HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-04-18April 18. 1924. planning Board Me�ting+ The regular weekly 'meeting of the planing Bo4rd we r old on Fr day evening, April 18th., at 7%45 o'clock; there being present ffiessra. Emery, Duffyv Worthen, L.S. and W.D. Brown. ti Mr. Richards in reo Set-backs. Mr. T.O.Richards appeared before the Board in reference to the matter of set.*baaks on the lots sold by the Lexington Building Trust, it having developed that the restriction of 25 feet in their deeds applies to the frontage of main build- ing, while as defined in the Zoning, Ordinance the 20 foot set bmak required applies to the projecting porches in front. Because of this one owner who hada staked out his house 25 feet back and was planning on an 8 foot piazza found himself 3 feet too near the street. Mr. Riahards was,of the opinion that the lining wp.of the house fronts made for a better looking street than tb* arr rangement called for by the ordinance. Moreover, all;his lots having been sold with the setob eks applying to the houses themselves, he was placed In a most ' unfortunate position. With these views the Board could not agree, lett if It would make things easier for Mr. Richards expressed willing• nags to talk the matter over with the purchasers; •Rising him on the street in question to reduce his set-back require+ mmt to 20 feet, and as called for by the zoning requirements but on the other 'streets to retain his 25 foot set-back and as defined under Section 18. Proposed Wadman Development• it appearing that the Selectmen had advertised a hearing on the proposed alteration of the old B.F.Brown houses, from a two-family to a four-family house, the Board informally dis- cussed the situation from various angles; wad feeli g that any development should be related to developmen ng estates, called up both Mr. Wadman and Mr. BlakWho osod appeared before them and explained jurat what they prop doing. It was argued by the Board that a mora satisfactory re- , salt financially both to the owners anti to the neighbbut to this would result if the present house were razed, the owners would not agree. As to lay-out of streets, however, Mr. WadmAn dkpressed April 18 2 Willingness to listen to any recommendation of the Planning ' Board and.'te tie his development into that of Mr. Merriam adjoining. If the latter's co-operation can be secured both Mr. Blake and Mr. Wadman will be glad to sit In at a conference if see *an be arranged for an early date. The Chairman agreed tp see if Mr. Merriam will join in an endeavor to secure a more logical lay -out. Letter of Solectmen. Map and Surveys. A letter to the Bogard of selectmen, prepared by Mr. Daffy relative to reproduaiytg Toren map and securing Topographic Data was approved wiVh certain additions. Boston Postal District.; The Chaircmn r%eports that no word has been received as et from the Boston on Poat-Vaster. Waltham Street, Nothing definite as yet from Mr. Aldrich. Forest Street Extension. Miss Powers reported last Monday that she desirod more tS.me to cOnsider the matter. possibly a week. Nothing faire, ther hear. . 'd from her. Meeting adjourned at 10/15. Willard D, Brown, Secretary,