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Mr. Smith stated that he had a copy of a letter which Dr. Yudowitz
WILD ACRE of wild Acre Inn had sent to the Selectmen requesting a meeting with them
INN to discuss the installation of the sewer to service the Inn. Mr. Smith
explained that at a meeting in August Mr. McSweeney, of D.P.W. had told
Dr. Yudowitz if he had all his plans into his office before the end of
October he could get his permits to get this work done before winter,
when Dr. Yduowitz came in for his permits in October he was told it was
too late.
Mr. Smith says that the plans Dr. Yudowitz has shows that he will
be re-laying approximately 140 feet of pipe so that this will be a
gravity feed line.
Dr. Cosgrove said if Dr. Yudowitz did not get any satisfaction
tonight then he thought the Board write a letter regarding the public
health problem this present system is creating.
Mr. Smith reported that a Mr. Harmadi Gabsi, is planning to open
a market in the Giroux Building. Because of the limited equipment he
will only be able to open a food store with no food preparation area
such as cutting cold cuts or preparing other meats.
Mr. Smith said we had been receiving letters from the opponents
of Fluoridation now that the M.D.C. is going ahead with their Fluori-
dation program.
The following permits were signed by the Board:
Sullivan Disposal
Mass Disposal Trucking Co.
Cumberland Farms
395 Lowell St.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
DECEMBER 12, 1977
Doran's Greenhouse
1 turkey
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Monday, December 12,
1977, in room G-15 at 7:00 p.m. Members present were: Dr. William L. Cos-
grove, Chairman; Mr. James Lambie, Dr. Michael Erdos and George A. Smith,
Director of Public Health.
The minutes of the November 7, 1977 meeting were approved as submitted.
The reply to the memo requesting information regarding the Immunization
IMMUNIZATION Consent Approval forms from Mr. Cohen stating that in the future the consent
APPROVAL forms should be re -worded to state that the immunizations are administered
without charge and also that the person vaccinated would hold the town
harmless from liability or injury.
Mr. Smith said he had attended the meeting at Tewksbury Regional
LANDFILL Health Office with other town officials to discuss the progress of the
landfill program.
Dr. Cosgrove asked if everything was okay?
Mr. Smith said "No" everything wa.s not okay. There was a discussion of
the schedule to the closing of the landfill and what the cost would be to the
town in a three year period. Also the Town Manager discussed putting the
garbage in with the trash at the dump.
Mr. McLaughlin, State Sanitary Enouneer, said they would have no objection
to this, but if this practiceis carried out the town would have to overseer
the landfill operation more thoroughly than they are now doing. Also they
would have to have responsible people to put out poison and carry on a good
rodent control program.
Mr. Smith said he thought that putting garbage in the dump should have
a good deal of thought given to it. We have complaints about contaminates
going into the Shawsheen River now, what would happen if the poison for
rodent control should leach into the river. Mr. Hutchinson's idea is that
the town would save about 80 thousand dollars for the garbage contract. In-
dividual owners would be responsible for taking their own garbage to the
Dr. Cosgrove said he felt that the Town was in trouble now and he felt
the addition of garbage would compound the problems more.
Mr. Smith said he felt that the Board should send a letter to the State
stating they are against the dumping of garbage in the landfill. He went
on to say that there is a letter on file from the state prohibiting the
disposal of garbage in the landfill. This letter wa.s the original approval
of the landfill by the State. Mr. Smith said if this program was adopted a
rat and rodent control program would have to be started right away. Also
a great deal of education for the people would also be necessary.
Dr. Erdos said he felt that the people would really object to storing
and carrying their own garbage to the landfill. Right now people are used
to having the garbage picked up and he flet this added garbage would shorten
the life of the landfill much quicker.
Mr. Smith said this could be handled well if they had a good compactor
but the one that they have at the landfill now seems to break down so often
it is ridiculous.
Mr. Lambie said we still have to conform to the State regulations and
he felt we should check with the State before any decisions were made.
Mrs, Charles McManus of the Youth Service came before the Board to ex-
plain what his duties were and what type of work he was doing with the youth
of the town at this time. MC MANUS
Dr. Cosgrove told Mr. McManus to just explain what he did and etc. in SERVICE
any way that it was easiest for him.
Mr. McManus reviewed the history of the Youth Council Service and the
various ways that the town tried to help the youth combat the drug problem
which developed to such prominence a few years back. Mr. McManus said he
felt that the drug problem had decreased but that the alcohol problem was
now on the increase with the younger children. He said relations have
improved now with the police and Replace and many of his cases come from
police referral. He said he had been talking with the Town Manager a
few weeks ago and Town Manager expressed concern about the over lap of
services of replace, M.V.M.H.A. and Mr. McManus. Mr. McManus said he
felt that eventually this could happen but at the present time he is
working more with family units than Replace is.
Dr. Erdos asked Mr. McManus a number of questions regarding his work
with the youth, their families and the extent of his work with the social
agencies in town.
Mr. MaManus explained how he worked with the police and Replace. He
said now with the improved staff at Replace he felt that eventually they
would be able to take over his work, too. He said he enjoyed his work
here in Lexington but he did realize that eventually the work would over
lap and there would be no need of him and Replace too.
