HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-054 Mr. Heustis reported that the Quality Control man for First National was working on their problem. The following permits and licenses were signed by the Board: ANIMAL PERMITS Ralph J. Frissore Joseph P. Kelley Anne Butler William Harris 3 horses 10 horses 1 horse & 3 goats 2 horses CHILD CARE CENTERS Gredler Reading School Manor Nursery School Pilgrim Nursery School Lexington Montessori School Children's Center of Lex. FOOD ESTABLISHMENT PERMITS 119 Burlington St. 118 Burlington St. 55 Collidge Ave. 130 Pleasant St. 1580 Massachusetts Ave. Minute Man Buffeteria Servomation Wilbur's - Ginn & Co. Cafeteria Donovan Canteen Truck V.I.P. Vending Inc. - Instrumentation Laboratory Cafeteria Regent Delicatessen Take Home Foods - Kentucky Fried Chicken ARA Services, Inc. - Honeywell Radiation Center GARBAGE DISPOSAL Carroll Brothers Meeting adjourned. Dorothy Jones, Clerk BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1971 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held October 1971 at 7:00 P.M. in the Health Department Office. 5, Members present were: Dr. William Cosgrove, Chairman: Mr. James Lambie, Dr. Charles Ellicott and Robert Heustis, Director of Public Health. Mr. Heustis explained that Mr. Joseph Gibson, Chairman of the Social Studies Department at the High School had written a letter requesting that students of a Community Affairs and Decision Making Class be permitted to attend Board of Health Meetings. He said he had suggested that the students give advance notice to the Board STUDENTS before attending meetings so that seating and other arrangements ATTENDING can be made. MEETINGS The Board approved this action. Mr. Heustis explained that the Lexington Schools had LEXINGTON made application to conduct a Child Care Center in 2 rooms at DAY CARE the Hancock United Church of Christ under the directorship CENTER PUBLICof Mrs. Griffin, School Lunch Program Coordinator. This Day SCHOOL Care Center is to be used to train High School girls in the E.W.O.W program. The Board asked if the staff listed on the application met the required State qualifications for the conducting of a Day Care Center. It was noted that the Director had to have a course in early childhood development. Mr. Heustis said Mrs. Griffin had taken a course this past summer in early childhood development and he was satisfied that the staff met the State requirements. The Board voted to approve this application providing written proof was received from Mrs. Griffin that the director and staff met the State Educational requirements. Mr. Heustis reported that after the Selectmen's Hearing BAMBOO HUT on complaints regarding the noise and debris at Bamboo Hut he made an inspection and again found several violations. A letter was sent to Mr. Woo, proprietor, stating that if these violations continue his Food Establishment Permit would be revoked. FAST FOODS Mr. Heustis said Bamboo Hut is enlarging their establishment to meet the requirements for a liquor license. This license is granted by the Board of Selectmen. Dr. Cosgrove commented we have closed this place before because of serious Health violations, I feel that if we con- tinue to have these violations they should be closed permanently. We might recommend to the Board of Selectmen that before a liquor license is issued the Common Victualers Permit be reviewed. The hours of operation are set by the Selectmen so that is up to them. Mr. Heustis was instructed to follow-up on this matter. Mr. Heustis reported that when he was in the area of the Bamboo Hut he noticed employees of the Fast Food Meat Services washing equipment on the sidewalk, the drainage water was going into the storm drain. This is a violation of the State Sanitary Code and a letter was written to the owner ordering him to stop this practice. Fast Food Meat Service is a wholesale operation and is therefore under State supervision so a copy of this order was sent to the Food & Drug Administration. TEMPLE The letter regarding the sewage disposal system at the EMUNAH Temple Emunah, 9 Piper Road, was discussed by the Board. Mr. Heustis explained that there was no public sewer available for Temple Emunah and they have had a problem of over- flowing sewage in the past, but they have taken care of the matter now and everything seems to be all right. 1 1 1 4 E The Board asked if Mr. Heustis would try to get an up to date public works chap of the Town Sewage System so that when these sewer problems came up the Board could refer to it. Mr. Heustis reported that Mrs. Joyce Hals, League of Women Voters, had been making a survey of the Town Sanitary Land Fill operation. Also, Mr. John Connelly, Inspector from the State SANITARY Health Department, had made an inspection of the Land Fill LAND FILL Operation and stated it was one of the worst ones he has seen. A report will be received from the State in the near future but Mr. Connelly did leave a preliminary report the day of the inspection. The Board discussed the Land Fill Operation and suggested Mr. Heustis notify Mr. O'Connell, Town Manager, of the State inspection. The Board agreed it would be better to call at- tention to this problem before the Budget is made out for the coming year because if the Land Fill is conducted properly it will be a costly operation. Mr. Heustis reported that a group of Junior and Senior MARCH FOR High School pupils were planning a "March for Mankind" and had MANKIND inquired about using the portable facilities used this summer at the "Old Res". They were told that these facilities were rented and nothing more has been heard from them. It was also suggested that maybe they could look into using the facilities in the various public buildings they plan to pass on the March. The Capital Expenditure request was discussed and the Board suggested that a letter be written to Town Manager stating that FLUORI- at the present time the matter of Fluoridation was being held -up DATION' pending the ruling by the Attorney General's Office on M.D.C. fluoridating. The Mystic Valley Mental Health Budget was once more dis- MYSTIC cussed but it was agreed that no action or discussion would be VALLEY taken until after the Meeting with the Health Center October 12th. Also the Board felt more figures should be submitted as requested by the Comptroller and Town Manager. Mr. Heustis said Mrs. Welsh would have more figures to pass out at the Meeting on the 12th. The following permits and licenses were signed by the Board: FOOD ESTABLISHMENT PERMITS Dunkin Donuts Bamboo Hut Arno's Delicatessen Coyte Family (Canteen Trucks) Alexander's Pizza Shop ANIMAL PERMITS Michael Herz (y. chickens) John C. Monahan (chickens) E. Patricia Goor (1 horse) Mary Ellen Russell. (1 horse) CHILD CARE CENTERS (over)