HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-01-03426 Next regular meeting will ba January 3, 1972 8:30 P.M. MEETING WITH PLANNIT.aG BOARD At 8:30 P.M. the Board of Health met with the Planning Board to discuss: 1. Subdivision review and investigation in the light of Mass. Supreme Court decision in the Natick case. 2. Watershed protection legislation. 3. Spagnucla's pond off Carnegie Place. Mrs. Lois Brown, Chairman of the Planning Board, explained that the reason they had requested this meeting because they were very concerned with the future development cf the wet lands. Mrs. Brown cited several areas cf concern, either single lots or subdivisions such as Drummer Boy. Members of both Bcards, and Mr. McSweeney, Town Engineer, discussed various ways of protecting the wet areas such as changes in rules and regulations which would affect the ap- proval of a subdivision or single lets. It was finally de- cided to request Mr. O'Connell, Town Manager, to appoint an ad hoc committee to study the problem further. Mrs. Brown spoke to Mr. Heustis ab out what she calls Snagnuola's pond off Carnegie Place. Sh:. as'r, d hi' -1 it h> 111:' t c+ +` } 4' that pond f: r a year .r so to see if this water is stagnant or surface water. Mr. Heustis said he would start in the Spring. After further discussion it was agreed that these prob- lems were very serious and a carefulstudy should be made of these problems and therefore all departments concerned should be included in any action taken. BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING JANUARY 3, 1972 Dorothy Jones The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Monday, January 3, 1972 at 7:00 P.M. in the conference Room 7 r- cf the Town Office Building. Members present were: Dr. William L. Cosgrove, Chairman, 'ares Lambie, Dr. Charles Ellicott and Robert C. Heustis, Director of Public Health. The minutes of the December 6, 1971 meeting were ap- proved as read. 1 1 1 427 T°^r. Iieustis reported that the Health Dep _tme ad been notified that t eSelectmen h ] renewed the Conmon Victulars License for the Eamboe Fut with the condition that the;close at 1:00 A.M. instead ,f 2:0'0 A.M.Also this license w s BAMB00 nrantei a e mouths temporary basis. HITT Dr, Cosgrove said he felt that if we have reason to shut the Bamboo Iiut again, we should request•+he Bard of S: lcct- men to revoke the Victulars license. The application for a permit tee keep 2 ponies by Edward FITZG'RALD H. Fitzgerald, 31 James Street, was again reviewed by the 31 JANFS ST Board. Mr. Fitzgerald had, since the last board Meeting, sub- mitted a letter from Rachel iillingh.r:, 27 Fangeway Rd. to help make up the required acreage to keep 2 ponies. Mr. Heustis said he made an inspection at Fitzgeral'd's or Thursday and -at that time the condition of the paddec'* area was not too clean. The electric fence that is around the area is too rear the lot lines and not too satisfactory for ponies. If it is not kept on all the time the ponies can go right under the wire and create a nuisance in other peoples yards. Even with the addition of Mrs. Gillingham's land he still does not have enough lard. Dr. Cosgrove said Mr. Fitzgerald states in his letter he has beer in L -H for a number of years; is now Town '4-H Cc'nmit te.e Chairman and has had horses on his property since 1979. To be this active with horses and not have a permit seems inexcuseable to me. If he had obeyed the laws years ago he would have the horses under the "grandfather clause" in our regulatins. `r.•Heustis said he would be inclined to give hir. a 6 months previsional permit. He vent or to say that he had seen the score sheet for the +-H. and they are mainly interested in the animal, the care of the tack, but there is no inspection form that covers the conditions ;f the barn or paddock, the drainage of the area or the disposal of the manur€. Dr. Cosgrove said if the place was not clear he would not be in favor of granting the permit and without the required amount of land he did nut see how a permit could be granted. e•. 1 ,..., e ,. _ he - -, see this _'.:anj acal_d grant a permit because even including the Gillingham property there was not enough land and if it Ts not kept clean then ':_e was not in favor of granting a permit. Dr. Ellicott said he could not see any way we could approve this permit. Mr. Lambie said, after checking the regulations, thisyoard has no power to grant this permit. Motion was made and duly passed that the application for a permit to keep 2 ponies by Edward H. Fitzgerald be granted 30 days t:) remove the animals from his premises. 