HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-01-28MINUTEMAN VILLAGE CHILD CARE CENTERS Krebs School Foundation ANIMAL PERMIT Lance Burke FOOD ESTABLISHMENT PERMIT Jerry Ellis d/b/a Danish House Brigham►s dba Buttrick►s Brigham►s INSTALLER►S PERMITS Suburbanite Cesspool Serv. Robert J. Trebino Lawrence M. Carroll DeFelice Bros. AA Cesspool Co. Rite -Clean Cesspool Serv. 231 Marrett Road 1838 Massachusetts Ave. 34 Bedford Street 1775 Massachusetts Avenue 15 Oxford St., Lexington 83 Spring St., Lexington 753 Waltham St., Lexington 17 Larchmont sane, Lexington 89 Willow Street, Waltham 23 Mohawk Road, Burlington Dorothy Jones, Clerk BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING JANUARY 28, 1974 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held on January 28, 1974 at 7:00 P.M. in the Health Department Office. Members present were: Dr. William L. Cosgrove, Chairman, James W. Lambie and Dr. Charles E. Ellicott. as The minutes of the January 7, 1974 meeting were approved read. The copy of the letter to Mr. Haroian regarding the plans of the Minuteman Village from the Conservation Commission was read and placed on file. Mr. Lambie noted that the Conservation Commission had pointed out the difference in the hydrological calculations and hoped that the new plans would clear up some of the prob- lems originally noted. Mr. Lambie said he also hoped that Mr. Haroian understood he had to deal with the Board of Health as well as the Conservation Commission. Dr. Cosgrove said he had checked with Mr. Lucas, our Engineer, and he said he was waiting for the new plans before he could do any further checking. Dr. Cosgrove reported that he and Mr. Lambie attended the meeting of the Joint Committee for Regional Fluoridation cr 1 1 1 and as far as they could see they were no better off and no fur- ther ahead than we were three years ago. Mr. Lambie said as far as he could see they were trying to "piggy back" other things such as anti -equipment, on the fluor- idation bill. This was putting the cost up and the longer they wait the more it will cost. Right now they talk of 450 thousand in a year or two it could be up to 2 or 3 million. 07 FLUORIDA- TION Dr. Cosgrove said this order was valid therefore it was mandatory that the Legislature get the money for it. The letter to Mrs. Crothers of the Friends for Conservation, answering her questions regarding the soil and testing of the MINUTE lots at the Minute Man Ridge subdivision was read and approved. MAN RIDGE The letter to the Town of Acton regarding the Health problems for the bi-centennial was approved by the Board. BI -CENTENNIAL The Clerk explained that Mr. Briggs, Planning Director and Mr. Bob Tarlin, Bi -Centennial Director, had answered the inquiry from Acton because to date there has not been too much done by the Health Department Office in the planning of the bi- cenntenial. The announcement regarding a program for the control of ENCEPHALOMY- Eastern and Western Equine Encephalomyelitis was discussed. ELITIS CLINIC The Clerk said she had sent copies of this material to Dr. Howard Smith. It was suggested the Clerk contact the local 4-H Horse Club Leader and also a representative of the Light Horse Club to see if they had any plans for running a Clinic for the horses in this area. Cost of this clinic should also be looked into. The copy of the letter from the State Director of Air Quality AIR Control regarding the proposed fossil fuel utilization facility POLLUTION at W. R. Grace Co., 55 Hayden Avenue was read and placed on file. The letter of consent to release the lot on Forbes Road HONEYWELL where the Honeywell Radiation Plant has been built was signed RADIATION by the Board. This was necessary because when the area was PLANT checked and approved by the Planning Board the Board of Health restricted the lot until they were satisfied that it was suit- able for building. The Board will make an inspection of the Battle Green Inn on Friday, February 1, 1974. Mr. Frank Totman, Chairman of the Lexington Visiting Nurse Association came before the Board to discuss the requested in- L.V.N.A. crease in the budget for 1974-75. BUDGET Dr. Cosgrove said he agreed with the estimated cost of home visits, but he felt we should have some of the other costs ex- plained to us. The estimated number of clinics seem to be way off and some of the other estimates look pretty high. BATTLE GREEN INN 508 Dr. Cosgrove said he had checked and 14 clinics in a year was a very high estimate. Two Flu Clinics and two pre-school im- munization clinics would be the most we would have. Mr. Totman said he figured that Mrs. Tapier had either made a mistake on her figures or