HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-11-07fl L� PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 70 1932 A meeting of the Planning Board i%ra.s held. in the Confer- ence P,00m of the Town Office 3uilding, November 7, 1932. Yessrs. emery, Scheibe, 'Milne, Glynn and Duffy were present. The Town Engineer and- secreta-ry mere also present. A letter 1ras received fs°om the Selectmen stating that the Town Engineer would- turn over to the Planning Board, for its consideration, plans of the property forrerly owned by Michael Curran on P,Iass. a venue neer the Arlington line and designated as the Le._ington Brick Village. Flans as laid out by Iaiessrs. Joyce and. Northrup, eng- ineers working on the project, were presented. Tarr. Cosgrove also presented his layout of the develooment. The owner of the property at present is Ilir. Tarry E. Johnson of Arlington. Ivir. Emery stated that he thought it was a confused situation and would like to have the Town Engineer go over the property again and malre a thorough study of the area. The Board felt that they would li'.e to see a layout that Mr. Johnson has developed and the sort of house he puts up. It was suggested that Ex. Johnson come before the Board so that he might explain his plans of development. It was stated that b'.r. Johnson in- tended to huild all his houses the same. Iulr. Emery called Mr. Johnson on the telephone and asked hi -r to send plans showing the sort of house he is planning for the development, lie was informed by Mr. Johnson that he Coes not intend to build all his houses the same but that they will be all brick anc -will cos` 1,7,000. and i'pB4O00. Iie told I,Ir. .emery that he would bring the plans to the Engineer's office Tuesda norning, November 8th, In Arlington 1ahere a street enters a main highway, they do not allow a grade greyter than 3% for the first 100 feet and. thereafter 13lo is allowed. iair. Duffy suggested that the most reasonable step to ta',-'e is to continue Cherry Street to Sylvia Street to avoid a steep grae?.e street ent--ring 'lass. ;venue. T'_,is idea will re- quire the relocation of most everything in the development. It �%;as ununir,ou;sly voted to refer tl e *na';t,c r back to ikIr. Cosgro`re to have him ma'_.e view study of the development eliminating additional entrances to I,Iass. Avenue. Star healt `:Lex. Bric] Vi12age" Mr . EnerE y ir-_ s .:t�� e �' I:r. . Pierce Is monthly statement _a of the Fi r.nin Board showing that there was T163.97 left in x'100.00 to the account. The 3oarC.. voted to pay w100.00 to I:r. Shurtleff Yr. Shurtlef on account. - :r. %uffy inforn-: +-I,e Board that he has been trying to get the State engineers out on the '.;oburn Street matter. Mr. Er:er;r st.otec, that in respect to the O'Connell -2 - matter., the Town cannot continue to turn him down without some construction. The uncertainly of the streets at this point, ;'ditr:. the gr•a,^ crossing in mind, is enouCh to hold_ it ur; for a while E:nd in the meantime, work can be done on the Fire Depar•t- rrent headquarters. IYir. Duffy stated that he asked Bir. Pillsbury, Project Engineer of i.he State to meet ,,:!ith the Planning Board for a dis- cussion of the Concord avenue r'ighway and was informed that, he does not meet !;ith boards at night. Mr. Fellows, another engineer, c'ces r- -et �,-ith boards. "..r. Pillsbury stater that he is to meet Bir. Fellows and go over the work on the East and %est Highway and aslred_ if some members of the Planning, Board xould, like to actor. -fan., them and hear their plans. Yr. Duffy presented a new map of the Boston Metropolitan District prepared by the Division of Bietropolitan Planning and tr•,ced on it the possibilities of the proposed Concord Avenue rich: ay. Hie said he thought the PlanninE Board should be ahead Pro osed of the Stag on this road and be able to teil them just where �oncor Ave, the Tovin ,;ants the road to go. It might be detrlrental to the jLi g way To - n i 5 It �.,er•e put in the wrong place, Kr. Duff;; is to telephone Mr. Pillsbury and tell him that the Planning Board has discussed the matter and if they will let the Board know when they plan to meet, someone will go over the *;orifi with them. Y The meeting was adjourned at 9;10E.Bi. Respectfully submitted, Clerk