HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-14The following permits were signed
Rubbish Permits
Northeast Disposal Co.
.Minute Mian Disposal
Day Camp (June - Aug)
:Meadow Brook Day Camp
(Christian High School
by the Ioard:
Swimming Pool Per nits
Peacock farm Association
Sun Valley Association
Middlesex Tennis Club
Hayden Recreation Centre
Christian High School
The Health Officer's Report was checked and it was noted
that the milk counts of Blue Ribbon Dairy on cream and non-
fat milk were high. Also the counts on light cream and low-
fat milk from Musgrave Farms, Billerica were very high. The
Loard was pleased that the rest of the milk companies had
kept their milk counts well within the allowable counts.
The Board instructed Mr. Heustis to watch the companies
with violations.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
APRIL 1L., 1969
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Monday, April
14, 1969, at 7:00 P.M. in the Board of health Office. ire lbers
present were: Dr. William Cosgrove, Chairman, Dr. Charles Colburn,
James W. Lambie and Robert C. h_eustis, Director of ''ublic 'r_ealth.
The minutes of the Larch 10, 1969, were approved as read.
The application for a permit to keep 2 horses was again dis-
cussed by the ioa_'d. Mr. Delfino has submitted a statement DELFIBO
signed by Samuel o: Mildred Borella granting Er. Delfino permissionA' IMiAL
to use property at 9 Ward Street for his horses. PEBi11T
Mr. Reustis said the additional land would give Mr. Delfino
the required amount of land needed to keep a horse. Be also said
tiiat at his original inspection the handling of manure was not too
good but he would instruct Mr. Delfino in the proper methods of
handling the barn wastes.
The Board voted to grant this permit to Er. Eugene Delfino
for 2 horses.
The Clerk
the regulation
before the new
asked the Loard of Health if they would like REGULATION
on The Keeping of Animals made more explicit
per:lit applications are printed.
Dr. Colburn stated that
1 'Horse per acre, but as far
that stated the requirements
Chelmsford had a ruling which states
as he knew this was the only Town
as definite as that.
The Loard instructed Mr. iieustis to rephrase the Regulation
Craeter VIII, Section 1, so that it could be discussed at the
next Board ;fleeting.
iURI ,L iir. iieustis reported that he had called the Fortheast
„ORK CifILD District aealth Office on F
Mrs. Joseehine Albright Lent, as requested, a copy of the
motion made by the northeast Boards of Health Assoc'at` n Supporting
the fluoridation of water in this district.. Mrs. Albright also sort
information of the action taken by other towns in the area to date.
The letter irom "ayor I:evin . J ite, of I oston, s aL:testing
that possibly a Program whereby additional fluoride could be placed
in the i_.D.C. water supply would be simplier and less costly if done
for the entire 1i.D.C. district instead of b each town separatel:.
The Board discussed this letter and agreed that Ha;'or W'r:.ite's
idea had merit and this letter should be answered.
Dr. Colburn moved that the leard of Health order the upward
adjustment of the fluoride content In the public water supply to
1.0 part per million. Lotion duly passed.
A legal notice will be placed in the Minute .Mian Publication
and the 3oard of ~;elects en and Public Works Department will be
notified that the L'oard of Health has ordered the fluoride adjust-
ment to the public water supply. It was also su;geoted that the
oard of Selectmen be notified of the letter from Kayo_°
The definitive subdivision plan entftled "Oak Park, Section OAK
moi," was approved subject to the conditions as stated In the :A.:r:
Whitman a: noward, Engineer's report. This subdivision will be SiCTION II
on municipal sewer but the lot grades must be kept at a minimum
elevation of 1L',0 and the propose 30 inch and 36 inch drains
The preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Village Circle" VILLAGE
was discussed by the Board. Nr. Lucas, Whitman >; Howard Engineer CIRCLE
has. requested information on street grades and profiles also
sewer and drain inverts. This subdivision will also be under
the Batch Act because the developer desires to file in or divert
a brook which runs through this property.
The preliminary plan by Colonial Development Corp. of "LARD OFF
"Land Off Bates Road" was discussed by the Board. Mr. Lucas, DATES RD"
Whitman Howard Engineer, has requested additional information
in regard to invert grades and drainage in the swamry areas.
A letter received from Hr. erbert Sherman regarding this
subdivision was discussed by the :Board. Hr. Sherman was concerned
about septic tanks because of the amount of runs -off water from
this area. However, this subdivision will be on municipal sewer
but until the required information is received no action can be
takers by the _card.
This matter was discussed and it was explained that a MIDDLESEX
few years ago the decrease in tuberculosis cases and the C'; i-. SAN
shortening of hospitalization treatment led to the closing of
sanatoriums in North Reading and Essex County. Patients from
these sections are now hospitalized at Middlesex County hospital.
