HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-04-04t April �B-, 1$24. ' PLANNING,BOARD ifi TING Owning to the use tat' ,the Seleeftwn$* quarters by the Isaac Harris Cary Conference Qemmittee the regular meeting of the Planning Beard, hold. on Friday evening, April $th., xas ad- journed to the Directors' `Room of- the Lexington Trust Company, There were present 'Messrs. Emery, Duffy, Tilton,,L.S. and w.D. Brown. EAST SEXINGT0% CONFERENCE . The representatives from East Lexington, invi- ted to confer with the Board in reference to any lo- b eal problems, failed to put in an appearance. WALTHAM STREET. Mr. L. $. Brawn brings up the natter of the need for immediated .action relative to Waltham Street. The plar3 for the new building are ready and the tenants of the old have been.ardered out. tom. Aldrich will, he thinks, be willing under suitable arrange- menta to set the proposed building back 8 feet, lining same up with Post Office whicli is under 10 year's lease to. the Government. ' This would permit ' widening the street to a width of 58 feet as far back as Vine Brook Road, the steps of the intervening; houses be- ing now 5 and 12 feet back eespectively and the houses themselves 11 and 16 feet. The Selectmen realise the seriousness of the sit - ti and e t that one of the Plannin Board meet It IU on Sugg a g with them on Tuesday night. This Hid. Brown agrees to do. Meanwhile the Chairman will see Mr. Hunt as to any concessions he may be willing to make. The possibility is, suggested of moving the corner block 10 feet nearer the Bank,Build ng, cutting out a portion of the wooden block to do this, and the Sec- retary agrees to obtain an approximate figure as to the cost of so doing;. FOREST STREET EX`PENS ION . The importance of .extending Forest Street to Maas. Ave. before the 1925 celebration, and ways and means of securing this result are disaixssed at length. Mr. Duffy presents figures prepared last year, when the matter was first brought rep, showings that on aabasis of betterments the cost of this work could be assumed by the Town at little cost. As a first step in this direction it is decided to invite interested proporty owners to meet with the 'Plan- ning Board at its meeting next Friday night, that their co-operation, if possible, may be secured; and the Secy 1 1. .^ _F1S•^... ]'p{l;]P•e I Wa tri ! L retary Is Instructed to communicate with Mr. Latimer Seaver, Mr. Alex, M. Tucker, Miss Mary E. Powers and Mr. William Ferguson, the ;owners affected. i' BUILDING PERMITS. The Building Regulations in force call for a request for a building permit to be acted on within 10 days* The Planning Board feels that this is too abort a time and the Secretary 'is inStra.cted to o©==mIcate with the Chairman of the Committee on Revision of said By"Laws and suggest that this requirement be amended to read somethingas fbllows.- " unless in speciaInstances instructed by the Selectmen to the contrary*." Also that if work is not proceeded to completion with" In six months the permit be revoked. ZONING MATTERS. It is learned that the Zoning By-Laws: are now re. eeeiving the attention of the Attorney Generali ' The possibility of revoking the Trani permit pay. Ing suitable damages on account or of work already deme contracted for,, Is discussed with Town Counsel Stone. Meeting adjourned at 945,. Willard D. Bypawn, Secretsry�"