HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-12-15u PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 15, 1931 A meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Conference Room of the Town Office Building at 8:00 P. M. Messrs. Emery, Milne, and duffy, were present. The Town Engineer and secretary sere also present. Mr. Emery read a letter received from D. S. Robertson, 4 Ray- mond Street in which many suggestions were made for town improve- ments. No action was taken on the matter. A report was read and discussed from Mr. Raymond of Metcalf & Eddy giving the data preparatory to Mr. Cosgrove's work after the first of the year, in blocking out the drainage changes of Vine Brook below Vine Brook Road. The Selectmen have given Mr. Cosgrove authority to proceed with the work, at that time. A bill of $300.00 for this survey has been turned over to Mr. Pierce for payment. It has been contemplated to lay out the section at the lower end, but there is also sufficient data for the upper end. It was suggested that it be laid out accurately enough so that Willow Vine trees may be planted to embrace the road and brook before the con- Brook struction work is done. The Town Engineer was asked if it were Drainage roTe-0-1 possible to get the project worked out in time to present it be- fore the Town at the March Town Meeting. He stated that there was time enough and that he could do it, unless the Board of Selectmen had more pressing matters to be taken care of. Mr. Emery read the reports of the last two meetings and made corrections. These were left to be approved at the next meeting. The matter of the billboard located at Mass. Avenue & Bow Street Bill - was brought up, and then laid aside until information is received as board k 2. to whether the subject has been brought before the Selectmen this year for renewal or if anything has been done on it. Mr. Cosgrove presented a plan showing Griswold's development at Park Heights. The people are greatly in need of water and are ready to sign the necessary guarantee bonds but the Selectmen will not let them do so until they get approval of the street layout: Mr. Griswold is going to have Mr. Bellamy, his engineer, present a layout to the Board. of Survey for their approval. If water is not Gris- woldfs going to be put in this winter, why not take more time to Development decide on the proper road and grade. The development never will be satisfactory but it is the best that can be worked out now. The Town Engineer presented plans showing a layout of Griswold's development dated December, 1915, together with profile of the principal str-let called Hillcrest Street. After considering the matter, the Board voted unanimously to approve the layout subject however to the establishment of a grade at the steepest part of the above named street satisfactory to the Town Engineer and pro- vided also that the eastly terminous of Hillcrest Street would be satisfactory to sane future extension toward Grove Street. Nr. Cosgrove presented a plan showing the layout of the pro- posed ':Vinchester-Lexington road. This road at some time will be continued across Lowell Street, through the Great Meadows and cross Nass. Avenue below Pleasant Street. Winchester's idea is Winchester to get State and County aid for their end of the road. It is -Lexington �_ well enough to accept it for some future time as there is no need of building within three or four years. The Selectmen are not g6 - Ing to tie themselves up for any construction program although they go agree that this is a safe layout. It was suggested that if we are 3. going to consider the matter at all, we should consider it along the lines of a more or less through route from Winchester Center to Lexington Center, Mr. Cosgrove stated that a street of this sort, with heavy traffic, should not be built from the center of one town to the center of the other, but the traffic should be bypassed. They have in mind a minimum width of sixty feet and think that this road will carry a lot of traffic. It was suggested that we have Winchester stop at the line,and then when the time comes to construct, we can decide what is to be done. It was decided that no action be taken on it until the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P. MI. No date was set for the next meeting. Respectfully submitted, IClerk ' r•