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Mr, Heustis went on to tell the Board that Mr. O'Connell was
going to request a meeting with the Board in the future to dis-
cuss the transfer of the Dog Officer to the Health Department.
The Board said they felt that the position of Dog Officer should
be under the Police Department.
Mr. Heustis said he would have to check the leash law to see how
it was worded.
Dr. Cosgrove said he felt that the Board should study the Mystic MYSTIC
Valley Mental Health Clinic budget. He said he saw no reason to VALLEY
have any representative of the clinic in again unless Town Manager MENTAL
or Selectmen wanted to talk with them. HEALTH
The revised stabeling regulations will be read by the board and STABELING
acted upon at the next meeting.
The Health Officer's report was read and high milk counts were MILK
noted for Ware Dairy, Cumberland Farm Dairy, First National COUNTS
Stores. Mr. Heustis said he would re -check these dairies before
next meeting.
Mr. Lambie asked Mr. Heustis if Stan Brown of the conservation POLLUTION
committee had called him about the oil slick in Vine Brook.
Mr. Heustis said yes, and he had traced the oil back to a green-
house on Waltham Street. He went on to explain that he had called
the Department of Natural Resources and referred this problem
to them because they handle the stream pollution.
Nr. Heustis also reported that in the process of investigating this
oil slick he had talked to the Fire Department and they knew about
this problem over a week ago. He said he felt there should be a
policy set whereby there would be contingency between departments
on some of these problems.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Dorothy Jones, Clerk
JANUARY 5, 1971
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Tuesday,
January 5, 1971 at 7:00 P.M. in the Board of Health Office. Members
present were Dr. William Cosgrove, Chairman, Mr. James Lambie, Dr.
Charles Ellicott and Robert Heustis, Director of Public Health.
Mr. Robert Cataldo, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen and
Mr. Walter O'Connell, Town Manager attended the meeting to discuss MYSTIC
the Mystic Valley Mental Health, Children's Clinic Budget. VALLEY
Dr. Cosgrove thanked Mr. Cataldo and Mr. O'Connell for taking HEALTH
the time to attend this meeting. He explained that the Mystic BUDGET
Mystic Valley Mental Health Association had submitted a budget
for the year 1971 requesting an increase of funds from $8789
paid in 1970 to $19,609.36 for 1971. Dr. Cosgrove went on to
say that he did not know what the reaction of the other Board
members was but he knew he could not go before the Appropriation
Committee and justify this request. I know that the first thing
the appropriation committee is going to say is what additional
services will the Town receive for this much more money. This
budget as submitted is very hard to understand and I could not
justify this increase from the information we have.
Dr. Ellicott: When this Board first met with the repre-
sentatives from the Mystic Valley Mental Health Center I was
very sympathetic to their cause, but I have spent approximately
five hours studying this budget and all the information that
has been sent me and I find this budget very unrealistic. I
keep remembering what Mr. Lambie said about the increase of 5
additional professional help in a year enlarging the organization
to the point of not being able to deliver the services efficiently.
Mr. O'Connell: As often happens in State supported agencies
the State keeps increasing professional help and the towns are
expected to provide the funds for the clerical help. In this case
the Towns are also being asked for money to augment the salaries
of the professional staff. This does not mean the professionals
are working a great many additional hours or giving more service
it is a way of bringing professional salaries up higher than
the State allows and therefore the Mental Health Center has
more bargaining power to get the help they want. Mystic Valley
mentions a training session for school personnel, I feel I
should point out that the School has in their budget funds which
provide counselors for the schools, these counselors are trained
before they are hired so I am sure the Lexington Schools would
not be using that program. The Mental Health Department has now
started to push their program for the education of the mentally
retarded child between the ages of 7 to 16. This is a con-
tinuance of their kindergarten program for children 3 to 7 yrs.
of age. The State Law reads that all children are entitled to
an education from age 7 to 16, therefore, the professional help
for these youngsters will continue to increase.
Dr. Ellicott: I noticed this description of the program
to offer counciling services to the schools and I really doubt
that the Lexington Schools would use this program. I wondered
as I looked at this budget if we would not be better off hiring
a private psychiatrist. I checked with one of the psychiatrists
in private practice and asked him what he charged per visit and
how long he spent with the patient. He said he devoted 55
minutes to the patient and charged $30.00 per 55 minute period.
The evaluation and diagnostic hours as listed by Mystic Valley
are not charged to the private patient, also private physicians
pay their own over -head costs such as rent, telephone, and etc.
Mystic Valley has that property tax fr...
Mr. Cateldo: I would give this Board the same advise that
all the Boards and Department heads have received regarding
budgets this year, that is to hold a hard fast line on ex-
penditures except where rates or services have changed. This
budget is very idealistic, they do pay to have an audit of their
becks, do you people get a copy of this audit?
Clerk: No, we do not, we have never requested it.
