HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-07-16437 BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING JULY 16, 1984 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Monday, July 16, 1984 at 7:15 p.m. in Room G-1 of the Town Office Building. Members present were: Mr. James W. Lambie, Chairman; Linda Roemer, Ph.D., Donald A. Goldmann, M.D. and George A. Smith, Jr., Director of Public Health. The Board did not accept the minutes of the June 18th meeting as read. Mr. Lambie and Dr. Roemer pointed on page 4, third paragraph, it state - "They are back -packing into swamp areas...." This should have said "larvaciding" because there is no backpacking being done. On page 2 of June 6, 1984 meeting notes Dr. Roemer said on the Sanitarian's Report that the clerk did not go into depth about the state's requirement of a lifeguard being at least 17 years of age to work at the public semi-public pools. After a short disucssion it was remembered this had been written in depth in the May 14, 1984 board notes. Mrs. Halko was ill so she could not attend the board meeting. She had a SANITARIAN written report for the Board members telling them some of the inspections REPORT she had done. Mrs. Halko reported that she had completed the pre -opening pool inspections and that any problems or violations were being taken care of. Some major problems were encountered at Minute Man Village and the Battle Green Pool. Arty`s Restaurant was informed of another complaint we had received regarding their "no smoking" signs on some tables and a sign stating "no smoking" section. The tables were sufficient but the arrangement could have been better. Mr. Gianoukas said he doesn't have too much call for non-smoking sections, therefore, his other customers have to wait. Mrs.Carol Waddell, Senior Clerk of the Health Department, was appointed a APPOINT - "special agent" to issue burial permits and sign death certificates in the MENT absence of the agent. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. Tim Surgenor of Integrated Genetics came before the Board to Mr. disucss their moving into the Kennicott Building to set up their research Surgenor business. INTEGRATED GENETICS The Board explained that there is a DNA Advisory Committee that has been meeting on a weekly basis studying and discussing this research, and are in the process of putting together regulations for the Town of Lexington. Mr. Surgenor explained what their company plans to do in research if and when they come to Lexington. He asked when the regulations would be ready and the Board replied that they should be ready by the September meeting. 438 Mr. Lambie told Mr. Surgenor that after the regulations are in place that the Town will have to have a public hearing and they don't know what the reaction will be from that. After further discussion Mr. Surgenor thanked the Board and retired. CATALDO Mr. Smith said he checked out the Cataldo farm on Bow Street and that they FARM had done everything that was required by the Board. PHEASANT At 8:00 p.m_ James McDowell of T & M Engineering Associates, Mr. Chester Kahn BROOK of Kahn/Quinn, Sidney Gorowitz, Attorney and Mrs. Mary D'Arrigo came before ESTATES the Board in regard to Pheasant Brook Estates Subdivision. This group came before the Board to discuss the plans for their subdivision. They propose to put a main roadway into this subdivision and they will build on 65 lots that will all be connected to town sewer. They said this has all been reviewed by public works. They also told the Board that they will not alter the water level at all. There will be a footpath in this subdivison and also a pond. Dr. Roemer is concerned about the pond and kids ice skating. She feels they could be setting up a very attractive nuisance for kids to swim and possibly drown like the quarries in Quincy. Mr. Quinn said it wouldn't be conducive to swimming because of "cat and nine tails". The pond will drain into Munroe or Fessenden brooks. Mr. Kahn tried to get in there earlier to open up the brooks but was denied permission. They will begin this subdivision early in September. Mr. Gorowitz, Attorney, told the Board if they have any other questions to feel free to call him. After a brief disucssion the group thanked the Board and retired. PESTICIDE Mr. Smith told the Board about the pesticide spill that took place on Lowell INCIDENT Street one day (July lith) last week. Some small tins rolled off of a Frost and Higgins truck onto Lowell Street with Sevin and the Fire Department answered a call from a resident and then called Mr. Smith Mr. Smith went over with Debbie halko and the D.E.Q.E. also came about 10 o'clock with 9 men and 2 trucks to clean it up. Mr. Smith said it was neither a health or safety condtion. OLD SPRING Mr. Smith told the Board that he had sent a letter to the person representing STREET the subcontractor for Old Spring Street. He found they had put in a swptic system in without a permit, so he had sent them a "stop work" order. They were: suppose to have used cast iron but they had used plastic. 