HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-09-26PLANNING BOARD MEETING September 26, 1932 1 A meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Conference Room of the Town Office Building, Monday, September 26, 1932, Messrs. Emery, Milne, Duffy, Scheibe and Cutler were present. The Assistant Town Engineer and secretary were also present. Mr. Emery stated that he had called the Boston & Maine Railroad and they had informed him that they hed no plans of the grade junctions at the Grant Street intersection but that they would have an engineer come out and find the grades. Plan of the proposed extension of Sherman Street from. Fletcher Avenue to Woburn Street was studied. Mr. O'Connell has stated that he will do everything he can to promote this project. If this street were carried through, it would lead to straightening out this whole area and making it an orderly development. Mr. Cosgrove is to make an estimate of damages that would Sherman Street be incurred by putting through Sherman Street Extension assum- Extensien ing that the h'.ulvey family would not co-operate with the Town. Iver. Milne stated that he thought there was no immediate necessity for putting this street through, and Mr. Emery informed him that in fairness to Mr. O'Connell some activity should be shown. Yr. Taylor came before the Board with sketches made by hire Mitchell of the proposed new fire station. The station as sketched provided for four front doors of 15 feet each with spaces of 7 or 8 feet between. The building is 103 feet wide in front and the ell is 24 feet making a total of 127 feet. The depth is 125 feet. On the floor, provision is made for eleven feet between each piece of apparatus. The cost has not been figured yet. The triangle has 253 feet on 71oburn Street from point at the railroad, and 145 feet width at Fletcher Avenue, Mr. Emery presented plans that Mr. Greeley made for a fire station on this same triangle. His building faced Mass. Avenue. Er. Emery asked Mr. Taylor is he would give Mr. Mitchell a plan of the triangle and have him make a sketch for that particular location and Mr. Taylor replied that Ns. Mitchell had given him the sketches free of charge and he would not want to ask him to do that. It was decided that Mr. Taylor would have a blueprint made of Mr. Mitchell's sketch and send it to Mr. Greeley Tuesday, Sept- ember 27th, together with the dimensions of the triangle so that he might try to work out a way to meet the requirements. If Fletcher Avenue were closed, it provide forty feet extra, half going to Mrs. Leary and half to hlr. O'Connell. Mr. Emery stated that he had talked with tire Trask who in- formed him that Mr. Smith, the third member of the committee on the Russell House property, is away and until he returns, they cannot function. Mr. Trask strongly favors saving this property for a school house. Proposed Fire House Rus se 11 House -2 - The School Committee wants to keep it for a new Junior high School and do not want to enlarge the present building. Lor. Duffy informed the Board that he had talked with Mr. Coburn, State Engineer of Construction, who stated that the best man to talk with about Lowell & East Streets is Mr. Pillsbury, Project Engineer of the State. Mir. Pillsbury lays down lines and makes the necessary investigations in respect to new ways and then when the lines have been finished, Mr. Coburn picks up the constr- uction end of it. There is to be a meeting of the Board of Public Works at the Commissioner's Office next week Thursday, October 6th. It was suggested that someone go to the meeting to discuss Lowell & East Streets but it was then decided that it would be better to have hir. Pillsbury come out here. We oppose what Bedford wants, namely to widen the present road through Bedford to Nashua, and advocate putting through the Lowell Turnpike. Mr. Duffy was delegated to communicate with Mr. Dean of the Pass. Dept. of Public Works to advise him that we are opposed to what we understand is thv. proposition advocated. by Bedford to facilitate the traffic coming down from Nashua through Bedford and that we favor the putting through and rebuilding of the Lowell Turnpike so as to carry the traffic away from the centers of towns. He was also instructed to make arrangements to have Mr. Pillsbury meet with the Planning Board at his earliest convenience. Concord Avenue was discussed and it was thought that some ILchanges had been made in the plans for the proposed new road that the Planning Board had not heard of. The secretary was advised to get in touch with the Clerk of the Selectmen and find out if any definite work had been received as to important changes con- templated in the new road that is to cross Waltham Street into Concord Avenue. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P. M. Respectfully submitted, C lark d --- J