HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-03-21Mar.210 19240 FLANKING BOARD STING. The regular meeting of the Planning board was held in the Seloot- men's Roemm, Friday evening, March 21st., at 745 `*'cloaks there be in& present meggrge Emery, Tilton. Daffy, L.S. &`W.D, grown. Waltham Gars, Dr. Tilton points *at the grave danger.at tke jumetion of Waltham Street and Mass. Ave. die to the position of the wait - Ing cars and , wkIch will be greatly aggravated when the new Post Office is ePeaed., Gars should be aommPolled to stop 150 feet back from Mass. Ave. The enforcement Of the No Parking rule would be helpfal. Mr. Smmery, wko Somme time ago took this matter up with the Selectmen # agrees to eommmmuteieate with then again, set Back, The Chairman also agrees to see if he can obtain from lir. t Hunt his agreement to prop®sed sett -back sa Waltham St, to the end that this may be used as a meansof securing from Mr. Al- drier the set -back of the proposed now block ea the opposite,. corner. Billboards. Mr. Gotten is interviewed in regard to billboard legisla- ties, - a letter from Samuel Boar to the Concord Selectmen in read, - and the Board agrees to prepare for the currant for the next Town Meeting an article on the lines suggested by Mr. Hoar - or on more drastic lines; 'and is take me action rela- tive to three applieatiosts,pow ?ending, for now billboards, ( not allowed ander the Zoning ordinance's ) until after the latter have been 0 Kd* by the Attorney daeral, Lox. Bldg. Trust Plans, Mr* aiehartss for the Lexington Building Trast, asks the Planning Board's approval of a general lay -sect of streets, the details to be worked out later. No street ahovm is over ag grade aeeerdixg- to lir. Kellaway' and Mr. Wsther'b;es, and no lots less than 6000 sq* fte or than a 60 feet frontage, Alp The Board rotes to approve lay -oat submitted which is ex - titled: " Lexington BuildiAg Trust Study for Streets. Herbert J. }Callaway, Landscape Architect, sesteu, Mass., lien, 160 In " The Board also suggests to Mr Richards that he have his sagineer lay out coutixxation of streets am, adjoining proper- ty and secure the consent of owners to same that lay-out of same may established e t lisped a Survey future deve b e b b Board of Snr and fu. ur 1 Y Y Y 8 opment may be in harmony Nita.that being carried on at present, The desirability of the Building Trust's securing a por- tion of the rear corner of the Warner lot is disoassed. PUTU" SMELTS. It appearing that no fixed policy has never been estab lizkod in regard to construction of streets for aeeeptance , by the, Town, this natter being left to the judgement of each new Board of Seleetsen, it is agreed that a course of pro- eeedure along these lines should be worked out and sante a part of the Town By-Laws. Yr. Duffy submits a draft of this sort already worked out by him. Sower anal water construction and extension should also be standardized. BACON LAY-OUT. The plans of the Banos lacy-out hear the comer of Mass. Ave. and Maple Ste and entitled " Plain of Land in Lexington; ' }lass., Dec. 1922, George Ii. Votherbee, Jr., Civil EAgiueer,M is examined and not approved. The Seeretaryis, instructed to communicate with the $oar& of Survey and suggest that they write Mr. Bacon to the effect that inasmuch as,- 1.- the lots do not conforsi to the requirements of the new Zoning Law, 29- the future extension of rear street to Maple Sto would not give sufficient depth to lots on ad joining property, sad 3. these future extensions are not indicated em the plan, than he or his engineer confer with the Town Engineer and see if a more logical and better lay-out may not be worked out and one covering the above points, BUILDING LINES. Ia connection with the establishment of Building Lines on Bedford St., Mu.zzey Ste$ Clarke St., and Mass. Aye., from Clarke to cedar St. on which the necessary releases have been obtained, the Secretary is instructed to communicate with the Selectmen and ask that the To" Engineer be authorized to prepare or cause to be prepared the pians necessary to make It possible for the Town to act on the petitions secured and to establish building lines as promptly as possible, that the benefit of present signatures say set be lost. EAZT LEXINGTON COO?I�NATION. That a spirit if friendliness sad cooperation may be far thered it was suggested that representatives from the two East Lexington clubs be asked to meet with the Board and discuss any local; problems they might have In whose solution the plan- ning Board Might be able to assist. Yr. Duffy agreed to get ix touch with members of the two clubs. ATTY. UN'L. In the absence of the Chairman, Mr. Duffy also agreed to keep im touch with the Tom Counsel that the Zoning ordinance may be submitted to the Attorney General at the rery earliest date, nesting adjourned ( 10 o'clock j'for two weeks, Willard D. Brown, : Secretary,