428 T`Tr estireported ahathe had checked Foleyt s horses FCL Y'S or Harrington Road and Jane Foley requested permission to =SE'S 'S ". ,ep one extra pony for a 2 week period. This is her sister's pony and she will be away for 2 weeks. RECYCLING LAND FILL The Beard agreed that she could keep the pony for 2 weeks. The letter from the Outlook Club endorsing a recycling program for solid waste was read and placed cn file. The Board asked if any body had been assigned the res- ponsibility of upgrading the present Sanirary Land Fill on Hartwell Avenue. Mr. Heustis said he had not heard and there had been no reply to any of the correspondence he had sent regard- ing this problem. Dr. Ellicott said that the majority of the people favoring recycling had no idea how expensive this would be. Mr. Lambie said if the State Regulations are adhered to the Land Fill Area willbe used up much faster than the way it is operated now. Mr. Heustis said the Board of Health could order the Land Fill operation closed until such time they followed the State Regulations, but no official word has been re- ceived from the State or the Survey Inspection that was made. Dr. Cosgrove said if the Town has tc follow those State Regulations to the letter it will he very costly. The letter regarding speakers on family planning was read FAMTLY and placed on file. PLANNING Dr. Ellicott said evidently this committee does not have a staff large enough to do a great deal of outside communica- tion but he did suggest that a file be kept for future refer- ence. YSTIC Tir. Lambie reported that the task force committee to VALLEY study the T"VI A Budget had met with Yrs. Welch. Mr. Bailey, Board of Selectmen, Mr. Bernier of the Appropriation Com- mittee were the ether members of this committee. LTON'S CLUE rE The increase requested for this year will, be about 25 ;r cc' t. rut much was accomplished at this first meeting but Mrs. Welch was asled a number of questions about the fee scale an.; ether mc:oies available tc the clinic. Another meeting will be held sometime in January and it is hoped that a clearer picture will be had then. Mr. Lambie said he had also written to the schools to see if they used Mystic Valley Clinic and also if there was not an over -lapping of services and funds. The letter regarding the facilities at the Canter Play- 1 1 1 429 ?round vhich are used. bar F the ecreation-Procram and also at the J __ Lion's Club Carnival was discussed by theBoard. Dr. Ellicott said as he remembered the problem the, De Ople were ccmplaininr.; because the carnival workers did not have proper facilities in their trail ns.. Mr. Heustis said that was one of the problems, there was also the hard washing facilities for the food handlers, potable water and the rubbish disposal. After a discussion cf these problems encountered at Carnival time last year 't was agr-ed that Mr. lreustis would cortact Mr. Bertini and talk to him about sending a joint letter tc the Town Manager requesting; an up -,grading cf the facilities at the Center Playground before the Carnival in 1972. P!.rtSON EL The Personnel Service Evaluation cf Health Department em- SERVICES ployees for 1972 was considered and letters signed by the Board with recommendations for merit or step increases. Dr. Cosgrove said he was planning on talking to Mr. O'Connell or the Budget seen. Mr. Heustis reminded the Board Members of the Open House for Sunday, January 9, 1972. The next regular Board of Health Meeting will be held on Monday, January 31, 1972. The following permits and licenses were signed by the Board: FOOD PERMITS Servcmation of T;.E. - D. C. Heath Co. Servomation of N.E. - Raytheon Executive Bldg;. Brigham's, Inc. - Mass Ave. Buttrick's, Inc. - Mass Ave. INSTALLER'S PERY7TS Hite -Clean Cesspo l Service Deflice Bros., Corp. Joseph H. App Co. A.A. Cesspool Cp. Lawrence M. Carroll Suburbanite Cesspool Service, Inc. GARBAGE DISPOSAL PERMITS C. L. Carroll Jas. F. Morse Co. Corerco Corp. HUBET,SH DTSPOSA ,; 'PERMITS Fred Miller (11 trucks) Howard Dis'=osal (3 trucks) Sullivan trucking Pacne's Disposal James A. Freaney H. F Fussell Corp. Dooley Bros., Inc. Fitz Disposal Middlesex Disposal