HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-10-057 PLANNING BOAF_D MEETING OCTOBER 51 1931 A meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Conference Room of the Town Office Building at 8:00 P. R_. P& ssrs. Emery, Duffy, culler and 1v.ilne were present. The To;,an Counsel, Town Engineer and secretary were also present. ir. Emery reported that there was a balance of ,a41C.25 left in the account an(i asked- what the Board thought 100.00 Of paying < 100.00 to Tdr. Shurtleff on account. The Board on zroted to do so. account FJ There was a discussion of Vine Brook Drainage at which Iar. J'Jricrhtington xas present. The main idea is to make a. 1 -gout of exterior lines to get control of the a.r•ea e3orlg the brook: so that they could prevent prixrate de- velopers from building within the area designated and. then not construct until a later date. It wes questioned as to irshether or not it was necessary to make a. taking and Pyr. �rightington stated that you can't get an easement without inaklxi_g a te.kir,g. You have to make a. taking to go on a man's lard and put in a sewer. Vine Brook The thought originally was that the Vine Brook Drainage Valley from the railroar tracks to Butterfield's Pond was the outlet of storm drainage and because It over- flows its banks and causes damage, the Town wanted to relocate the brook. They want the privilege to change the location of the brook, do the construction work that is necessary and be relieved from damages. It tas asked if s taking could be made without doing the work just noiu. I+_r. ':irIghtington stated that is the lines were established., the Town woulc be liable for immeaiate damages such as the O'Connell case in the center. It was thought that maybe it mould be possible to obtain an easement adequate for future needs without mak- Ing an actual taking of property. Nr. Emery suggested that the Board go ahead and get the layout that they liked and then ask the Selectmen to have Tv:r. '.urightington give his opinion as t, what they could do. The Board asked_ if they might secure an easement, postpone the construction work and then when the order Is made for the construction, assess betterments for it. .sir•. ',vrightington st_,ted tP,.at unless the construction was accomplished_ within two years, it was void_. You can go into a vacant area and make a layout of street lines and pay damages. You can't make any kind of a taking111ithout Oa.7flr.E;es. ir. Emery reported that there was a balance of ,a41C.25 left in the account an(i asked- what the Board thought 100.00 Of paying < 100.00 to Tdr. Shurtleff on account. The Board on zroted to do so. account FJ r f 1 2. A petition and der.osit of 20.00 were received frori Mrs. Catherine F. Herbert for another hearing on Catherine F. her property at the corner of 141ass. Avenue and Larr•ett Herbert Road. TLrs. Ierbert was granted a hearing on July 21,1930 petition at �%rhich time the Board refused to change the zoning at this location. The matter was brought un at the Town Meeting november 7, 1930 and on a motion marle by Mr. .7rightington, the article was indefinitely postponed. The Board decided to grant her another hearing on K onday, ?November 2, 1931 at 8:80 P. M. A letter was written inform- ing her of this and stating that a notice would appear In the October 8th issue of the "Lexington Townsman". Mir. Emery called attention to the fact that a con- ference of biassachusetts Planning 3oards were to meet Planning in Lowell this ..eek October 7th and 8th, and asked if Board anyone could. go. hir. Cutler stated that he would try to Conference get there. It was decided to have +r. Raymond of Ivietcalf & Eddy assist Yr. Cosgrove make a layout of Section 1 of Vine Brook at an expense not exceeding $300.00. This must be done before January 1st to make this mj�ey avail- able and include the final dimensions to make possible to obtain actual cost of construction. Tvir. Raymond is also to give ,ghat its side lines are to be. Tvir. Cosgrove was asked to have a plan of Vine Brook at the next meeting so that the Board might study possible streets. Attention was called to the proposed Ryder road to go over through Belmont. T,ir. Cosgrove is to go down to Arlington and talk to a member of the Planning Board. and ask them the status of the proposition and also get a cony of a topographical survey. The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 P. M. until Tuesday, October 13th. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Raymond's assistance on Vine Brook kr. Ryder's Proposed Road