HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-11-18Nov. 18, 1924. PLANNING BOARD MEETING. ' A meeting of the Planning Board was held in the Selectmen's Room of the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, Nov. 18, at 8 o'clock, all the members being present, together with Mr. McIntosh and his Engineer Mr. Frost. FAIR OAKS TERRACE. Mr. 14cIntosh submits " Plan and, Profile of Fair Oaks Ter- race - Nov. 192 A - C. H. Gannett, C.F." and asks for Planning Board's approval of road terminating in circular turn -around, 100' in diam., opening up 13 lots in back of old Lawrence house. This is finally approved, provided circle is moved back 100 feet from the location shown to avoid locating same on an exces- sively steep grade. CARY FARTI PROP7RTY. t:4r. McIntosh submits large and small scale prints of pro- posed road development on the Cary Farm property. After^ -an informal discussion of the matter, the Board a- grees to meet Mr. McIntosh at 2/30 next Sunday afternoon and go over the premises with him and his Engineer. LETTER IN RE. T0WN HALL SITE FOR ISAAC CARP W21. BUILDING. The Chairman reads a copy of his revised letter sent to the Conference Committee on Nov. 14, and conveying the views of the ' Planning Board relative to the suitability of the Town Hail site for the Isaac Cary Memorial Building. Letter approved. APPROVAL OF HOUSE PLANS. The Board takes up with Mr. McIntosh the possibility of his inserting in his deeds to the Fair Oaks property a restrictive c clause requiring all buildings hereafter erected to meet with the approval of the Planning Board, or a Committee of Architects appointed by them, This, on advice of his counsel, Mr. McIntosh feels he can not do; but he is willing to have such a requirement put into a supplementary agreement, and do his best to have it sub- scribed to by all purchasers. SET BACK MAP. Mr. Brown suggests the usefulness of a map showing the pro- posed set -back lines on the Keeley, Edison and Town Hall sites; and it is left to the Secretary to ask Por. French to prepare such a map. BILL BOARDS. Tha Chairman asks Mr. Duffy to carefully read through the last Bulletin issued by the Federation relative to Bill Boards and report as to any action it might be advisable to take. Nov. 18 -- 2. MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR FEDERATION OF PLANNING BOARDS. The Secretary reports a bill received from Mr. Jos Finberg 24 John Street, Attleboro, for dues to the Federation of Planning Boards. Mr. Leroy Brown generously donates the necessary $ lo.00 and the Secretary is instructed to pay our membership fee. Meeting adjourned at 10/15 until Nov. 25. Willard D. Brown, Secretary. 1 9 1