HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-101 1 The following licenses and permits were sined b r the 20ard: Iā€¢iursin : home Approval for _some for the Aged. Sewage Disposal Permits: Suburbanite Cesspool Service 4 arba g e iiemoval Permit: Jas. 2. _`orse Co. rood Service Establishment Permits: JO__ i W. Raucci :Daniel C. I`artinez, , _obile Service Child Care Center License: Unitarian Cooperative Nursery School Installer's Permits: Suburbanite Cesspool Service N. R. Gallant Construction Co. Sears c Schofield I.eetin_; was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING JANUARY 10, 1969 The regular meeting or the Board or health was held Friday, January 10, 1969 at '(:00 P.M. in the Selectmen's Room or the Town Office Building. Members present were: Dr. Wm. Cosgrove, Dr. Charles Colburn, Mr. James Lambie, and Director of Public Health Robert Heustis. The minutes or the December lb, 196t5 meeting were ap- proved as read. The letter to Dr. (Joseph Reardon, Director of the Division of Communicable Diseases, State =ealtu Department was approved by the hoard. This letter requested advise and procedures to follow in out -breaks of communicable diseases in the schools, in tnis case,the rour cases or inr'ectious nepatitus in the Stn and btn grades at Bridge School. The Board has expressed con- cern in the limiting or the immune serum to family contacts only. Dr. Reardon's letter was read by the Board and Dr. Reardon stated that only wnen a numoer or children in the same room came down witn the disease, (this was not the case at Bridge School) would they advise the use or the immune serum for all senool contacts. In the present situation at Bridge Scnool ne would advise personal cleanliness as the best preventative for ttie spread or this disease. 9 240 JOHN & JEAN SHANAHAN Dr. Cosgrove and Dr. Colburn both. had certainly not shown good faith and received by the time the office closed posted on tne apartment at 10 Vine St. for human Habitation. i'ir. ieustis reported. and Jean Snanahan, owners that this apartment would stated in an order issued that to date the statement from John of the property at lc Vine St., st.-ting not be rented until the repairs as on September 23, 1960 nad been made. agreed that lir. Shanahan it this statement was not £'onday a placard would oe condemning it as unfit During tne meeting at 15:03 P.M. Mrs. Jean Shanahan delivered a letter to 1Ir. Heustis stating that the apartment at 10 Vine St. would not be rented until repairs were made satisfactory to the Board of Health. HANDLING Tne renal list of tne recommendations for nandling animals ANIMALS in tne scnool were read oy tne Board and placed on rile. IN SCHOOL The letters regarding a sewage problem at the nome of Dr. Robert H. Wilkinson was read by the Board. Mr. iieustis explained that this system is leaking onto tne surface of the ground and at tnis time of year it was almost impossible to get the town or the WILK1.6LONinstallers to do any extensive digging. Tne only reasonable sol - SEWAGE ution to this problem was to connect to public sewer. Tne £louse J'ttUBLEP`i is 35 years old and tne system is obsolete. Dr. Cosgrove said there was nothing we could do except to eneck and see that the nuisance was abated And as we have already recommended connection to public sewer as soon as possible it was out of our nands. Tne only thing he could see would be that Dr. Wilkinson will nave to nave this system pumped frequently until the weather permits the connection to public sewer. Dr. Colburn said ne agreed and according to nis letter Dr. Wilkinson nad tnis problem b montns ago when ne moved into the house and waited until now to bring it to our attention. The letter from Miss Helene C. Press thanking the Board for LETTERS tne action taken in a nesting problem she read in £ler apartment RECEIVED was read and places on file. 19 YUBLIU SEWER WURi ORDERS Tne letter from Town Counsel, Donald Legro stating that as Article 11, oithe Sanitary Code nad been accepted by the Secretary of State on September 30, 1960 it was already an effective law and, tnerefore, it was not necessary for local boards to adopt it nor need it be published in tne paper by the local boards. The list of proposed public sewer work for 1969 was placed on rile by the :board. Tne Board stated Mr. Heustis knew or the trouble spots so it would be up to nim to notify public works so they may adjust tneir budget. Tne order to Jas. F. Morse, rendering company, 66 Norfolk Roxoury was approved. The Morse truck was transporting fats in town without a canvas cover as required. The order to ,Minute Man Buffeteria on Marrett Road was ap- proved by the Board. A carbon copy or tnis order was also sent to ieinast Cleaners, inc., owners or tne building. Ave. etc. Cr 1.44 1 1 241 Ir. neust:is reported that the wall and ceiling were leaking around the door, flooring was needed in tne lavatory and also the back storage area. Tnese repairs are being made and snould be done by the first of next week. - Tne clerk reported that Mr. Lucas of Whitman'Howard, Inc., consulting engineer for the Board of healtn, had called to let us know that the Middlesex Society of Civil Engineer's had made a survey of fee schedules and depending on tne classification of the engineer sent out for consultation the fees will range from 46.00 to 415.00 per Hour. Tne Board cnecked the budget and agreed that at this time it was not necessary to request a larger appropriation. The animal application for Ni. Patrick 1'iontuori, Lot #6, MONTUURI 12 Paddock Lane, Bridle Path Estates was denied because of ANIMAL insufficient land and also because of tne low swampy land to P'RcIT the rear of this lot. Dr. Colburn asked if Dr. Foley's earn had been cnecked lately, also now many horses ne was keeping at the present time. Tne clerk reported that Jane Foley had called requesting FOLEY permission to bring extra horses in for the November 11, 1960 HORSES parade and also for a horse snow. Tne Board said that was all right as long as we were notified before the extra horses were brought in. The clerk asked the Board if tney would mind changing Board Meeting night to a different than rvriday. Ai'ter a snort discussion it was agreed to try Monday nights in the Board of health office. The next meeting will be the first Monday in iebruary. Tne following permits were signed by the Board: INSTALLER PERMITS A.A. Cesspoos Co. Rite -Clean Uesspool John F. Daley GARBAGE PERMITS Corenco Corp. Stanley Roketenetz, Inc. RUBBISH PERMITS City Sanitation Co, Inc. Allstate Disposal - doa Old Colony Fred Miller & Sons James A. .reaney, Inc. Sullivan Trucking SEWAGE DISPOSAL PERMITS Jowl Zanni Electric Sewer R. E. Andrews & Co. Joseph H. App Co., Inc. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. SYRINGE PERMIT Amicon Corp. Paone's Disposal Fitz's Disposal Howard Disposal Corp. Val & Sons Rite -Clean Cesspool Verner T. All A.A. Cesspool Co.