Mr. Cataldo: You should request a copy of the audit, in
fact I suggest that you request a copy of audit as soon as pos-
Nr. O'Connell: If there are any changes they should be ex-
plained very plainly. On service programs I would find out what
the charges are what the added services will be for the increase
in costs. I would certainly insist that they submit a statement
for 1970 including all their income, all the expenses and all
money on hand.
Mr. Cataldo: I would rather put more funds into our Drug
Program we have seen some results there, we do not see any results
from the Clinic.
Dr. Ellicott: When we started our Drug Program Mystic Valley
was not very sympathetic, I think they felt we were infringing on
their services.
Dr. Cosgrove: I talked with the Chairman of the Board of
Health of Arlington and they have sent this budget through as it
is, but they figure that the Finance Committee will take it from
there. the same with Winchester. When I spoke to the Chairman of
the Burlington Health Department he said he was upset because
people who used this Clinic also had to pay for services, he felt
a Clinic should be available to everyone at a lot less cost than
this one is.
Mr. O'Connell: I have noticed that with State oriented pro-
grams the money goes for professional staff and as these programs
grow it becomes very hard for the third party payer to keep up with
the other costs.
Dr. Ellicott: Mrs. Welch talked with me after the first meet-
ing we had with the Mystic Valley people and at that time she
asked if I thought the Tcwn would help with their accounting system.
Mr. O'Connell: I think that could be arranged. Right now I
would request a statement from them of all their income, even
though they are reluctant to give it. All their expenses and a
list of their payroll which would include rate time spent and total
salary for each employee. I would suggest a letter be written to
Mrs. Welch stating that although the expansion program is very
commendable the town Boards and Departments have been instructed
to hold a tight hard line on all budgets for 1971. You may also
mention the fact that the accounting system is very hard to under-
stand and we would be glad to allow one of our accountants to
work with her in setting up an accepted accounting system. I
would certainly ask for a statement of audit for 1970 to be sub-
mitted as soon as possible.
After further discussion Dr. Cosgrove thanked Mr. Cataldo
and Mr. O'Connell for taking the time to attend this meeting and
the Board appreciated their help in this matter.
Motion was made and passed that the Board of Health would
recommend that the amount of $8789, be submitted for the 1971
Warrent Article for Mystic Valley Mental Health Association,
Children's Clinic.
Mr, Heustis reported that Mr. Legro. Town Counsel. sent
his apologies to the Board for the delay in replying to their
PARSON'S request regarding the location of the Parson's fence. He went
HORSE PERMIT on to say that Mr. Legro advised the Board to say where they
wanted the fence located and then write to Mr. Parson's statim_
that the fence must be re -located before the permit will be
renewed in April
Mr. Legro said in view of the problems with this case
he would advise the Board to set the fence line where they
wanted it and take a firm stand.
It was agreed that a letter be written to Mr. Parsons
stating that before his animal permit would be renewed in
April he would have to put a fence up that would coincide
with the provisions as stated in the December 9, 1969 letter
which stated at no point would the horse be closer to the
Hopkins residence than 10 feet from the proposed stable and
going from the point nearest the stable in line to the north-
east corner of the Hopkins residence.
Mr. Heustis reported that an inspection of the Minute
MINUTE MAN Man Buffeteria had been made for the renewal of their Common
BUFFETERIA Victulars License. At the time of the inspection a number off
violations to the State Sanitary Code were noted. A letter
had been written and when a re -inspection was made the pro-
prietor stated he never received this letter. Copies of this
letter will be made and hand delivered tomorrow. If the
violations are not corrected within a reasonable time this
establishment will be closed either because he has no Common
Victulars License or the Food Establishment Permit issued by
this office will be revoked.
The letter from Stanley Brown, Conservation Committee
SICKLE regarding the dump on the edge of Sickle Brook in back of
BROOK Wilson's Farm was read by the Board. Mr. Heustis explained
that during the Great Meadow Survey it was noted that Wilson
Farm was dumping debris at the edge of this brook. A site
inspection was made and NIr. Wilson stated they were not using
this dump any more, they had installed a compacting unit.
At the time of the inspection there was about one foot of
snow on the ground so it could not be determined to what ex-
tent the edge of the brook had been cleaned up after the
dumping was discontinued.
The letter to Mr. Cataldo regarding the filling of land
LAND FILL owned by Curtis K. Parker on Woburn Street opposit Marshall
WOBURN ST. Road was read by the Board. Nr. Heustis explained that this
lot was governed by the Hatch Act.
The order to Carlo Eraclio, 91 Grove Street, regarding
the discharging of waste water onto a public way thereby
91GROVE ST. creating a nuisance was approved by the Board. Yr. Heustis
explained that an inspection was made with the Town Engineer
and the Eraclio's are willing to correct this nuisance it
they can come to terms with the Town Departments.