in the year, and at the suggestion of the Planning Board, the Board of Selectmen have agreed to recommend this, and it only awaits the vote of the Town at our 1933 annual meet- Ing to bring this into effect. These Town Forests are planted with trees supplied gratuitously by the State and are administered by a group of three unpaid commissioners and should add greatly to the beauty of the Town, and will supply trees for transplanting along our highways and in our parks at very small expense. It is proposed that these trees be planted by our unemployed on areas suitable for such growth. The twenty acres need not necessarily be in one plot. The final loca- tion is still to be determined and the commissioners to direct thse forests will be arranged for. In this connection, the Planning Board hopes before long to secure a nursery in which we can start trees to replace and increase the plantings in our public land. The Planning Board has felt the need of additional engineering services to permit of the development of a plan for a comprehensive system of main ways in the undeveloped areas of the town consistent with the requirements of the design of the ultimate sewerage system. Not only should the development of these areas be fixed by an orderly development of a street system but these streets should be so located In harmony with the sewerage plan so that excessive costs for takings may be avoided and opportunity for recovery by betterment assessments may be afforded.. We are now being assisted In securing this much needed data, by employing some engineers secured through the Emergency Plann- ing & Research Corporation. ten_ t T x "':gin effo!-ts of t.'-£' Bovrd In. cooper.,ition ',-rlth ot?.or t;rci:c'es �n a,.o,m far t:,...`? 7i obniy1,-),u9 t.i?R'EiY''L{3t;';? sl -ns L, --el c.:•;f1(1•.. ;'?,teva t7; 7',.1$'. t.i :.s:3'. f.. iia c:Isi.Ileli a resultcx` In El:,:'`r' 7f, is, -,y n -c i eQ }t?._. v . peviorE;.'_. I! vasullt . 7lie r,r l rcl {;.,?, KIM; i^7s (-�iy, 'l 'r ine. it ".iii)"` ��1. •��. �.:��' Is C:Ie to -U.:c 3 Ax VY F n t'.., •t f er . '?3 it}`'?12?, 'tin ty; const.T t.ctr.�(. ',ias :3 VX' C , Of IC2 fe-A f T'-;;? e -, —Z3 ^.,._it-": T _4 :^ i`),'.' t;, -t st: — x ir' -;t.r£29 ,; or O fcet'x fY'(ln t"}-,ra. st -�;et: 11ne .,q r r j• ,: ,,. e) _f`; 9 -;nwii but :, n ie ':C ziR. .`. for la , . ;Ct 3� t:; .t? t 4.- W n riza'T/1 tJ : d r, n i.f, 1 e.`' t' 1. i i �.+ r .,.a:=s, 'C-- b EI tree _ cl Y.�t.i Si7L.. ",Y i'��.• t i)3 :)`ls,C •...,3 ;�.. t;.:'> Vai^? CT.�.S i'e^^. £: t e`y S� t. -e,' C:!: L';"�,1_{` ` C'. r ,_ CS; `.: f:: =„'. t. 'tM CMTS of t ` ry r:. :! ?k3F j' i tiriz. o . re "L's stuc to- En r `^W ; f ..Van l.nfrY fir:. ,..,< to, or 07- 01 ._ Aval to Sr!-.. f.' V t f nc c' i:' n 6r lwnt ? y'c. ._. t, e tvo'?'!.t tuai 10110 Wit: Was t;73®11 v .. .t. _r ..r jE.:.:C:' -, _.. i T"7r+i tr ir`.i? .�u•I� -'i:" :?F'. f)5� ri V�+r1 t!) Q; j t';"? ,ED alive t+:"T : oat e q: a lZ, wt- 5t of t., !, ... r m Q'F-.� 'ri i :, .I<?; 4 .+a. r -.z, 4'.%l "+4::. -. ,,.._s :.E_�Itrc.,._i., r.,.cl :�,�n-pay._:z, i:�•uffc ca... .r .g �,.-, h ' 'v -Ie rk