The Board questioned If the towns outside 1iddlesex County were
being assessed for this service. The health Department also pays
14.40 per day per patient. The Doard instructed Mr. :tie,: stis to
attend this meeting.
T5 8
547, 537
ST. ld
The letters to Joseph 2. =urke, Superintendent of Public
forks, regarding ove:cflowing cesspools and high ground water
at 541, 537 and 5li.F, Ledford Street was disco sed b- the Loard.
r.r'ieustis recommended that public sewer be made available to
these domes as soon as possible.
The letter regarding the surface water at 18 'young St.
was approved by the Board. lir. leustis explained that each
Spring, hr. Lester Zeiff complained that the leach bed at 18
Young Street overflowed and the effluent ran down the street
and settled in his driveway at 12 '.oung Street. This year
dye was flushed into the sewage system at 18 Loung Street and
observed. Ito dye appeared on the ground surface. It was rec-
ommended that either a catch basin or storm drain be installed
before this surface water reaches the driveway at 12 'Y:oung St.
The letter to the Board of Selectmen regarding the ground
water and sewage disposal system at 90 Outlook Drive was read
by the Board.
Mr. Heustis explained that this area has petitioned for
public sewer but he understood the area had been turned down
for this year. However, he felt the health hazard caused by
the high ground water flooding the leaching field should be
brought to the Selectments attention.
The orders to Countryside Delicatessen and Countryside
Fish and Chips were approved by the 'Board.
Yr. Heustis explained that the rubbish in the rear of
these stores was a problem. Also he spoke to Mrs. Currier
about the general condition of the parking area. In this
area tenants are responsible for keeping the area around
their stores clean but when the debris blows or is scattered
in the parking area there is no one responsible for cleaning
up. He also had Airs. Currier remove a shack that was in the
rear of this area.
The order to clean the debris in the rear of Wholesale
Electronic Supply was approved by the Board. Ir. Heustis ex-
plained that this company took over Peter's Music Store and
the boxes etc from moving were in the rear of the store and
as the snow melted it was brought to our attention. This has
been taken care of.
The order to Linde Emerson, 65 Munroe Road, to correct
the condition of an overflow cesspool by connecting this
dwelling to the public sewer was approved. Mr. Heustis gave
Mr. Emerson 30 days from date of notice to correct this
The notice from the State =Health Department stating that
:dumps Vaccine was available for public clinic only for children
12 months of age through Junior High School was read by the
Dr. Colburn said he would like to see the Mumps Clinic
worked in before school closed in June.
The notice to Er. Gray on Out of State Travel was approved
by the Board.
The request by Er. James L. Williams, 10 Stratham Road, ANTRAL
to have a permit for a horse for 2 months was granted by the PElt'`iIT
Board. air. Heustis explained that hr. Williams has had the
horse and when his application for a permit was discussed last
month and the Board asked for more information on this permit
request he talked to i»'Zr. Williams. Er. Williams does not have
the required acre of land and so has decided not to keen the
horse but has requested 2 months so that he may sell this horse.
Mr. James Lambie was elected representative for the Board
to the Lexington Visiting Lurse .'-'association.
The article written by Ers. Clea Dubs, 14 Hamblen St. re-
garding "bugging" of homes was read by the Board and placed on
Yr. Heustis explained that some work had been done at the
"Old Res" but there was some question as to whether they would
get the bath house and lavatories done before the warm weather.
He wondered if the Board would approve anything on a temporary
basis. Such as temporar,d bathrooms or Johnny on the Spot type
of thing.
The Board questioned if it was a good idea to approve any-
thing on a temporary basis for public use. Portable lavatories
could be easily tipped over and could cause a health problem.
Lr. Heustis said that at the State Hearing on the Lathing
Regulations, the Regulations would. have to be met for State
accreditation but a Town could operate its own public bathing
place without State approval as long as the water met the bac-
teria standards and water clarity tests.
Dr. Cosgrove said at a Special Meeting we accepted and added
to our Regulations standards for Public Bathing Places and 1 feel
we should adhere to these regulations. I am not in favor of
approving any type of sanitary system on a temporary basis. I
feel that we approved the "Old Res" for bathing purposes on the
condition that these Regulations would be mellowed_, also they
have had all winter to work on this project.
The Loard agreed with Dr. Cosgrove that temporary facilities
at the "Old Res" would not be desirable.
L.u.K. .
r.-!eustis announced that the Department of Lental Health
hegion :11 would be holding a public hearing on April 29, 1969 HEITIAL
at Cary. Hall. This hearing will give anyone interested in lientalHEALTH
Health a chance to say what they think needs to be done „o de- REGION 0N lIl
velop better mental health and mental retardation programs for
people in the community. Statements may be made at the hearing
or a written statement may be mailed to the Region III Office at
1 :'_alalia Drive, Lexington.
The health Officer's report was checked and it Tias again noted
that the counts for Cumberland Farm I<ilk were high. Lr. Ieustis