After further discussion Dr. Cosgrove thanked Mr. McManus for coming
Representatives for the construction and devilopment of a new business
property at 1-5 Forbes Road came before the Board to discuss the installa-
tion of a septic system to service this new building due to the present 1-5 FORBES
sewer moratorium. Engineers for the septic system from H. W. Moore Co., RD. SMM CORP
Inc. were H.W. Moore and Carlos Quintal, representatives of the SMM Corp.
wer Jon McKee and Charles Wiggins.
Mr Wiggins explained to the Board that they would like to get on
with the construction of this building because at the present time the
market was right and they had been also so successful they also have in-
creased the building to include a second building. Mr. Wiggins said he
would like to have site plan approval so that they could file with the
Board of Appeals for building approval. He went on to say that plans
for this building had been made prior to the sewer moratorium.
Mr. Smith said he did not feel that this was the time when the water
table would be the highest in this area, also when Mr. Wiggins first talked
to Mr. Smith he was talking only one building now this plan shows two.
Mr. Lambie asked what the earliest dat would be for the disposal of
Mr. Wiggins said he would like to start construction around the first
of April and set a completion date of January 1979.
Mr. Smith asked if this system was planned as a temporary system for
while the moratorium was on or was it designed as the only system to
service these buildings.
Mr. Moore said this system was designed as though there would be no
public sewer available. He went on to say that each building showed
5400 hundred square feet of leaching field. The pump house is designed
so that it will service both leach areas.
Mr. Moore went on to say that they had done Percolation Tests in
November. Also the grades on the system on the pland were set two feet
higher than the highest water table for this area.
Mr. Smith said he thought that where the water table was so high in
this area he would not want to have any tests made until he was sure the
water table was at it's
to do any testing.
Mr. Smith said the
also asked if both pits
on the same elevation.
highest and he did not think this was the time of year
tests could not be taken until after February lst, he
proposed on the plan to service these buildings were
Mr. Quintal said "Yes".
Mr. Moore asked if the town foresaw any relief to.;this sewer moratorium.
Mr. McSweeney said they could probably tell better about that after they
had experienced this one winter.
Mr. Smith said he thought that a system as large as this would have to
be reviewed by the State Engineers and also our own engineers whether they
by "in House" or hired by the Health Department.
Dr. Cosgrove said he would like to have our own engineers review this
system either Whitman and Howard or Metcalf and Eddy.
Mr. Smith asked about the use of pumps for this system. He also stated
that in the past any commercial system over two thousand gallons per day had
to be approved by the State. He also said that this system would have to be
checked by the State because of the use of the pumps. This is in accordance
with Title 5.
Mr. Smith asked if this building were connected to public sewer would
they still use the pump house shown.
Mr. Moore said "Yes". He also pointed out the expansion area shown on
the plans.
Dr. Cosgrove thanked the gentlemen for coming into the meeting and stated
the Board would take this under advisement.
Mr. Wiggins asked the Board if they would try to resolve this septic
system as soon as possible so that they could make application to the Board
of Appeals for a hearing.
Mr. Moore said he felt that this system could be approved because of
the sewer moratorium was not a permanent thing.
Mr. McSweeney explained the inflow and infiltration study and said that
actually the Town is talking 2 or 3 years of a controlled situation.
Dr. Cosgrove again thanked the gentlemen for coming in.
Mr. Freeman, subdivider for Ridge Estates 11, came before the Board
to explain his plans for this subdivision. The sewer moratorium will also II
affect Mr. Freeman's land development.
Mr. Freeman explained that he had options on about 45 acres of land
and therefore he was interested in having this division approved so he
could proceed with his land acquisition. He also would like to develop
this land under HUD, therefore he must have a Board of Appeals hearing and
also a hearing before the Conservation Committee.
He explained to the Board that Mr. Coburn, his engineer, had taken about
36 percolation tests from the best land possible in November and found most
of it satisfactory. Mr. Freeman said he realized that if septic systems
were installed on this land each separate lot would have to have a perc
test and an engineer's report.
After some discussion about the time this subdivision would be
started and etc. the Board suggested that Mr. Freeman check with the other
Boards and Commissions involved in this development and then submit new plans
to the Board of Health.
Mr. Freeman said he would plan to develop this area for the next 7
years. He did say he would like to start within the next 15 to 18 months.
Dr. Cosgrove thanked Mr. Freeman for coming in and said they would wait
for new plans.
The following permits wore signed by the Board:
A.A. Cesspool Co., Sewage - 1 truck
Electric Sewer Cleaner Co., Inc. Sewage - 3 trucks
R. E. Andrews Co., Sewage - 2 trucks
Mass Disposal Co., Rubbish - 1 truck
A.H. Beauchamp & Son, Rubbish, 3 trucks
Charles Lee Disposal Inc., Rubbish - 1 truck
Reddish Disposal Service, Rubbish - 1 truck
A.A. Cesspool Co. (Herman Theising Jr.)
Deflice Bros. Corp. - 17 Larchmont Lane
Catch Penny Chalet Motor Lodge
Perfection Foods for Ledgemont Laboratory, 128 Spring St.
Countryside Bible Chapel
Raytheon Executive Bldg.
D. C. Heath Co.
Le Bellecour Restaurant Co.
Christo's Restaurant (new owner)
Gloria Foods Deli
Church of Christ of Lexington, Inc.
Friendly Ice Cream Shop
Rosina's Kitchen
Mrs. B's Donuts Co., Inc.
Lee Ann's Restaurant (formerly Drummer Boy)
Kenneth I. Goodman, 177 Grove St., 2 horses