HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-18510 Mrs. Tapier said she would like to increase the Well Elderly Clinics to include a drop-in service to the churches, etc. that have recreation programs for the elderly. Mr. Totman and the Board said she better be very sure that these people would accept a service of this type. Mrs. Tapier also said they hoped to have some educational programs for the clinics and possibly this would increase the attendance to the clinics. She thought if once a month they had an educational program it would be beneficial, they had considered nutrition and things of this nature. After further discussion of the various services by the nurses for the Health Department it was agreed that the reg- ular work would be estimated at $5004. dollars, 4 public clinics at $360. dollars, the Well Elderly Clinics estimated at $1248. minus this year of $250. dollars and additional amount of $576. dollars for future programs making a total of $6938. requested for the year 1974-75. The Board approved the adjusted amount and instructed Mr. Totman to get a new explanation letter to the Board of Health as soon as possible so the adjustments can be made in the Health Department Budget. BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING MARCH 18, 1974 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Monday, March 18, 1974 at 7:00 P.M. in Room G-15 of the Town Office Building. Members present were: Dr. William L. Cosgrove, Chairman; Mr. James Lambie and Dr. Charles Ellicott. The minutes of the January 28, 1974 meeting were approved as read. The letter from James E. Chase, Town Engineer, regarding the North Lexington Pumping Station was discussed by the Board. Mr Lambie said he wanted a letter which would indicate the NORTH LEX. actual flow per day instead of averaging the flow. This letter PUMPING does not state as a fact that the pumping station will handle STATION the increase flow load that will be created by the development of the land in the North Lexington area. Dr. Cosgrove said he didn't think we would get any more information than what was stated in this letter. Mr. Lambie said he felt there was a good deal of infil- tration from cellar drains being opened into the public sewer lines. He said he felt a metering system would determine this added flow and therefore prevent the excessive flows during the wet season. It was decided that when the new developments came before the Board of Appeals the Board of Health could indicate their feelings about the function of the pumping station at that time. 1 1 1 The letters to the State Officials requesting their support for house bill H96 which would approve the funds to implement the fluoridation of the MDC water supply was approved. FLUORIDATION The violatior notice to Mr. David Feathers, owner of Brewster's, was read by the Board. Dr. Cosgrove explained that a complaint had been received regarding horse droppings in front of the entrance to this restaurant. Mr. Feathers was notified and instructed to pro- hibit horses from coming that close to the restaurant area. The Clerk explained that Mr. Condon had inspected this establishment, plus Brigham's, Friendly's and Sheraton -Lexington BREWSTERFS Motor Inn last week and instead of sending copies of the inspec- tion sheet she wrote letters to the management stating the areas in need of correction and also indicating that a re -inspection will be made. The Board felt the letters a more practical way of calling attention to the violations. They also felt re -inspections to make sure that the corrections had been made was very important. The violation notice of rubbish on the empty lot on the RUBBISH corner of Webster Road and Hutchinson Road owned by Mr. & Mrs. Johnson was approved by the Board. Dr. Cosgrove stated that the Johnson's have indicated that they will see that this rubbish is cleaned up and we have had the Public Works Department post a "No Dumping" sign on the lot. The violation notice to William R. Barker regarding over- flowing cesspools servicing his property at 201 Wood Street and 201 WOOD ST also the fact that these cesspools were located on property OFCP owned by Mr. Donald Jenkins, developer of Springdale Estates subdivision, was read by the Board. It was explained that after the order to correct the violations was sent to Mr. Barker a letter was received by the Health Department from Mr. Barker indicating that the cesspools in question had been in continuous existance and properly main- tained since 1934, therefore by right of "adverse use" they could be used. This was checked with Mr. Cohen, Town Council, who sug- gested that a site inspection be made to determine if the cess- pools were over -flowing. Mr. Irwin of the Inspection Department and Mr. Jenkins made a site inspection. Mr Irwin reported that the cesspools were not over -flowing but there seemed to be a seepage at the cul-de-sac cut. The cesspools were on Mr. Jenkins property one about 4 feet in from the property line and the other about 50 feet in from the property line. Mr. Jenkins requested a meeting with Town Counsel and on March 13, 1974, Mr. Irwin, Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Cohen met with the Clerk of the Board of Health to discuss this problem. Mr. Cohen explained that the "adverse use" letter voided our original vio- lation notice and as long as the cesspools were not creating a public health nuisance then the location of the cesspools became a civil matter between Mr. Jenkins and 1r. Barker. 512 31 ALLEN ST. PIGS AT CARROLL'S LOWELL STREET MINUTEMAN VILLAGE LOWELL ESTATES ANIMAL PERMIT 30 Patterson Road ANIMAL PERMIT 140 Concord Ave. ADVISORY COUNCIL EXPENSE BUDGET MILLICAN POOL As there was no further action that the Board could take at this time the matter was placed on file. The violation notice to Michael & Lawrence Carroll, 31 Allen Street was read by the Board. It was explained that a complaint of pigs being kept at Carroll's Farm was received. Mr. Kelley of the Inspection Department made a site inspection and reported back that the pigs were there way down in back of the barn. This is not the first complaint of the pigs at Carroll's Firm, therefore, a new inspector will have to keep his eye on the property. The violation notice to Mr. Robert Neal, owner of the building where Speed Auto Parts on Lowell Street was located, was approved by the Board. It was reported that the Speed Auto Parts Store had gone out of business and the accumulation of rubbish was when they were cleaning the store. This matter has been taken care of. The development of Minute Man Village was discussed. Mr. Lambie said he thought Mr. Haroian's architect had made all the corrections necessary but we were waiting for the Town Engineer- ing Department to make the designs for a new and larger drain on Concord Avenue. As soon as we have that information we can give Mr. Haroian a letter of consent as long as Mr. Lucas, our engineer, approves the designs. The clerk reported that Mr. Lucas had been contacted to re -check the subdivision entitled "Lowell Estates". This sub- division was approved with conditions back in 1965. The present plans are for 'cluster zoning" which will require Board of Appeals action. There is a five year law on subdivision approval therefore this will have to be re -approved by the Board of Health. Mr. Lucas will report back on this in a few days. The application to keep 1 pony by Richard I. Miller, 30 Patterson Road, was approved by the Board. The application to keep 3 horses by Joyce Gregorian, 140 Concord Avenue, was approved by the Board. Miss Gregorian has been instructed that the manure must either by put in a pit or removed according to our regulations. C.� cr or 06,4 1 1 The memo regarding the Town Advisory Council was given to the Board to read and discuss at the next Board Meeting. The Clerk reported that the Expense Budget for the depart- ment has been returned as approved, however, there was no in- dication that the additional funds which had been requested for the Lexington Visiting Nurse Association had been added to the budget. Dr. Cosgrove said he would check this out with Mr. O'Connell. The Board members reported they had checked the Millican Pool on Hancock Street and found it was in accordance with Article VI of the State Sanitary Code. A letter of approval will be written and sent to the Board of Appeals regarding this pool. 1