HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-12-04459 Mr. Lambie said he felt that the Board should be sure that some limits are set. The Board after further discussion agreed to give Mr. Cataldo an extension of his permit for one week. By the end of this time Mr. Sullivan will submit another plan with all the information as to elevations, distances and etc. will be included. As soon as this information is received the Board will be contacted and act on it immediately. Dr. Cosgrove also suggested that Mr. Cataldo check with the Conservation Committee. Mr. Cataldo and Mr. Sullivan thanked the Board and retired. The following licenses and permits were signed by the Board. Installers Permit to Daley Construction Co. Animal Permit to: Kathy Breslin (renewal) Food Establishment Permits: Mario+s Folson's Sea Foods Drummer Boy Restaurant Ginn & Co. Cafeteria & Co. (Servomation) Saratoga Sandwich Roll Corp. dba Danish House (new) Daniel Martinez - Hayden Skating Rink Nursing Home Hancock House, Lowell Street Dorothy Jones, Clerk BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING DECEMBER 4, 1972 The regular mooting of the Board of Health was held Monday, December 4. 1972 in Conference Room G-5 of the Town Office Build- ing. Members present wore: Dr. William L. Cosgrove, Chairman. James W. Lambie. Dr. Charles Ellicott and Robert C. Heustis, Director of Public Health. The minutes of the November 6, 1972 meeting were approved. Mr. Heustis reported that he had written a letter to the owners of Bamboo Gardens. Inc. (formerly Bamboo Hut) directing BAMBOO them to make certain corrections in the establishment before GARDENS, their application to operate a Food Establishment Permit could INC. be approved. The owners have applied for a building permit and will install another exit in the rear. In the past the Bamboo Hut processed food in the basement, this will be dis- continued under the new owners. Mr. Heustis went on to say that he has notified the owners that they would be proceeding on these repairs at their own risk. 460 Dr. Cosgrove said before he could approve this establish- ment again he would like to see what they had done in the way of alterations and he also wanted to talk to the new owners. ANNUAL Mr. Heustis said the Town Report was due December 8, 1972 REPORT and he wondered if the Board had anything to contribute or expand upon. The Board said they could think of nothing at present. Dr. Cosgrove said he had researched the problem of Health HEALTH CARE care for the elderly. He talked to the people in Arlington, FOR THE they have three centers and a nurse spends about 2 - 21 hours ELDERLY per week in each center. The nurse is from the Visiting Nurse Association and she checks blood pressure, listens to the lungs and heart. and also gives advise on diet. If she thinks a person needs a doctor she has 2 or 3 she can call in emergency. Dr. Cosgrove said he had talked to Mr. Frank Totman, Chairman of the Board of the Lexington Visiting Nurse Association, and he was going to check this and see about how much this would cost to initiate this type of service in Lexington. Dr. Cosgrove went on to explain to the Board that Arl- ington was receiving Federal Grant money to fund this pro- gram but in 3 years the Town of Arlington would have to be prepared to take over the full expense themselves. He said he had written to Zerox Corporation to see if they would be interested in funding a project of this nature, He said he was also checking Federal or State grant money for this ser- vice. He said if these things didn't work out he would see about putting an article in the Warrant. Mr. Lambie reported that after studying the survey re- CATALDO ports of the area around Cataldo's Farm on Bow Street and he FARM felt that the impact on flooding, if this area was filled, would be very small. PERSONNEL SERVICES After some discussion the Board by unanimous vote agreed to issue to Mr. Ralph Cataldo a permit to bring clean fill onto his land. This permit to expire in one year providing there are no violations prior to the one year expiration date. Mr. Heustis reported that job descriptions and merit increases had been requested by Town Manager. He reported that everyone had been performing at maximum efficiency. LOVERING Mr. Heustis reported that Mrs. Emily Lovering, 37 Grove ANIMAL Street, had applied for a permit to keep one more horse. She PERMIT explained that this permit could be on a "horse sitting" basis She has also been asked to take an unbroken pony for a month to train it to the saddle. The Board questioned this operation because Mrs. Lovering had to get permission from Mr, Johnson to use some of his pasture land to make up the required acreage to keep 2 ponies. This type of operation could also develop into a zoning matter if the abuttors complained. 