HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-12-31For The Year finding December 310 1928, The .Tanning Hoard has continued the practice �f advising the Joard of purvey upon their request, in the Matter of now land and street developments and has given specific consideration to the following maatteref :star Realty Co, developpment,near Sylvia Ste, r7as t Lexington, '.tclntosh developmeenti, Bedford Ste,Nortt-. Lexington, Vickerson development, Pierois'Bridge. Building lines on Massachusetts Ave,,Fast :Laxington. Bunt development,near Slocum Rd*, Lexington, Griswold development,, North Lexington, Lexington Park development, North Lexington, 9eaan development, (Ysetherbee Park), Redford St,, Worth Lexington, L;treet near Kendall hoad for Lo Kirkbrighte The Board during the year held formal hearings upon the followrI ng subjects s Proposed changes in the zoning law to include In the single family dwelling district all the area between Massachusetts .venue, "'altham St, and the Park and Playground area except that zoned for business, this area having orIginrally been zoned as an R2 or two- family dwelling district, This change was adopted by the Town, ".'etition of Donnld Shea to amend the zoning law to create a .usiness district at 117-113,eto, "assachusetta ;'.venue, Fast Lexington. The Board has not reoommended this changee Proposed general revision of the zoning law, `i't o 1-loard has spent much time in the study of the workings of the present zoning law and has proposed amendments tending to clarify it and to more effectively secure for the citizens those benefits which were sought when the law was created, "'hila the proposed amendment* in sone instances increase the restrictions upon real estate developments, for the most part they are designed to bring the law into conformity with similar laws elsewhere and to enable the town more effectively to control its development Land to avoid the introduction of inimical. co-di.tions Y',ossible under the present law, :your public henring3 viere Y_eld in various sections of the town in regard to these proposed amendments, The general matter Report of the :Tanning Board, has now been referred by the Torun to a committee of ten citizens appointed by the electmen who are to serve in conjunction with the Planning Board and who are to report at a later tcran meeting, The Hoard has continued its study of the develolmment of the large low areas In the Vine Brook drainage basin south and west of the center, involving important considera- tions with respect to general drainage, park development, and streets for through traffic, and has had frequent meetings �°�ltr the engineers, Metcalf and giddy who have been employed in this connection, :he report' of these engineers in regard to the drainage problems, the soil and other conditions, and upon the subject of betterments in this and adjoining areas is now in hand and the study of the whole is continuing, `Me ;hoard favors more rapid progress in the matter of establisthing proper and Crider lines on the many old and narrow ta:•n wnys, in order that the building of houses may not further impair the opportunity for securing sightly and safe streets without excessive future expense. The Hoard, as previously, favors an improved organization of they ':own engineering service which will permit of the establishment of a coherent policy and plan for the extension of the public facilities, sewers, water !pexins, streets, etc, on a broad economic basis, and at the same time rrovide for prompt gathering of the engineering data necessary for the solution of isnediate problems of development as well as those of the future. Respects°ully submitted,