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After a great deal more discussion it was agreed that the merchants would
record and report number plates of anyone caught dumping rubbish into the
Mr. Smith said he would call the newspaper and see if a little publicity
would help.
Officer Faulkingham said he would make a note so that at rollcall a re-
minder could be made for the cars cruising the area to make a few more patrols.
Mr. Smith suggested that Mr. Borgiornio speak to the people in the Bona
Bora and to make the warning very strong.
Mr. Smith and the Board thanked the merchants for coming in and all agreed
they would all cooperate to keep this area clean.
The following permits were signed by the Board:
Food Establishment Permits:
ARA Services for Honeywell
White Hen Pantry
Countryside Bible Chapel
St. Brigid's Church
Lexington Rotary Club (April 19th only)
Canteen Truck:
William A. Galarneau, 89 Bow St.
Animal Permits:
Antonio R. Leyennar, 2 Paul Revere Rd. 12 chickens
Barbara H. Findley, 76 Middle St. 10 chickens
Sewage Disposal:
Rite -Clean Cesspool Service, 23 Mohawk Drive, Burlington
Disposal Service:
Black & White Transportation Service
Swimming Pool Permit:
Harold & Helen Millican
Installers Permit:
John A. Devine Construction Co.
MAY 7, 1979
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held May 7, 1979 at 7 p.m. in
room G-15 of the Town Office Building. Members present were: Dr. William L.
Cosgrove, Chairman: Mr. James W. Lambie, Dr. Michael S. Erdos and George A. Smith,
Director of Public Health.
Minutes of the March 5 and April 2 Meetings were approved as typed.
Mr. Smith reported on the following Town Meeting Articles:
Article 4, line item 3300, Health Expenses approved for $10,000.
Article 4, line item 3310, Mystic "alley Mental Health Association
approved for $30, 853. This line item was separated for further discussion
but the people from MVMHA explained their work and there was no further
MEETING Article 4, line item 6050, Insect suppression was the line item for
ARTICLES mosquito control and as you know this was defeated. There is some talk of
a petition to bring mosquito control back again and there is also talk of
canceling all inspect suppression spraying. it was agreed that the Board
would wait and see.
Article 32, Central Middlesex Association for Retarded Citizens
requesting $5000. was approved. This money will be used to train 3 re-
tarded persons to support themselves. It is understood that this money
will be dispensed by the Health Department but to dat no one from this
organization has contacted us.
Mr Smith said Article 53 of the Town Warrant had been passed. He said
he realized this Article had nothing to do with the Board of Health because
it was an amendment to the Town Leash Law for dog violations. This will
raise the court fees for unleashed dogs from $25.00 to $50.00.
Mr Smith said Article 53 of the Town Warrant had been passdd. He said
he realized this Article had nothing to do with the Board of Health because
it was an amendment to the Town Leash Law for dog violations. This will
raise the court fees for unleashed dogs from $25. to $50.
Mr. Smith reported that Article 55 which was the amendment to the Town
By -Law regarding the dumping and littering in brooks had been passed.
Mr. Smith reported that Article 71 regarding an amendment in the Zoning
By -Law for Day Care Centers had not come before the Town Meeting yet. This
could also give the Board of Health the right to inspect these places. At
the present time we do not license the Day Care Centers because according
to the Office for Children regulations we do not have sufficient staff.
This change will not affect our department at this time.
Mir. Smith reported that we do have two migrant farm labor camps. This
year the State has hired apart time inspector to inspect migrant labor camps.
Wilson Farms is in good condition. Cataldo's It Gold Ribbon Farms has not
FARM LABOR had a licerse for 2 years. This year a. couple of workers showed up looking
CAMPS for a job and moved into the domitory. They had a fire down there and the
workers have been moved to a house on Highland Avenue. The dormitory is now
it the process of being repaired.
The police lock-up was also inspected at the same time and as usual
INSPECTION and as usual everything was neat ane clean.
UP Mr. Smith reported that the Adams Pool and the Minute Man Village Pool
have beer connected to the municipal seer system.
Article 40 of the Town Warrant concerning the Town Pools was approved
at this time but it is understood that there will be a referendum vote on
this. A letter has been. written to the Permanent Building Committee stating_
that if the new pools are not approved the Board of TTealth would not allow SWIMMING
the pool complex as it stands now to open this coming year. POOLS
The facilities at Moon Hill Pool are being replaced and they will be con-
nected to the public sewer so there should be no -problems there.
Mr. Smith reported on the problem that the Minute Man Regional Vocational
School had with the green water in the swimming pool. He explained that the
heating system had sprung a leak and was syphoning into the pool causing chro-
mates in the water. The State had done some tests of this water but it was
a laboratory in Rhode Island that picked up the chromates. At this time it
looks as though the pool is now okay.
All semi-public pools will be inspected before they open and these in-
spections will be done jointly with Bill Corcoran, Wire Inspector.
