HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-07-1096 MILK SAMPLES Permits to be signed: Swimming Pools: Paint Rock Pool Six Moon Hill Pool Center Playground (3 pools) Adams Pool Peacock Farm Assoc. Pleasant Brook Pool Bun Valley Assoc. , Inc. Sheraton -Lexington Motor Inn Lexington Chalet, Inc. Minute Man Regional Vocational School Middlesex Tennis & Swim Club Drummer Boy Homes Assoc. Five Fields Pool Inc. Christian Academy Pool Summer Camp Meadow Breeze Day Camp Food Establishments Howard Johnsons, Inc. ARP Cafeteria Royal Pastry Wild Acre Inn Animal Permit Frederick Hopwood (4 horses) Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING JULY 10, 1978 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Monday, July 10, 1978 at 7:00 P.M. in Room G-15 of the Town Office Building. Members present were: Dr. William L. Cosgrove, Chairman; James W. Lambie, Michael S. Erdos, M. D. and George A. Smith, Director of Public Health. The minutes of the June 5, 1978 meeting were approved. Mr. Smith reported that the department had received a letter from John Condon of the Food Industries Laboratory, stating that he was no longer going to be able to do the milk sample analysis work. Mr. Smith said if the Board was agreeable he would like to wait until Fall and then look for someone new to do this work. He did explain that anyone newly hired would be a lot more expensive than Mr. Condon had been. The Board asked if we had any problems with the dairies lately and Mr. Smith said "No" most of the small dairies were out of business and only the larger dairies were supplying the Lexington area and they all had their own quality control program. He said he would like to continue the testing program but he would prefer to wait until Fall when he would have more time. The Board agreed they would have no objection to waiting until Fall to set up this new program. 97 Mr. Smith said reported that Mr. Theodore Freeman had submitted new plans for a standard subdivision for his project entitled Ridge Estates II. RIDGE ESTATES II Mr. Smith said there was no action the Board could take on these plans at this time but he wanted them to be aware of Mr. Freeman's action. Mr. Lambie asked if the Planning Board or Conservation Commission had put any orders on this property yet. Mr. Smith said not on the new plans so far. Mr. Smith reported that the Lion's Club Carnival had operated fairly well LION'S and there had been nothing unusual happen with the food concessions. He also CLUB reported that the bathroom facilities at the Center Playground had been im- CARNIVAL proved some this year. One problem he had was with the carnival people parking house trailers on land owned by Sharkey on Hazel Road. He did order them off the property in response to complaints of a neighbor in the area. The other thing noted was the careless handling of the propane gas tanks and he felt that next year some regulations should be made requiring the tanks to be tied down and in- spected. The new animal regulations were discussed by the Board, the changes sug- gested by Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel, was approved. Mr. Cohen also recommended ANIMAL that the department check with the State Health Department in accordance with REGULATIONS G. L. c 94, s. 148. A letter will be written to the State regarding this reg- ulation. A motion was made and passed that these regulations be accepted with the changes suggested by Mr. Cohen; and the Board members. Mr. Smith brought to the Board's attention that the Office for Children DAY CARE were approving homes for Family Day Care Centers without notifying the ap- CENTERS propriate Boards of their action. it would appear that the only requirement they are making is that a floor plan be submitted when an application is made for a permit to conduct a Family Day Care Center, and they then send back a certificate of approval. Mr. Smith explained that the Family Day Care Centers were not an education facility such as the Kindergartens but more of a baby sitting facility. When these special permits are sent to the applicants we are then requested to make comments on the facility. He went on to say we cannot make comments on a facility until we make a physical examination. The Office for Children are basically the ones responsible for these facilities. People applying for these permits should be made aware of the other Boards and Departments they should contact for the safety and zoning. Mr. Smith said he did not feel that the Office for Children should give out these licenses before the proper Boards and Departments are notified in the Town. The Board agreed and suggested Mr. Smith check this matter out. Mr. Smith reported t`.at after John Brucchi had met with the Board and was JOHN BRUCCHI denied his transfer of an animal permit he met with the Selectmen. The Board Of Selectmen turned this matter over to the Town Counsel for investigation. Mr. Brucchi has said if he cannot sell his place as a farm he will apply for a license to operate a riding stable. This would be a license that the 98 State would grant him. The changes in the Animal Regulations were discussed and the Clerk ANIMAL was instructed to check the State regarding the $100.00 fine as recommended REGULATIONS by Town Counsel. FEES, TEMPORARY Mr. Smith said he would like to raise the fees on the Temporary Food FOOD PERMITS Permits from $5.00 to $10.00 dollars. WADING POOLS The Board moved to raise the fees. Mr. Smith explained that the Wading Pools should have a separate permit but in the past we have been licensing the Wading Pools along with