Thursday May 28, 1925.
Town Hall.
Present: All members and C. B. French, Town Engineer.
Park Area.
In response to the Board's invitation there appeared
Robert Ryder and Charles Ryder and to them was shown the
Shurtleff sketch plan for scheme of marginal roads, and treat-
ment of Vine Brook in the Park Area, off Forrest and Waltham
Streets. They expressed favor for the general scheme. There
was discussion of the relation of the Park lands south of
Lincoln Streets to the general development and to complications
on account of the Aldrich holdings in thie locality, and the
legal actions brought by Aldrich. The Ryders agreed to take
favorable action upon the suggestion that the Town, Aldrich and
themselves jointly or severally use the advice of one land-
scape architect in formulating the plans for the development
of the park and their private lands in this locality.
Vine Brook Road District.
The Ryders being extensive land holders in the
region south of Vine Brook Road along the South Branch of
Vine Brook, they were asked as to their attitude toward
certain proposed street development plans for this locality.
They expressed themselves as favorably impressed with a
scheme to run a highway south from Massachusetts Ave. at
Vine Brook to connect with street syatem near Grapevine Corner,
so-called, with the south branch of Vine Brook embraced by
a roadway on either side. There was further discussion of
the drainage problem in this area.
Vine Brook drainage: Upon departure of the Ryders
there was extended discussion of the legal and engineering
considerations affecting the lowering of Vine Brook at Massa-
chusetts Ave. Mr. French was asked to inquire of the Town
Counsel as to the right of the town to enter upon property
to make improvements in brooks, etc. Messrs. Milne and
Duffy were asked to consider the adequacy of previous engin-
eering plans for brook lowering at this point and to obtain
a rough estimate of the cost of an improvement which might
be considered to be adequate in view of indicated future
conditions in this drainage area.
Meeting adjourned at 10.30.
Wm. D. Milne,