Mr. Smith reported that the following sewer connections had been ordered
and the work completed, both septic systems had failed:
19 Freemont Street
72 Bow Street
The Burroughs Co. is still not finished. They must return to the Con-
servation Commission again for approval of the second phase of the work. This
work should be done as soon as this hearing is held.
Mr. Smith reported that a system at 4 Pitcairn Place had failed after 31
years. This system was approved by Mr. Lucas. At this time the whole system
was excavated and about 100 tons of stone was brought in. The laterals were
increased from 3 to 6. Public sewer should be available to this section by
next summer. The ground in this area is very hard pack. No action is necessary
by the Board this report was for information only.
Mr. Smith said he had a. preliminary meeting with the various agencies and LION'S CLUB
boards connected with the Lion's Club Carnival. This year it will be located CARNIVAL
to the other side of Park Drive. Once again the cross connections will have
to be checked and etc. The peat on the new site may cause a problem.
The Lion's Club has been warned about the house trailers these people bring
in. Last year they parked un on "Sharkey's" land on Winter Street and were
disposing their waste all over the ground. This year the carnival will be
held for 5 days.
The April 16th Patriot's Day operation was discussed. Mr. Smith said he 19th APRIL
felt that the churches and etc. were getting very sloppy with their operations.
Some of the stands had no cover and the electrical connection were very poor
especially for a rainy day.
Mr. Smith reported that "Mother Earth" the natural food store on Muzzey
Street was selling raw goats milk. He said he had stopped them because the MOTHER EARTH
State Regulations require that any goat milk sold must come from a cetified
farm. We have no way of checking certified farms. The milk they were selling
comes from Connecticut.
Mr. Smith reported that an investigation by the State Department of Labor
and Industries had been made at our request at Hayden Ice Rink. It was found
NOXIOUS ODOR that the carbon monoxide from the "Zamboni" was causing the problem. Rec-
ommendations for corrections have been made they are being taken care of.
A re -inspection will be made.
The Department of Labor and Industries will also check the Public works
Building to see if they can solve the problem of the fumes from the welding
machines. This will be re -checked again in the cold weather.
A hearing was held regarding the renewal of a permit to keep 2 horses
SMOSKE HORSE at 39 Robinson Rood by Mrs. Lawrence Smoske. The following abuttors and
HEARING interested people attending this hearing were: Mrs. Lawrence Smoske, owner
of the property, Mrs. Anne Vohl, and Colleen Comerford, both board their
horses at Smoske's, Michael and Edward Comerford and abuttors Ruth and Ezra
Dunton. Note was made at this time that the complainant Mrs. L. J. Freier
did not attend this meeting.
Mr. Barry Littleton, Animal Control Officer, reported that he had no
complaint as to the handling of the manure and etc. He had made an inspection
in March and another just 5 days ago. In March he did find the hoove prints
of the horses in Frier's yard but there was no damage done that he could see.
Mr. Smith said the complaint was concerning the horses breaking loose
and trampling the lawn at Mrs. Freer's and other neighbors. The complainant
also expressed concern for the small children in the yards.
Mr. Comerford said any damage to Mrs. Freer's yard had been repaired.
Mr. Littleton had confirmed this.
Colleen Comerford said it was her horse that had jumped the fence and
got loose but the fences have now been reinforced and the horse iz kept in
most of the time. If the h•)rse goes out it will be hobbled unless someone
is with the horse.
Mr. Comerford said he had told hid, daughter that if the horse gets loose
again she will have to sell the horse.
Colleen Comerford explained that for some reason this horse jumps the
fence every chance it got but the hobbles should prevent this from happening
Mrs. Smoske said all her fences had been made sound but the fences on the
conservation land were down and in need of repair.
The Board noted that Mrs. Freier was the only abuttor that made any
Mr. & Mrs. Buxton stated that they were abuttors and when they received
notice of this hearing Mr. Buxton went up to Smoske's and checked out the
conditions. He said he could find nothing wrong at the Smoske's.
After further discussion Dr. Cosgrove asked if this was a neighborhood
feud and Mrs. Smoske said it could bP on the part of the one neighbor com-
paining but not on her part she had just tried to keep the property as the
Board had requested in prior years.
The Board agreed to renew this animal permit and requested that Mrs.
Smoske keep the area neat and clean and to keep the horses from getting
Mr. Smith reported that he had been checking a complaint made by Mrs.
Mary Frey, 6 Houlton Road, regarding Orville Orenback Popcorn being mislabeled.
Mrs. Frey had purchased this at the First National Store and the price tag was FOOD LABEL
stuck onto the package over the expiration date and when they were removed it VIOLATION
was found that the product was sold beyond the time it should have been. Mrs.
Frey turned this over to her lawyer and the took the product to the Federal
Government for analyses. The State also took some of this popcorn and the only
thing they found was a musty odor. This matter has been turned over to the
Food & Drug Division for further action, to date they have not done anything
about it.
The East Lexington area around Bow Street has been posted for "No Dumping". BOW STREET
The sign has been stolen and the people are still using the dimpsters to dis- AREA
pose of their rubbish. The police have a few names, hopefully they will take
some action against these people.
