HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-0319 It was suggested that Mr. Smith write to Mr. Nill and suggest he make application for public sewer in that area and if this is not possible he obtain a legal easement from his neighbors and then coque back to the board for a variance. Mrs. Mary Welch, Chief of Administration Service, came before the Board to discuss the budget for fiscal year 1977-78 for the Mystic Valley Mental BUDGET Health Center. Accompanying Mrs. Welch was Miss Santorris of the crisis MVMH intervention team, Mrs. Renee Cochin of the MVMH Association and another employee of the center. Mrs. Welch explained again the services of the Center and stated they now had a full staff of professional people and clerical staff as stated in the Federal Grant requirements. The Federal Grant money covers the payroll of these professional people. Dr. Cosgrove asked if anyone had requested that the Center keep or cut their budget by 5%? Mrs. Welch said "no" but they did try to hold the line as best they could. It was asked that if the Federal or State funds were stopped would the Center expect the Towns to pay for all the new professional help now employed Mrs. Welch said "No". Mrs. Welch spent some time discussing the services rendered by the Center. The Board did ask a few questions about the budget and then thanked Mrs. Welch and her friends for coming into the meeting. The Board duscussed the Budget briefly. The following permits were signed by the Board: Animal Permits Anne Cuervo, 23 Ridge Rd., one horse Seasons Four: 1265 Mass Av. 4 reindeer, 1 goat, 1 peacock, 1 llama, 1 donkey, 1 turkey (expires 12-23-76) Motel Licenses Sheraton -Lexington Motor Inn, 727 Marrett Rd. Catch Penny Chalet Motor Lodge, 440 Bedford St. Food Service Permits Friendly Ice Cream Corp., 66 Bedford St. Mrs. "B's" Donut Co., 3 Bow St. Gloria Foods, 137 Massachusetts Ave. Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING JANUARY 3, 1977 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Monday, January 3, 1977 at 7:00 p.m. in the Health Department Office. Members present were; 20 Dr. William L. Cosgrove, Chairman; Mr. James W. Lambie and Director of Public Health, George A. Smith. The minutes of the November 8, 1976 meeting and the December 6, 1976 meetings were approved. Dr. Cosgrove said that before the Board approved the Mystic Valley Mental Health Budget he would like an explanation from Mrs. Welch re- MVMHA garding the forty-three thousand dollar line item for the phone bill and BUDGET also a ten thousand dollar line item for insureance on the cars. Rating insurance at 500 hundred dollars per car they could insure at least 20 cars for 10 thousand dollars. My question is why are they paying this car insurance. He went on to report to the Board that he had also heard that M.V.M.H.A. was in trouble with the equal employment group because they did not have enough ethnic groups employed. He said he also heard that Mystic Valley had not received one cent from the City of Woburn and he would like to know why. Dr. Cosgrove said he felt Mrs. Welch should come up with some reasonable answers before the budget is ap- proved and sent to the Town Manager. Mr. Lambie said he would like some of those answers too. Dr. Cosgrove then turned the meeting over to Mr. Smith for reports on various problems. Mr. Smith said that he had, as reported to the Board at the last LOT -CONCORD meeting, observed a percolation test on a lot at Concord Avenue and AVE. -SPRING Spring Street. At that time the lot was declared unsatisfactory for STREET building. The owner was told that if an engineer could come up with a workable plan he would look it over. A plan has been submitted by the builder, this plan is not a certified engineer's plan and there- fore cannot be considered. Mr. Smith said before he would even consider looking at a plan for this lot it must be submitted by a registered en- gineer with a complete soil report as well as a complete sanitary system plan. The Board stated that this lot would not be approved for a septic system until Mr. Smith was satisfied. Mr. Smith reported that he had received many complaints regarding PEKING the odor from the Peking Gardens on Waltham Street, in fact, more GARDENS complaints than usual have been received. The problem is with the ex- haust pipe. This pipe is located so low that the odor goes to the ground and stays there, some days the odor is so bad you can smell it down at the Town Hall. Mr. Chi, owner, has spoken of a new exhaust system but he has been talking about that for some time now and has done nothing about it. We also received a call from a resident who had lunch at the Peking Gardens and discovered she had eaten a half of cockroach. What he really should do is put in a charcoal filter system and raise the exhaust stack. They do so much cooking with the peanut and soy oils that you are bound to get odors. This place has got to the point where something must be done or we will have to close them up. DDT - BATS Mr. Smith reported that he went to the hearing on the pesticide control and there were environmentalists and naturalists at this meeting and they have stretched things way out of proportion. Because of