the Swimming Pools. Starting next year he would like to require that all Wading Pools be licensed separately. This would cover all the Association Pools as well as the Town Pools. Mr. Smith reported that all the swimming pools had been inspected and found to be in pretty good shape. A new ground fault system is now being required for all new pools, older pools can be equipped with them only if they are doing a lot of renovation. Mr. Smith said he had inspected Moon Hill Pool and it was fine. Paint Rock Pool Association is doing a lot of rewiring and was now in good shape. Sheraton -Lexington is in good condition. Sheraton -Lexington Motor Inn kitchen has now installed a new grease trap so that should be an improvement in minimizing sewerage system over- flows caused by problems within the sewerage system as it passes under Route 128. Mr. Smith reported that he had to condemn a house at 7 Brandon Street 7 BRANDON ST. because of the lack of proper sanitary facilities. This house is to be sold but the new owner will have to make all the repairs before he can move into the house. CONTRACTS The contracts for Replace and Tri Community Health Services were ap- proved and signed by the Board because there were no changes from last year. Mr. Smith reported that he had met with the engineer in charge of the WILD ACRE sewer connection at Wild Acre Inn. The plans he has submitted are supposed INN to meet with the Town "specs'. They have also been given the Board of Health requirements which include an alternating pump with a high water alarm, a light on the inside as well as outside and a 3000 gallon overflow tank in case the system fails. These plans are supposed to be in this week. The licenses for Wild Acre In runs out the end of the month and Mr. Smith said he has already advised the Board of Selectmen that unless this sewer connection has been made the license should not be renewed. It is now up to the Selectmen to see that either the work is done or the place is closed. FRIENDLY's Mr. Smith reported that a new Friendly Ice Cream Store had been opened WALTHAM/LEX. on the Waltham -Lexington Line and at this point we are sharing the res- ponsibilities with Waltham. This is a family type restaurant as compared to an ice cream store. Mr. Smith said the transfer of the ownership of the LeBellecour Res - TRANSFER OF taurant and Christos Restaurant will be checked before new permits are issued. OWNERSHIP 99 Both places will be inspected. BICENTENIAL Mr. Smith again discussed the drainage problems at Mr. Freeman's sub- ESTATES division 'Bicentennial Estates" off Cary Avenue. Mr. Smith said the Planning Board was going to be discussing this problem at their meeting tonight. He explained that Mr. Freeman had done some work on this but there was still a lot of work to be done and most of it was not under our jurisdiction. He went on to say that most of the residents there would like to have all the brooks and drainage piped underground but that could not be done. Mr. Smith said that he thought the Board should send a letter to the Town MORATORIUM Manager regarding the Moratorium. He again brought up the letter a draft of which was made in May but never sent officially. Mr. Hutchinson was shown this draft at the time. He went on to say that the Conservation Commitsson had sent a memo stating that they wished the Moratorium continued because they could not condone the pumping of sewage overflow into the brooks and streams. They also felt that the I & I study should be carried out, they too, were con- cerned because of the lack of information being produced. Mr. Smith said he felt that the Board should take a positive stand on this matter and either send a letter to the Town Manager or use the letter on hand. Dr. Cosgrove said he thought the letter on hand was all right and the Board agreed. Mr. Lambie said he wished they would get some of the reports we had asked for to us. Mr. Smith said he felt the Board should take a very positive stand peaitive .stand because he felt there would be a problem when Mr. McSweeney, Director of Public Works, left in August. He went on to say that by the time they had a new Director it could be well over a year. Mr. Lambie agreed something should be done but he felt that the moratorium was just -the tail that was wagging the dog". What we should have is reports on what measures they are really going to take to prevent this situation from occuring again. Dr. Erdos said he agreed that Mr. Lambie's reference to the moratorium was well spent because prior to the moratorium no one was concerned about the over- flow or back-up situation except those people directly involved but with the moratorium the whole town became aware of it! builders could not build and citizens could not connect to the public sewer when a problem occuredd. Mr. Smith said he did not feel that the moratorium had corrected the prob- lem and he felt sure that the Board of Selectmen would lift the moratorium at their next meeting regardless of what the Board of Health had to say but he felt we should go on record as stated in the letter that we upheld the mora- torium. He went on to say that if we did take any court action against any Board it would have to be on a health hazard and not on the moratorium. Mr. Lambie said where we could not get the information we had requested was there any way we could get our own Engineering Study done. Dr. Cosgrove said he did not think so because we did not have any money for an engineer. He went on to say that he had been told that Whitman & Howard was doing an engineering study of the whole problem.