Mr. Smith reported that the following clinics are scheduled as follows:
Glaucoma, by the Lion's Club, Inc. on May 30th, the Hard of Hearing Clinic by CLINICS
the Rotary Club and the Guild of Hard of Hearing will be held on May 21, 22,
23 and 24 and the Rabies Clinic will be held on May 17 and 18. Dr. Chabot's
assistant will work this clinic this year.
The summer camp season is coming up, Camp Willard and Camp Blanche at SUMMER DAY
Hayden are in good shape. Christian Academy has lost their nurse so they must CAMPS
hire another R. N. The Town of Lexington Camp for the Handicap might have a
problem with nurses because they must comply with State Regulations. Mr. Smith
said he had not discussed this with Miss Halverson of the Recreation Department
nor with Mrs. Tapia of the Tri -Community Health Services.
Mr. Smith reported that Mr. Brucchi has not called in the names of the
people he talked about on Grove Street. Mr. Smith said he checked out the
people he thinks Brucchi was referring to and they did not come to the Board
before they bought the property. They bought the property one year, applied
for an animal permit the next year and was granted the permit the following
year after the barn and etc. had been built. In checking the area we find that
this is kept in better condition than Mr. Brucchi's.
Mr. Smith reported that the legal ad which stated that the high water test -LEGAL
ing time was over for this year had been published. nerc tests may be done any NOTICE
time but the high water testing cannot be done after March 31, 1979.
Mr. Smith said he had been do7_nr ground water testing for the scattered
housing sites on North Street. They have hit -,iter at about 5 feet so they SC.TTE7ED
may have a problem. They will either have to do a lot of filling on these HOUSING
lots or make a modification in their plans and build houses on slabs instead
of with cellars.
A lot on Mountain Road was checked, this lot was on a subdivision approved
by the Planning Board with the provision this Tot be connected to public sewer. MCTYNTAIN
The developer will have to ao about 300 feet to meet these t-egtv_rerents.
Mr. Smith explained that Mr. Costello had land on Marrett Street which will MARRETT
take 11 houses, this would be sewered if this was done. Or his other alternative STREET
will be to put in 2 houses on 4 acre lots which will have septic systems and
Lot 5B and lot 16 on Spring Street does have one corner that can have a SPRING ST.
septic system but there will never be sewer in that area. Mr. Smith said he
went down 13 feet to perc test these lots. This would be combined to make
one house lot.
Lot 22C on Morgan Road, located behind the Temple on Lincoln Street
was checked this lot will have public sewer but it will cost the developer
about ten thousand dollars. There is no way this lot can be approved for
a septic system.
Lot 9 on North Street was approved by the Board before but that was
LOT 9 NORTH before the Hatch Act Hearing was rendered null and void because Ralph Hall
STREET the developer did not notify the abuttors of the hearing.
Lot 43A North Street is the lot Mr. DiMatteo, Building Commissioner,
is trying to get a variance on. This lot can handle a septic system with
13A NORTH ST. no problem but the Town is putting the sewer in there within the year.
Also we had a phone call today from a resident of the area stating that
there is a cemetery on this lot with 6 to 9 people buried there. If this
is so then the heirs of these people must be located and arrangements made
for a burial in the regular cemetery or they, meaning the seller or buyer,
of the property, will have to go to court and get this straightened out.
Mr. Smith reported that the Planning Board had given Mr. Lane of Wood
WOODPARr<. park Estates 30 days to correct all his problems. The sand is blowing again
ESTATES so he will have to correct this. It will be up to the Planning Board to see
that these things are corrected.
Mr. Smith reported that skunks, raccoons and some foxes are being stricken
itNIMAL DISEASE with disease which is probably canine distemper but to be sure we are sending
all animals we find stricken with this disease to Westboro Fishes and Wild
Life Service for testing. They will test for rabies, distemper and other
parasites. Distemper is a problem because it can be transmissable to the
canine and feline population.
The Sheraton Motor Inn has requested to do something different this
SHERATON year for poolside food service. They are planning on putting up a new
MOTOR INN facility with hot and cold running water and good refrigeration. They also
POOLSIDE have asked to put carpet on the deck of the pool but that request was denied
so they are now putting in the required deck.
Mr. Smith said he had a recent surge of lead paint inspections durint
the last couple of weeks. He went on to say he had a call from the Health
Officer in Belmont stating that they had bought n fluorescent analyser and
would be willing to let the Health Department use this for a year. We will
have to waid to hear more on this.
Mr. Smith announced that Tri Community Health Services had bought a
TRI -COMMUNITY house in Arlington and will be moving out of Town. He said he felt we were
HEALTH SERV. not getting as good service as we should be getting. The Board discussed
this and then decided that they would talk to Mrs. Tapia about the service
for the Health De7artment.
The following permits were signed by the Board:
Animal Permits:
Carl Canzanelli, 21 Heritage Drive - 1 pony and 2 hens
Smoske, 39 Robinson Rd. - 2 horses
Harry R. Mimno, 83 Pleasant St. - 4 horses