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Funeral Directors for April 1973 -April 1974
Arthur Douglass
John Douglass
Alice M. McCarthy
Douglas A. Sederquist
Howard C. Ela
James F. Timothy
Louis H. Spencer
Food Establishment Permits
Ben M. Freitas, Mobile Canteen
Brewster's, Karmarc Corp.
James H. McManus, Karmarc Corp.
Denny's Restaurant
Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 P.M.
MAY 7, 1973
The regular meeting of the Board of H alth was held tronday,
ray 7. 1973 at 7:00 P.M. in Conference Room G-15 of the Town
Office Building. Members present were: Dr. William L. Cosgrove,
^hairnan, Mr. Janna 11. Lamhiv, Dr. 711ic)1:f and Director
of Public Health, Robert FFcusti.s.
The minutes of the April 2, 1973 meeting were approved by
the board as read.
The minutes of the hearing and the br:i.of submitted by
David Skorry, Attorney n ey ,, r ''.r. Mason regarding the keeping of
McDONALD=:orses by Walter 11cDonald of 14. Fast Street was discussed by
HORSE the board.
14. EAST ST.
The Board felt that the brief had many misquotes and dis-
tortion of facts in it. There was very little mentioned about
the allergy of the Mason children to the horse dander. The
Board also mentioned that the allergy the children had to the
horses developed while the Masons lived near a riding stable
housing 60 horses and when the Masons bought their present
home the McDonalds had the horses then. The Board felt that
if the children were so sensitive to horses it was not too
good to buy a home within 200 feet of horses. The Board also
brought out the fact that the Mason's have lived with the
horses and the conditions for the past seven years and there
has been no changes made at the McDonalds where the horses are
After further discussion it was agreed that Town Council
would be notified that the Board of Health unanimously agreed not
to revoke the permit of Walter McDonald to keep 3 horses on his
premises at 14 East Street. The Board also requested that a
letter be written to Town Counsel requesting he notify, or
draft a letter, to Mr. Mason and his attorney stating their
decision. Town Counsel will also be notified of the following
reasons on which the Board based their decision:
1. Brief implies Mr. Mason in area first. Should be pointed
out Mr. McDonald had horses prior to Mr. Mason living in
area. The Mason children had this allergy prior to living
in Lexington.
2. No one had proven the horses did not belong to the respon-
dent. The Board felt this not relevant to the case.
3. The quote regarding the stagnant water is not true. It
was pointed out there was drainage there and the water
did not stand causing the problems as quoted in the brief.
4. The excess of flies were not proven at this hearing.
5. The medical evidence regarding the children was very in-
6. This permit is still covered by the grandfather clause and
there have been no changes in the conditions.
The subdivision entitled "Springdale Estates" was discussed SPRING -
by the Board. DALE
Mr. Heustis explained that this subdivision had already been
approved by the Board based on the Whitman & Howard report. The
Conservation Commission was now requesting a report.
The Board agreed that copies of the engineering report should
be sent to the Conservation Commission.
Mr. Heustis said that a meeting was being held Tuesday, May LION'S
8, 1973 with representatives of the Lions Club and the various CARNIVAL
Department heads concerned with the running of the Lion's Fourth
of July Carnival. The Board .felt that a number of things were
cleared up last year and felt that as long as the rest rooms were
in good repair and the carnival workers did not sleep in the
trailers it would be all right.
Dr. Cosgrove said he would try to attend this meeting.
The medical plan for a clinic for the elderly is all set to
go as soon as the money is available. An outline of the plan MEDICAL
and the aim of this program was delivered to the Health Office PLAN FOR
late Monday afternoon. THE
Dr. Cosgrove said he would talk to his benefactor this
The letter from Mr. Friedman regarding mosquito control CONTROL
was discussed and it was agreed that Mr. Friedman would be
asked to attend the June Meeting to discuss the use of pesticides.
The permit to keep a horse by Gerald Cupp, 171 Woburn St. CUPP
was approved by the Board. The Cupps have 8+ acres of land HORSE PERMI`.
and there was no objection to this permit by the abuttors.
The permit to keep 2 ponies by Donald J. Long, 121 Grove
LONG Street was approved by the Board. Mr. Long has bought the
121 GROVE property owned by Brackett who had horses also there were no
STREET objections by the abuttors.
The permit to keep one horse by Leonard J. Colwell, 88
COLWELL Hill Street was discussed by the Board. Mr. Colwell has 3
88 HILL ST. acres of land but three of ten abuttors objected. The Board
felt that Dr. Treatts objection was the most serious and there-
fore discussed this at some length. Dr. Treat has a child with
asthma who is very sensitive to horses. The other abuttor ob-
jected because of the noise and Dr. Pious was concerned because
he did not know how close the stable would be to his property.
The Board after some discussion agreed to grant this per-
mit providing the stables and corral was built at least 200
feet from Dr. Treat+s property and the horse was curried in the
barn with oil or water to control the horse dander.
The complaint regarding the keeping of horses by Smoske,
39 Robinson Road was discussed by the Board.
Mr. Heustis reported that the Sxnoskets are boarding 2
SMOSKE horses and the children responsible for the horses shoveled
39 ROBINSON RD.the manure into 2 piles on the property of one of the abuttors.
When this condition was brought to the attention of Mrs. Smoske
she saw that it was cleaned up.
The Board after some discussion agreed to allow Mrs. Smoske
a 3 month probation period and if the area was not kept clean
and any complaints were received of odor or flies this permit
would be revoked.
The following permits were signed by the Board:
Searle Medidata, Inc. (formerly Systems Development)
Ledgemont Laboratories
Middlesex Tennis & Swim Club
Albert A. Warner, Tennis & Swim Club
Lexington Christian Academy, Inc.
J. W. Hayden Recreation Centre
Roger Trudeau, 7 Volunteer Way
Charles L. Carroll, 31 Allen St.
Eliot Eames, 115 Burlington Street
William H. Warner, 71 Adams Street
James V. Cosgrove, 307 Wood Street
Neil L. Chayet, 272 Concord Ave.
1 pony
17 cows, 2 horses,
35 chickens
1 horse
1 horse
3500 poultry
1 horse, 1 poultry