HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-09-0740AXT WNTM 01P PTAXNAd"WROAM
A joint OWSA6 Of the PIAMdM4 abord, ArA Soleatmen W"
bad in US off I** Of the sleets ft on "
7th at a *$* looks Them were present Wrio Baso
su"s Mwrisan, Mrs lAsery $ Dr. Tutons two I W.D.B14M. together
with Mrs H"t"n and Mrs Greeley who" advice bad been sought
in oomestion with the subject of sonInt
In the absence of Mrs Ballard Mrs Emry consented to serve
an chairman and called on Xre Hartmons first stating that some Of
the Board felt that no steps should be taken In eonaeoUon with
zoning without the employment of expert advices whereas others
believed,, Inanuoh as no appropriation for this VUrPOSS was likely
to be made by the Towns that with the assistance Of Mrs IlArtMent
Mrs Greeley and others as well as with help fr(a the .state 11ouseo
the Planning Board itself could devise and put through the neo-
esa&17 measures& hll were agreed that the Sumdiate, need for
zoning regulations was imperative.
Mrs Hartimn in reply stated that any partial system of
zoning would be ill advised, as In instances quoted such regula-
tions had not been upheld by the courts*
Well considered and carefully studied measures for an entire
oommnity had been upheldp hmovery througbout the country, TO
devise such measures without proper expert assistance he consIdered
"extremely hazardous"# and assistance Of this sort was much
cheaper than subsequent litigation*
The cost of such help was negligible s4k few hwAred dollars--
zoning men rather than Town Planners would be the beat to call
upon, among whm he mentioned John Pox who has done excellent
work in Winchester and other placess Mrs corny of Cambridgev and
The steps to be taken would be as follows%
I* A carefully prepared map of the town showing the location
of building plantax factoriess service stations, stores#
residences and the like a maps, In short, showing graphically
the uses to which the various sections Of the town were
being puts
all -Prepared All
"Ottoiw U" over 4th the
need: or the varlwAs nel*axwheo", t1fts, gott1sw a 00VOO*
WA intimate knowledge of the entire tome,
So With this knowledge at hand with Un needs of tW Sosx,
as a whole In mlzd he would then maks a tentative sap of
the town Us
showing was of the nobeasary advisablo V*ft
4e Meetings would then be hold In the varIfts seations, Mo plan
showed# explained, disoussod and changes and revisions made
so that a eom==1`tY feeling is built up that is stn ].y
behind this proposed sabome
5* With the plan '" the aacampoWIng regulations approved by
the Various districts,, a final map Is propared,anA the
sorting system thus worked i4p Is presented at Town Meeting for
final aeoeptame
To prepare a plan wl thaut the above o"poration on the part
of an and attempt to put it through would be fatale
Neither would It be necessary at this time to allot commigirw
offal sones for all timet oonditions ohaxiV and the rsgulatlons
may be amended or added to at any tie by the Pam steps taken in
oannootion with their oiriginal aftptlano
it would be wise, 1xwevers to got started oya this woft 1vt*i,
mediately. Crary day's delay *poll* pasolblo di rioultiese
The town Is changing rapidly and If we are to Preserve It " a
high class residential looallty, we should at one* take tbs no"",
sary stops to bring this about.
In refer4nae to the cost of skilled services, Mro Orooley
Stated that the Town of Wakefield not IIn" called for
posals from a xi of zoning exports = the higbost Ploilse"
quoted although Wakefield *overs a larger territory and presents
nore, difficult oonditions, was $6WeOO*
The xonLng cyst adopted, kre Hortsan went on to sayi, the
next imediate stop should bw the establiabsiont of building lines
tbroufmtn:� town WPM bow with tba a" tion of
1= CaMthis
a t i: are" had boon woquired, aonmew
,h So VOM
tion In winchaster and Smokline aA with preatloally no toat to
the town
The entire movement to be a success saast be S. 4400adty
In Mro arooloys w2um kr,. Uxery stated had agreed to cooperow
ate with the Plsjming Board in every possible way lire. Hartsion
d**lared Lexington possessed a zoning expert of very highost,
Nre Oreeloy remarked if he was to do anything In this oozy-