this they did not come to any decision regarding the releasing of DDT to combat the local bat problem. The only thing they advised the local health departments to instruct citizens to block any holes in the roof and attic areas. This advise is ridiculous because people are just frightened to death.of these bats, they won't go into their attics at all. In order to combat these bats we must have DDT. I have contacted every office I know to get this DDT released but un- til the EPA agrees we must continue as we are. I have even contacted Sen- ator Kennedy's Office, and I will continue to work with this problem to see what can be done before the summer. An area on North Street is being considered for development and perco- lation tests were done, these lots are located on the Davis Farm. The LOTS ON tests were good but this area will need conservation approval before it can NORTH ST. be developed. There is room for four and possible eight homes in the area. Mr. Smith said he felt that the Board should be aware that the dog and leash law problem took a great deal of his time. He said he was not told when he was hired that he had to have the dog problems but he has done the best he could with them, however, they do take so much time that he feels at times he neglects the Health work to some extent. The dog program has been developed and organized to such an extent that it really should be a department unto itself. He went on to say that even though great strides have been made in the organization of the Animal Control program it was detracting from his Health work. He said he felt that pri- orities were not where they should be. The Health Department does conduct the Rabies Clinic but that is where the whole thing should end. This dog business should be under the police or the selectmen because they are the ones that have the authority over the dog laws. Mr. Smith said he could use some extra help to get through the health work let alone the dog work. It was agreed that if we could suggest something in the Town structure that could take over the dogs it might be a solution to our problem. Also the new Town Manager might come up with a plan of his own because this bas- ically is a police problem. WORK LOAD The Board felt that they would like to talk to the Town Manager regarding extra help for Mr. Smith even though it might just make him aware of the need. Mr. Smith said if he could get rid of the dog problems it would be a big help. Mr. Smith said that the Flu Clinic was all over and all the doctors FLU CLINIC have been called to return all slips and vaccine to the Health Department. Mr. Smith said he had met with the representatives from the Occupa- tional Hygiene Department to test the carbon monoxide fumes in the barn FUMES AT caused by the engines of the trucks which must be left running for about PWD one-half hour before the brakes can be released. The results from these tests are not yet completed. There are fans in the barn and we will have to wait and see what the results are. At 8:00 p.m. a roll call vote was made and the Board of Health ad- journed to executive session to discuss a problem which could be harm- ful to a persons reputation and business. It was also noted at this time that the Board would not reconvene in open meeting after this meeting. The following permits were signed by the Board: Garbage Disposal Stanley Roketenetz, Inc. 22 No. Maple St., Woburn, Mass. (2) Rubbish Disposal Paone's Disposal, 15 Emerald St., Lexington, Mass. SCA Disposal of N. E., 140 Brookline Ave., Boston, Mass. (2) Middlesex Disposal, 547 Old Bedford Rd., Concord, Mass. McCall Trucking Co., Inc., 48 Irving St., Medford, Mass. Charles Lee Disposal, Inc., 1 Eliery St., South Boston, Mass. Ace Disposal Service, Inc., 22 No. Maple St., Woburn, Mass. (3) Dooley Bros.Co., 164 Market St., Brighton, Mass. Charles George Trucking Co., Dunstable Rd., Tyngsboro, Mass. (3) Sewage Disposal Electric Sewer Cleaning Co., 294 Lincoln St., Allston, Mass. (2) AA Cesspool Co., 89 Willow St., Waltham, Mass. William A. Campbell, Sewer Reamer Service, 17 Laurel St., Cambridge John Zanni, Inc., 22 Lakeview Ave., Reading, Mass. (2) R. E. Andrews & Co., 20 Highgate Rd., Framingham, Mass. Rite Clean Cesspool Service, 23 Mohawk Rd., Burlington, Mass. R. E. Andrews & Co., 20 Highgate Rd., Framingham, Mass. Joseph H. App Co., Inc., 855 Main St., Wilmington, Mass. Suburbanite Cesspool Service, Inc. Muller Rd., Burlington, Mass. Installers Permits Lawrence Carroll, 753 Waltham St., Lexington, Mass. Dave Eagle, 275 Mass Ave., Lexington, Mass. Albert Koch, P. O. Box 448, Lexington, Mass. Alan J. O'Neil, Rite Clean Cesspool Service, 23 Mohawk Dr., Burlington Dominic & Richard Deflice, 17 Larchmont Lane, Lexington, Mass. Herman Thiesing, 89 Willow St., Waltham, Mass. Motels Battle Green Motor Inn, 1720 Mass Ave., Lexington, Mass. 1 Food Service Permits Brigham's Inc., 34 Bedford St., Lexington, Mass. Brigham's Inc., 1775 Mass Ave., Lexington, Mass. Servomation Corp. Raytheon Vending Machines, 100 Fallon Rd., Stoneham, Ma. Servomation Corp., D. C. Heath Co. David G. Roberts, Minuteman Restaurant, 1715 Mass Ave., Lexington, Mass. East Village Nursing Home, 140 Emerson Rd., Lexington, Mass. 1