had been given poor information. Dr. Cosgrove suggested that Mrs. Tapier come in and explain how she arrived at some of the figures in her budget request. Dr. Cosgrove said he had been stopping at the Well Elderly Clinics and attendance to these have fallen off. He said the nurses are seeing about 8 people in a 3 hour period. These clinics could be reduced to about 4 hours a month or a total of 50 hours and with 2 nurses it would figure out to be ap- proximately $1000. Mr. Titman said there was talk of bringing in State nutritionalists to speak at some of these clinics and that should increase attendance. The people from the State would not have to be paid with local funds. The question of inspecting the Nursing Homes and Child Care Centers was discussed. Dr. Cosgrove said again he thought Mrs. Tapier had been misinformed. Inspection of these places were up to the Health Officer as part of his work. After further discussion it was agreed that Mr. Totman would get in touch with Mrs. Tapier and see if she could meet with the Board and discuss these figures. If possible Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. would be agreeable with the Board. Mr. Totman retired. MYSTIC VALLEY Mrs. Mary Welch, Executive Director of the Mystic Valley MENTAL HEALTH Mental Health Association, came before the Board to discuss BUDGET the budget for the 1974-75 year. Mrs. Welch reported that the State has made it almost mandatory that Mystic Valley Clinic try to reduce the in -take at Metropolitan State Hospital to zero. The State has given them 7 more part time professional people from the Metropolitan State Hospital. They are in hopes to obtain the services of a psychiatric nurse for the elderly and hopefully they can work with the Lexington Visiting Nurse at the Well Elderly Clinics. Mrs. Welch explained that the home on Hancock Street did not cost the Towns anything for purchase. The home will be for 4 teen age girls and the rate setting Board has finally come up with the rate so they can start to look for the girls to put in the home and they will hire a man and his wife and also an advisor to the girls. If this home proves successful they will start looking for 2 more homes. Each will serve 4 people because that is the number they can have without a hearing. Dr. Ellicott asked Mrs. Welch why they were going with girls and she said that there was less services for girls than boys. C Oat 1 1 1 09 She explained that there seemed to be many programs geared to boys but there was very few places a run away or disturbed girl could find the help she needed. Mrs. Welch said they were making good progress with medicaid and they hoped that third party payments would increase enough in the next few years so that the towns will not be asked for ad- ditional tax monies. The Association has also applied for a Fed- eral Grant for about 1 million dollars, this will probably not be implemented until 1976. Dr. Cosgrove said that the Board had discussed the requested increase and felt that they would go along with the 5.4% increase requested this year. The following licenses and permits were signed by the Board: Installervs Permit John D. Brucchi Sewage Disposal Permit John D. Brucchi Food Establishment Permits Bellino's Bakery & Donut Shop Sheraton -Lexington Motor Inn Itek Executive Building Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. L.V.N.A. BUDGET On Friday, February 2, 1974, Mrs. Jane Tapier, Director of the L.V.N.A. and Mr. Frank Totman, President of the L.V.N.A. Board, met with the Board of Health to discuss the request for $7500. for services rendered to the Board of Health by the L.V.N.A. This would represent an increase of $2500. in the Health Department Budget. Dr. Cosgrove explained that this increase would have to be justified to the Town Manager, Appropriation and Board of Select- men, therefore, all items must be explained. He also said he felt that the increase requested was a little high. Dr. Cosgrove went on to say he would leave the $5000. that the L.V.N.A. was now receiving for home visits, etc. as is. The $529. estimated to cover the cost of Nursing Home and Child Care Inspections should be crossed out because those inspections are the responsibility of the Health Officer. The hours of the Well Elderly Clinic have been reduced and not all the money, all ready on hand, from the Trustees of Public Trusts will be used this year so that the estimate of this charge for service should be reduced by at least $250. dollars. Mr. Totman said he realized that he had quoted a figure of $30.00 for a 4. hour clinic which is really very low. The new rate for Visiting Nurse service will be around $12.00 a visit.