HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-05-16May 16, 19240 PLANNING BOARD MEETING. The regular meeting; of the PlanniBoard was .held in Carp Hall on Friday ay.ning, May 16, at 775 o'clock; there being present Messrs. Emery, Duffy, L.S. and W.D. Brown and Town Engineer French. MINTER STREET & GRISWOLD DEVELOPMENT. In response to the efforts of-Mr. Griswold there appearid before the Board the 8bllowing`land+owners along that portion of Winter Street affected by the proposed park Land'Developkent;! . Messrs. Mahoney, Haynes, Welch, Streckroski, tem gather with Mr, Griswold and his`Engineer,'Mr. Bella• MY* The Chairman explains that the conference in in the nature of a get-to•getherF meeting to see if with the c000peration of the property owners, a development , of Winter Street may not be "arrived at which, by -tho avoidance of exeessive"grades, will meet with the`ap-', proval of the townspeople and be to the mutual advantage a& i of all. Mr. `Haynes and Up, Welch suggest a slight change in the course of the street whereby their properties will be left practically uninjured. Mr. Stookr©ski objects to the loss of certain of his front lands, reclaimed by his "own personal efforts; but it is pointed out that any considerable shift in his favor will work to the corresponding injury of Mr. Lax" nor across the street.'' He also objects to the proposed future streets across his property, preferring, instead, an- extension of a street laid down by the R.R"Park developers and which running` adjacent to his property would continue along'a narrow piece of land now owned by him. It was 'pointed out that the streets as proposed would be to his ulti- mate advantage if he ever decided to put his property In the market; but until such time arrived he would not be affected thereby. Mr. Mahoney objects to the lay-out inasmuch as; it takes a 50 foot strip completely across one end of his property leaving a plot of a little over one acre segrs- gated, when the street is actually built, from the bal- anee of his property, which comprises altogether, at the present times from 10 to 11 acres. He has no desire to develops his land for residences having bought it for a'farm, for which he needs his pres- ent acreage and claiming it impossible to purchase more adjoining. He does not care to commit himself, however, at this time. Mag 16-..•2 • ' As the result of a long and most harmonious discus• sign it is decided to have Mr. Frenah meet the owners an the ground on Sunday next, that they may all gain a better Idea of the changes in Winter Street the Board is suggesting. LUNDERGAN HEARING. - At the Board of Survey's Hearing on Tuesday lash, it appears that Its. Lundergan's application for permission to build a two-family house: on Sylvia Street was denied: It also appears', from his conversation with M. Bnsrys that he now contemplates the erection of two single fan- ly houses, providing the 20 ft, set -back line is nodi• fled to agree with the set -backs of the remaining bmuses' on the street. BOSTON POSTAL DISTRICT. The Chairman reports ;a long conversation with the Inspeotor detailed to look into the matter, relative to Lexingtonts coming into the Boston Postal Districts, whereby it would appear greatly to our advantage so to, do. He presents petations he has drawn up for this purpose. Meeting adjourned at 11/30. Willard D. Brown, Secretary. i