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McCall Trucking Co.
Paone's Disposal
Middlesex Disposal
Sullivan Trucking Co.
Dooley Bros. Inc.
Miller & Sons
James F. Freaney
S.C.A. (formerly Howard's Disposal)
Brigham's Inc.
Buttrick's Inc.
Pauline & Patricia Sellars, 430 Concord Ave.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
FEBRUARY 5, 1973
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Monday,
February 5, 1973. at 7:00 P.M. in Conference Room G-5 of the
Town Office Building. Members present were: Dr. William L.
Cosgrove, Chairman: James Lambie, Dr. Charles Ellicott and
Robert C, Heustis, Director of Public Health.
The minutes of the January 8, 1973 meeting were approved
as read.
Dr. Cosgrove reported that since the last meeting of the MVMHA
Board he had attended 3 meetings regarding the Mystic Valley BUDGET
Mental Health Budget. The first held at the "Barn" was well
attended by representatives from the Board of Selectmen,
Appropriation Committee, Town Manager. and similar represen-
tation from the other 5 towns. Each town was objecting to
the increase proposed by Mystic Valley. The ultimatum of the
M.V.M.H.A. was if you cut the budget we will cut the services.
Dr. Cosgrove said at that meeting he had requested the figures
of the money the State has paid the clinic for the past few
years. He was told he wouldn't get these figures but he thought
they would make the effort to meet his request. To date they
have not.
The next meeting was held at Mr. O'Connell's request here in
Lexington and at this meeting all the Towns have agreed to hold to
the 1972 budget figure. Mr. O'Connell was agreeable for a slight
increase to meet some inflation costs or to allow the clerical
help to have a pay raise.
Dr. Cosgrove went on to say that Mrs. Welch talks of new
programs such as half -way houses, the hiring of 19 additional
staff people and etc. but they never stop to see if they will
have the additional funds necessary for these programs. This
been their problem all along. this has been Mr. O'Connell's
argument with them from the start.
Winchester and Burlington have both written that they are
holding the line to the 1972 appropriation and they will not
approve an increase for 1973.
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Mr. Lambie asked if anyone from M.V.M.H.A. had made it
clear if the increase requested was to pay for additional services
or if the Clinic was anticipating a decrease in State support
so needed the extra money for all these new programs.
After further discussion it was agreed that until Dr.
Cosgrove talked with Mr. O'Connell the Board could take no
further action.
It is hoped that by the next regular Board meeting, which
should be the end of February, a figure could be recommended
to the Selectmen and Appropriation Committee.
The change in the application of Mrs. Emily Lovering to
LOVERING keep 1 horse and 1 pony was again discussed by the Board.
Dr. Cosgrove reported that he had received a phone call
from Mrs. Lovering this call was followed by a letter sent to
his house stating that Mrs. Lovering would go to any length
to keep Ben, the horse, and one pony. The closest abuttors had
expressed objection to three horses and they also felt that
Ben the horse was so large he might be a safety hazard. Both
abuttors have expressed concern regarding the disposal of manure
during the summer months. They agreed to try one horse and one
pony with the right to review this situation before the permit
is renewed again.
Motion was made that the Board would adopt a new policy
which would prohibit the granting of permits to keep horses
GRANTING unless the person applying for the permit had the required
HORSE acreage as stated in our Rules & Regulations. There would be
PERMITS no more variances granted for people who had permission from
abuttors to use their land to obtain the required acreage.
After a short discussion this motion was voted and duly passed.
MEDICAL At 8:00 P.M. Mr. Frank Totman, Chairman of the Board for
CLINIC FOR the L.V.N.A. met with the Board to discuss the proposed program
ELDERLY of a clinic for simple medical services for the elderly.
Dr. Cosgrove said he had been working or, the financing of
this clinic for simple medical services for the elderly. This
is to be a pilot program. At the suggestion of Congressman
Paul Cronin, a letter has been written to Secretary Jack Leff,
Executive Office of Elderly Affairs in Boston. inquiring about
federal funds to finance such a pilot program. Funds from this
source would take some time to be approved so in the meantime,
a local townsman has offered to give ($500) five hundred dollars
to start the program. A second five hundred dollars could be
coming from a local business. Both parties wish to remain
anonymous. Dr. Cosgrove said he figured approximately one
thousand dollars should support this program for a year. He
understood. Mr. Totman to say it would cost about thirty Collars
for a nurse for a four hour period every other week. The nurse
would check temperature. blood pressure. weight and diet and any
other simple problems the elderly might have. If the nurse noticed
anything which could require further medical attention she would
recommend the person see their own doctor.
Dr. Cosgrove said if it was at all possible he would like to
get this program started by the middle of April or early May. He
said he figured that Dr, Ellicott would set up the program.
Mr. Totman said right now the L.V.N.A. was in the process of
acquiring a new director. At the present time they are using Mrs.
Tappy from the Arlington Visiting Nurse Association on a part
time basis. Mrs. Tappy will be at the next L.V.N.A. Board Meet-
ing and hopefully this program can be voted on the the Board then.
Dr. Ellicott questioned the cost estimate. He said he
thought the price too low.
Mr. Totman said the L.V.N.A. Board was interested in ex-
panding their services and they thought this type of program
was just what they had in mind. The cost that Dr. Cosgrcve had
quoted was the price arrived at by the accountant for the L.V.
N.A. Board.
Dr. Ellicott mentioned any follow-up work this program would
Mr. Totman said they had considered that when they figured
the cost and they felt that this work would be covered by the
amount already paid by the Board of Health.
It was finally suggested that Dr. Ellicott, Mr. Totman, and
the nurses would meet before the next regular board meeting of the
L.V.N.A. and discuss this program so that it could be put into
operation as soon as possible.
It was also suggested that a letter be sent to the Doctors
in Town describing this simple medical clinic emphasizing that
the service would in no way replace the doctor's position with t
the patient but should tend to enhance or increase the doctor -
patient relationship.
The application for a permit to keep a horse at 545 Bedford
Street by Lisa Loring was discussed by the Board.
Dr. Cosgrove said he had been up and made a site inspection
and found that the back yard was very wet. There was a trough 545
about 7 to 8 feet wide and 12 to 1.5 feet long and full of BEDFORD ST.
water. There was no stable and the hill in the rear of the
property went up at a 45° angle. There just seemed no place
to keep a horse. I feel I must say "No" to this application.
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Mr. Heustis said he found the drainage very poor on this