1 1 461 After further discussion it was decided that Mr. Heustis and Dr. Cosgrove would go out and talk to the abuttors and check the present conditions. Motion was made and passed to accept the Rules and Regula- tions governing the practice of Massage and the Conduct of Es- MASSAGE tablishment giving of Massage, Vapors, Pool, Shower or other REGULA- Baths. TIONS Mr. Heuritis was instructed to have Mr. Cohen. Town Coun- sel, check these regulations and also the addition to Chapter V. Section 10, Regulation regarding the filling of abandoned septic tanks and cesspools which was adopted by the Board last year. When these regulations were approved the clerk was instructed to publish them in the paper once as required by law, also to file with Town Clerk copies of these regulations. Mr. Gary Larssen and Mr. Friedman of the Conservation HARTWELL Committee came before the Board to discuss the Hartwell Ave. AVENUE Subdivision. SUBDIVISION Mr. Heustis explained that he had disapproved this sub- division because the developer had not submitted any infor- mation to approve. This area has Town sewer and water so the Board of Health would be concerned with only the drainage of the area. Mr. Larssen said the Conservation Committee was concerned because of the run-off from roofs and parking area if this area is developed. He also went on to explain that there is a drainage ditch which could be affected by this run-off. Mr. Heustis said he recommended that the Planning Board grant an extension of time on the subdivision decision. Dr. Cosgrove asked if there had been any engineering survey done of the area. If not he would recommend that the Planning Board and Conxervation Committee get either a private engineer or use the Town enginoer or use he Town Engineers and have a survey done of this area. Mr. Lambie asked if this area would require another Hatch Act Hearing. Dr. Cosgrove suggested Mr. Heustis check with Town Counss1 regarding our position on this subdivision. After further discussion Mr. Larssen and Mr. Friedman thanked the Board and retired. At. 8:30 P.M. Peter Clark, Executive Director of Replace, REPLACE and Mr. Plank. President of the Board of Directors of Replace, came before the Board to discuss the possibility of additional funding from the Town for Replace. Mr. Clark explained that Replace was a youth crisis center and at the present time they were equiped to give some counsel- ing to the youth of the Town. They had available the services of Charles McManus hired by the Drug Abuse Committee. He went on to explain that Replace has been supported by State, Church and private donations but they are now afraid that the State funds may be cut or withdrawn. Mr. Clark presented the Board with an estimated budget for the coming year, he pointed out that th-y have tried to keep their expenses to a minimum and they have not increased salaries at all. There are no plans for an expansion of the facility or the program. Mr. Clark said they did anticipate a 10% cut across the State Mental Health Budget which would affect the Governors drug rehab- ilitation program. Dr. Cosgrove asked Mr. Clark if he had thought the drug crisis was abating at all. Mr. Clark said Yes he felt that the drug crisis was a- bating, he said alcohol, which has always been a problem, is the most serious problem now. The counseling of the young and their families is the most important part of their program now. Mr. Clark said he felt that Replace was reaching the group that would not go to the more conventional mental health a- gencies. After a short discussion, Dr. Cosgrove said he would check with Mr. Cohen. Town Counsel, about the legality of the Board of Health requesting funds to help a private organization. He felt that the best approach would be to see if the Select- men would include this in their budget. Dr. Cosgrove said he would request an appointment to meet with the Board of Select- men and discuss this request and how it should be handled on the: Town Warrant. Mr. Clark said he had talked with Mrs. Riffin and she said she thought the Town would give them some help. Dr. Ellicott said Mr. Bailey suggested the article in the Town Warrant. Dr. Cosgrove said he would try to let Mr. Clark know as soon as possible after the Monday meeting with the Selectmen. Mr. Clark and Mr. Plank thanked the Board and retired. The following permits were signed by the Board: Food Establishment Permits: The Attic Wholesale Donut Operation Servomation-Raytheon Office Building Servomation-Raytheon Executive Building Servomation-Vending Machines Merry Mart & Variety, 20 Mass Ave. (Marilspa) Friendly Ice Cream Shop Rubbish Permit A. H. Beauchamp & Son Massage License Helen (Lynne) ?fent Animal Permit Lance Burke (2L. chickens) 1 1 1