1 1 439 Mr. Smith checked out the pool at Minute Man Village. The pool was not up MINUTEMAN to the standards set by the state so Mr. Smith sent Mr. Haroian a "certified VILLAGE mail" letter ordering him to close the pool. Mr. Haroian had been down the POOL Cape on vacation and when he came back he had all violations squared away by Friday and the pool was allowed to re -open, The personnel at the Battle Green Motel (Kevin McGrath) did not like Debbie's report in regard to the alkalinity of the pool and complained to Mr. Smith. When Mr. Smith checked out the pool a few days later, the problem had been taken care of. RIGHT TO The "Right to Know" Law was passed by D.E.Q.E., Public Health, etc. No one RIGHT TO KNOW LAW has received a copy of the regulations as yet. KNOW LAW Chief Bergeron will be in charge of this for Lexington. He will do the records keeping and inspections. The Board of Health will be involved to a point but it is the Fire Department Chief's responsibility. MOSQUITO The Board disucssed mosquito control for 1984. MOSQUITO CONTROL CONTROL Mr. Smith said "Highland J" was showing up in Mass. but he didn't know just where as Dr. Grady of the State Lab is on vacation right now and he does not keep us posted up-to-date. 1 1 The Board discussed the prospect of doing backpack spraying and thinks we should do some of this because of the"Highland J" being reported. Dr. Roemer said we have to assume that EEE will follow. Mr. Lambie said he would like to talk with David Henley in regard to the current status of mosquitoes. Where "Highland J" has been found, counts from the truck trappings, etc. Mr. Smith reported briefly on the RDNA Advisory Committee. They are disucssing RDNA what constitutes production and manufacturing. They voted at the last ADVISORY meeting on P-3. The vote was split on this. COMM. Dr. Miller wants the companies to show performance up to a year. Mrs. Ann White came before the Board of Health as an interested listener in the audience. She said she could not believe that no one else was there to discuss RDNA. Mrs. White said she is concerned about the manufacturing of the DNA. The Board said that nothing would be manufactured here, this is more for research. The Board explained that the RDNA Advisory Committee was formed to discuss the come up with a document that would satisfy the Town. The board stated that a public hearing will be held and it will give people a chance to speak for or against it. We have this committee to study this and decide just what level they can go, the Board told Mrs. White. 440 NOISE Mr. Smith said he had a complaint from a gentleman that lives across Route 2 COMPLAINT from 80 Hayden Ave. He complained about the air conditioning running in the building at 80 Hayden Ave. Mr. Smith doesn't know what he can do but he can get a noise meter next week. Mr. Smith reported he received notice from the VNA that they had done their survey of the elderly. The nurses found some people in need of help but it wasn't overwhelming. The Board feels that all elderly should have been surveyed and not just the villages. The program should be intergrated with Human Services and other agencies and not done in piecemeal. The Board discussed the VNA and their services to the Town. The Board said they should find out what the VNA wants, what the town should provide for services. Mr. Smith said he would contact other towns and see how their set up is for nursing services. Mr. Smith told the Board that the State had approved the money for asbestos removal at 96 Wood Street. RAYTHEON Mr. Smith reported that nothing has been done at Raytheon in regard to SMOKING setting aside seats for non-smokers. SECTION Mr. Lambie feels it is time for the Board to act. The Board said they will have to have a "slow cause" hearing before putting them into court. Mr. Smith said he had given them 30 days to put in a "no smoking" section and he hasn't heard a thing. Mr. Smith will give Norman Cohen, Town Coansel, a call. The Board briefly discussed the situation on Douglas Road (Mr. Litant) and feel they have handled it properly and now they feel the State should handle it. Meeting ended at 9:20 p.m. 1 1